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                             BLRIMAST FILE

                           Recurring Invoice

The Recurring Invoice file stores the parameters for a specific type of
service or combination of services. This sets the default for all customer
recurring invoices having the same recurring invoice number.


BL230     BL231     BL232     BL33.1    BL331     BL34.1


BL30.1    BL30.2    BL30.3    BL30.5    BL31.1    BL31.2
BL31.3    BL31.5    BL31.7    BL32.1    BL32.2    BL32.3
BL32.4    BL330


BRM-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   BL30.1  BL30.2
Company              The company number represents an            BL30.3  BL30.5
                     established company and is entered on       BL31.1  BL31.2
                     all function codes.                         BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.1
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-RECUR-INVOICE    Alpha 10                                    BL30.1  BL30.2
Recur Invoice        The unique recurring invoice identifier.    BL30.3  BL30.5
                                                                 BL31.1  BL31.2
                                                                 BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.1
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-DESCRIPTION      Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      BL30.1  BL30.2
Description          This field displays the description.        BL30.3  BL30.5
                                                                 BL31.1  BL31.2
                                                                 BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.1
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-INVC-TYPE        Alpha 4                                     BL30.1  BL30.2
Invoice Type         The invoice type for invoices created       BL30.3  BL30.5
                     for this recurring invoice.                 BL31.1  BL31.2
                                                                 BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.1
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-LIST-NAME        Alpha 14                                    BL30.1  BL30.2
List Name            The price list to use for all invoices      BL30.3  BL30.5
                     created for this recurring invoice. If      BL31.1  BL31.2
                     you do not enter this, the price list       BL31.3  BL31.5
                     for the customer will be used when          BL31.7  BL32.1
                     creating the invoices.                      BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-CURRENCY-CODE    Alpha 5                                     BL30.1  BL30.2
Currency Code        This field contains the company's base      BL30.3  BL30.5
                     currency code established in the General    BL31.1  BL31.2
                     Ledger system.                              BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.1
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-TERMS-CD         Alpha 5                                     BL30.1  BL30.2
Terms Code           The terms code to use for invoices          BL30.3  BL30.5
                     created because of the recurring            BL31.1  BL31.2
                     invoice. If left blank, the customer's      BL31.3  BL31.5
                     terms code is used when the invoices are    BL31.7  BL32.1
                     created.                                    BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-REFERENCE        Alpha 10  (Lower Case)                      BL30.1  BL30.2
Reference            The reference number associated with        BL30.3  BL30.5
                     the transaction.                            BL31.1  BL31.2
                                                                 BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.1
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-PROCESS-LEVEL    Alpha 5                                     BL30.1  BL30.2
Process Level        This field contains the process level,      BL30.3  BL30.5
                     which is the reporting hierarchy below      BL31.1  BL31.2
                     company.                                    BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.1
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-LOCATION         Alpha 5                                     BL30.1  BL30.2
Location Code        This field contains a valid stock           BL30.3  BL30.5
                     location within the company inventory.      BL31.1  BL31.2
                                                                 BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.1
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-TERRITORY        Alpha 4                                     BL30.1  BL30.2
Sales Territory      Sales territory. Invoices created for       BL30.3  BL30.5
                     this recurring invoice will have this       BL31.1  BL31.2
                     territory code. If left blank, the          BL31.3  BL31.5
                     invoice territory will default from the     BL31.7  BL32.1
                     customer at the time of creation.           BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-SALESMAN         Numeric 4                                   BL30.1  BL30.2
Salesman Number      This field contains the code that           BL30.3  BL30.5
                     represents the primary sales                BL31.1  BL31.2
                     representative of this line. If left        BL31.3  BL31.5
                     blank, this defaults from the customer      BL31.7  BL32.1
                     file.                                       BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-SALESMAN-2       Numeric 4                                   BL30.1  BL30.2
Salesman Number 2    This field contains the code                BL30.3  BL30.5
                     representing the second sales               BL31.1  BL31.2
                     representative. This defaults from the      BL31.3  BL31.5
                     customer file.                              BL31.7  BL32.1
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-COMM-RATE-1      Percent 7.5  (Percent)                      BL30.1  BL30.2
Commission Rate for  This field contains the commission rate     BL30.3  BL30.5
Slsmn 1              of the primary sales representative.        BL31.1  BL31.2
                     This defaults from the customer file.       BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.1
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-COMM-RATE-2      Percent 7.5  (Percent)                      BL30.1  BL30.2
Commission Rate for  This field contains the commission rate     BL30.3  BL30.5
Slsmn 2              for the second sales representative.        BL31.1  BL31.2
                     This defaults from the customer file.       BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.1
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-COMM-SPLIT       Percent 5.3  (Percent)                      BL30.1  BL30.2
Commission Split     This field contains the commission          BL30.3  BL30.5
Percentage           split. This defaults from the customer      BL31.1  BL31.2
                     file.                                       BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.1
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-FREQUENCY        Alpha 1                                     BL30.1  BL30.2
Frequency            The billing frequency. This option          BL30.3  BL30.5
                     determines how often a customer getting     BL31.1  BL31.2
                     this service is billed.                     BL31.3  BL31.5
                     W = Weekly                                  BL31.7  BL32.1
                     S = Semi-Monthly                            BL32.2  BL32.3
                     M = Monthly                                 BL32.4
                     Q = Quarterly
                     Y = Yearly
                     U = User Defined

BRM-CYCLE-CODE       Alpha 3                                     BL30.1  BL30.2
Cycle Code           The user-defined cycle code. Used to        BL30.3  BL30.5
                     group recurring invoices for creation at    BL31.1  BL31.2
                     a level lower than frequency.               BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.1
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-BILL-MONTH       Numeric 2                                   BL30.1  BL30.2
Bill Month           Indicates which month the invoice is        BL30.3  BL30.5
                     due. This is valid only for quarterly       BL31.1  BL31.2
                     and yearly billing frequencies. For a       BL31.3  BL31.5
                     quarterly frequency, the valid values       BL31.7  BL32.1
                     are 1 through 3, and for a yearly           BL32.2  BL32.3
                     frequency, valid values are 1 through       BL32.4
                     01 = January
                     02 = February
                     03 = March
                     04 = April
                     05 = May
                     06 = June
                     07 = July
                     08 = August
                     09 = September
                     10 = October
                     11 = November
                     12 = December

BRM-BILL-DAY         Numeric 2                                   BL30.1  BL30.2
Bill Day             The day of the month an invoice is due.     BL30.3  BL30.5
                     This field is used for computing the        BL31.1  BL31.2
                     billing date; it is valid for               BL31.3  BL31.5
                     semi-monthly, monthly, quarterly, and       BL31.7  BL32.1
                     yearly billing frequencies. For a           BL32.2  BL32.3
                     semi-monthly invoice, values 1 through      BL32.4
                     15 are valid and for other frequencies,
                     values 1 through 31 are valid. If the
                     day entered is greater than the
                     available number of days in a billing
                     month, the last day of that month is
                     used to compute the billing date.

BRM-BILL-DAY-OF-WK   Numeric 1                                   BL30.1  BL30.2
Bill Day Of Wk       The day of the week the invoice is for.     BL30.3  BL30.5
                     This is valid only for weekly billing       BL31.1  BL31.2
                     frequency.                                  BL31.3  BL31.5
                     1 = Sunday                                  BL31.7  BL32.1
                     2 = Monday                                  BL32.2  BL32.3
                     3 = Tuesday                                 BL32.4
                     4 = Wednesday
                     5 = Thursday
                     6 = Friday
                     7 = Saturday

BRM-NBR-OF-INVCS     Numeric 3                                   BL30.1  BL30.2
Nbr Of Invcs         The total number of invoices to be          BL30.3  BL30.5
                     created for this recurring invoice.         BL31.1  BL31.2
                                                                 BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.1
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-START-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       BL30.1  BL30.2
Start Date           Indicates when the template went into       BL30.3  BL30.5
                     effect. This determines when a customer     BL31.1  BL31.2
                     recurring invoice can be created.           BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.1
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-STOP-DATE        Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       BL30.1  BL30.2
Stop Date            The stop date for this template. After      BL30.3  BL30.5
                     this date, a customer service contract      BL31.1  BL31.2
                     can no longer be created. An existing       BL31.3  BL31.5
                     customer recurring invoice can still be     BL31.7  BL32.1
                     effective after this date.                  BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-CURR-BILL-DATE   Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       BL30.1  BL30.2
Curr Bill Date       This indicates the current billing date     BL30.3  BL30.5
                     for this recurring invoice. This is used    BL31.1  BL31.2
                     as the basis to calculate the next          BL31.3  BL31.5
                     billing date for all billing frequencies    BL31.7  BL32.1
                     except the user-defined frequency. If       BL32.2  BL32.3
                     this field has zero value, the current      BL32.4
                     date is used as the basis to calculate
                     the next billing date.

BRM-ACTIVITY         Alpha 15                                    BL30.1  BL30.2
Activity             Activities are the processes or             BL30.3  BL30.5
                     procedures that produce work. Cost          BL31.1  BL31.2
                     objects (products, services, customers,     BL31.3  BL31.5
                     and so on) are the reasons for              BL31.7  BL32.1
                     performing the activity. Activities and     BL32.2  BL32.3
                     cost object activities are used             BL32.4
                     synonymously in the Activity Management
                     system. Direct costs are posted to
                     activities, and indirect costs are
                     allocated to activities based on
                     activity drivers.

                     Activities are grouped or organized by
                     activity levels. There are two types of
                     activities: "posting allowed" and
                     "summary only." Use posting level
                     activities to budget and maintain all
                     posted transactions. Summary activities
                     or macro activities combine information
                     and balances from lower level activities
                     for reporting and inquiries.

BRM-ACCT-CATEGORY    Alpha 5                                     BL30.1  BL30.2
Account Category     Account categories are groupings of         BL30.3  BL30.5
                     costs, revenues, or a combination of        BL31.1  BL31.2
                     both used for reporting and inquiries       BL31.3  BL31.5
                     for activities in the Activity              BL31.7  BL32.1
                     Management system. All transactions are     BL32.2  BL32.3
                     posted to an account category within an     BL32.4
                     activity. You can assign a specific
                     general ledger account or range of
                     accounts (company, accounting unit,
                     account, and subaccount) that make up
                     the transactions posted to an account
                     category using AC07.1 (Account

                     Period-to-date, year-to-date, and
                     life-to-date balances are maintained by
                     account category for activities. Account
                     categories must be assigned to
                     activities before you do any budgeting
                     or transaction processing.

BRM-STD-COMM1        Alpha 4                                     BL30.1  BL30.2
Std Comm1            The standard comment code. This comment     BL30.3  BL30.5
                     code will be attached to all customer       BL31.1  BL31.2
                     recurring invoices created.                 BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.1
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-STD-COMM2        Alpha 4                                     BL30.1  BL30.2
Std Comm2            The standard comment code. This comment     BL30.3  BL30.5
                     code will be attached to all customer       BL31.1  BL31.2
                     recurring invoices created.                 BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.1
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-STD-COMM3        Alpha 4                                     BL30.1  BL30.2
Std Comm3            The standard comment code. This comment     BL30.3  BL30.5
                     code will be attached to all customer       BL31.1  BL31.2
                     recurring invoices created.                 BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.1
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-TRANS-USER1      Alpha 10                                    BL30.1  BL30.2
Trans User1          User field 1.                               BL30.3  BL30.5
                                                                 BL31.1  BL31.2
                                                                 BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.1
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-TRANS-USER2      Alpha 15                                    BL30.1  BL30.2
Trans User2          User field 2.                               BL30.3  BL30.5
                                                                 BL31.1  BL31.2
                                                                 BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.1
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-TRANS-USER3      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       BL30.1  BL30.2
Trans User3          User field 3.                               BL30.3  BL30.5
                                                                 BL31.1  BL31.2
                                                                 BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.1
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-TRANS-USER4      Numeric 9                                   BL30.1  BL30.2
Trans User4          User field 4.                               BL30.3  BL30.5
                                                                 BL31.1  BL31.2
                                                                 BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.1
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-TRANS-USER5      Signed 13.2                                 BL30.1  BL30.2
Trans User5          User field 5.                               BL30.3  BL30.5
                                                                 BL31.1  BL31.2
                                                                 BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.1
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-LAST-LINE-NBR    Numeric 6                                   BL30.1  BL30.2
Last Line Number     This is the number of the last line         BL30.3  BL30.5
                     item added. It is used to determine the     BL31.1  BL31.2
                     number when the next line is added.         BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.1
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-LAST-MISC-SEQ    Numeric 3                                   BL30.1  BL30.2
Last Misc Code       Last sequence number used for add-on        BL30.3  BL30.5
Sequence             charges for this recurring invoice.         BL31.1  BL31.2
                                                                 BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.1
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-LAST-COMM-SEQ    Numeric 3                                   BL30.1  BL30.2
Last Comment         This is the sequence number of the last     BL30.3  BL30.5
Sequence Number      comment line entered for this line.         BL31.1  BL31.2
                                                                 BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.1
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

BRM-USED-FL          Alpha 1                                     BL30.1  BL30.2
Used                 Flag to indicate whether this recurring     BL30.3  BL30.5
                     invoice has or did have any customer        BL31.1  BL31.2
                     recurring invoices created for it.          BL31.3  BL31.5
                     Y = Yes                                     BL31.7  BL32.1
                     N = No                                      BL32.2  BL32.3

                         BLRIMAST FILE INDEX


BRMSET1   COMPANY                                                BL230   BL231
          RECUR-INVOICE                                          BL232   BL30.1
                                                                 BL30.2  BL30.3
                                                                 BL30.5  BL31.1
                                                                 BL31.2  BL31.3
                                                                 BL31.5  BL31.7
                                                                 BL32.1  BL32.2
                                                                 BL32.3  BL32.4
                                                                 BL33.1  BL330
                                                                 BL331   BL34.1

BRMSET2   COMPANY       KeyChange

                         BLRIMAST FILE RELATIONS



Blrimsgblk     BLRIMSGBLK   Not Required

                            BRM-COMPANY          -> MSG-COMPANY  (MSGSET1)
                            BRM-RECUR-INVOICE    -> MSG-RECUR-INVOICE
                            Zeroes               -> MSG-LINE-NBR
                            Zeroes               -> MSG-SEQ

Cucodes        CUCODES      Required

                            BRM-CURRENCY-CODE    -> CUC-CURRENCY-CODE

Iclocation     ICLOCATION   Required
                            When BRM-LOCATION != Spaces

                            BRM-COMPANY          -> ICL-COMPANY
                            BRM-LOCATION         -> ICL-LOCATION

Oecommhdr1     OECOMMHDR    Not Required
                            Valid When BRM-STD-COMM1 != Spaces

                            BRM-COMPANY          -> OCH-COMPANY
                            BRM-STD-COMM1        -> OCH-STD-COMM

Oecommhdr2     OECOMMHDR    Not Required
                            Valid When BRM-STD-COMM2 != Spaces

                            BRM-COMPANY          -> OCH-COMPANY
                            BRM-STD-COMM2        -> OCH-STD-COMM

Oecommhdr3     OECOMMHDR    Not Required
                            Valid When BRM-STD-COMM3 != Spaces

                            BRM-COMPANY          -> OCH-COMPANY
                            BRM-STD-COMM3        -> OCH-STD-COMM

Oecompany      OECOMPANY    Required

                            BRM-COMPANY          -> OEC-COMPANY

Oeinvctype     OEINVCTYPE   Required

                            BRM-COMPANY          -> OIN-COMPANY
                            BRM-INVC-TYPE        -> OIN-INVC-TYPE

Oeprclist      OEPRCLIST    Not Required
                            Valid When BRM-LIST-NAME != Spaces

                            BRM-COMPANY          -> OPL-COMPANY
                            Spaces               -> OPL-CUSTOMER
                            BRM-LIST-NAME        -> OPL-LIST-NAME
                            Spaces               -> OPL-PROMOTION

Oeproclev      OEPROCLEV    Required

                            BRM-COMPANY          -> OEP-COMPANY
                            BRM-PROCESS-LEVEL    -> OEP-PROCESS-LEVEL

Salesman       SALESREP     Required
                            When BRM-SALESMAN != Zeroes

                            BRM-COMPANY          -> SAW-COMPANY
                            BRM-SALESMAN         -> SAW-SALESMAN

Salesman2      SALESREP     Required
                            When BRM-SALESMAN-2 != Zeroes

                            BRM-COMPANY          -> SAW-COMPANY
                            BRM-SALESMAN-2       -> SAW-SALESMAN

Terms          TERMS        Required
                            When BRM-TERMS-CD != Spaces

                            BRM-TERMS-CD         -> TMS-TERMS-CD

Territory      TERITORY     Required
                            When BRM-TERRITORY != Spaces

                            BRM-COMPANY          -> TRY-COMPANY
                            BRM-TERRITORY        -> TRY-TERRITORY

                         BLRIMAST FILE RELATIONS



Oecustsrvc     BLRICUST

                            BRM-COMPANY          -> BRC-COMPANY
                            BRM-RECUR-INVOICE    -> BRC-RECUR-INVOICE

Oemscomm       BLRIMCOMM

                            BRM-COMPANY          -> BMC-COMPANY
                            BRM-RECUR-INVOICE    -> BMC-RECUR-INVOICE
                            Zeroes               -> BMC-LINE-NBR

Oemsline       BLRIMLINE

                            BRM-COMPANY          -> BML-COMPANY
                            BRM-RECUR-INVOICE    -> BML-RECUR-INVOICE

Oemsmisc       BLRIMMISC

                            BRM-COMPANY          -> BMM-COMPANY
                            BRM-RECUR-INVOICE    -> BMM-RECUR-INVOICE
                            Zeroes               -> BMM-LINE-NBR