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                             CBCTRANS FILE

                     Bank Transaction Conversion/In

The Bank Transaction Conversion file is used by the Bank Transaction Interface
program to convert or interface bank transaction records to the Lawson Cash
Ledger system and, optionally, to convert cash payment transaction records to
the Lawson Accounts Payable system.

When you run CB500 (Bank Transaction Interface), the system reads records in
this file for conversion or interface into the Cash Ledger Bank Transaction
file and, if applicable, the Accounts Payable Cash Payment file. When the Bank
Transaction Conversion file records are successfully converted or interfaced,
they are purged from this file.




CVC-CASH-CODE        Alpha 4
Cash Code            Required. The cash code. Represents a
                     bank account. Must be a valid record in
                     the Cash Code file.

Transaction Code     Required. The bank transaction code.
                     Represents a type of cash payment, bill
                     of exchange payment, or bank service.
                     Must be a valid record in the Bank
                     Transaction Code file.

CVC-TRANS-NBR        Alpha 10  (Right Justified)                 CB500
Transaction Number   Required. The bank transaction number.
                     The value should be loaded right
                     justified. If loading a numeric value,
                     use leading spaces rather than leading

CVC-COMPANY          Numeric 4
Company              Required. The company number that
                     initiated the bank transaction. Must be
                     a valid record in the General Ledger
                     Company file and a valid relationship
                     record must exist in the Company-Cash
                     Code Relationship file. If the Source
                     Code field is AP, the Company field must
                     be the Pay Post Company assigned to the
                     pay group.

CVC-VENDOR           Alpha 9  (Right Justified)
Vendor ID            Required if the Source Code field = AP.
                     This field contains the accounts payable
                     vendor number associated with the bank
                     transaction. Must be a valid record in
                     the Accounts Payable Vendor file. Load
                     numeric values right justified with
                     leading spaces.

CVC-REC-STATUS       Numeric 1
Record Status        Required. The bank transaction record
                     status. Determines the status of the
                     bank transaction in the Lawson Cash
                     Ledger system. Valid values are:

                     1 = Open (Unreconciled).
                     2 = Reconciled.
                     3 = Voided.

CVC-SOURCE-CODE      Alpha 2
Source Code          Required. Identifies the source of the
                     transaction. If this field = AP, CB500
                     (Bank Transaction Interface) will update
                     the Accounts Payable Cash Payment file.
                     Valid values are:

                     AP = Accounts Payable.
                     CB = Cash Ledger.

CVC-ISSUE-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)
Issued Date          Required. The date of the bank

CVC-ISSUE-BNK-AMT    Signed 15.2
Account Currency     Required. The amount of the bank
Issued Amount        transaction in the currency of the bank

CVC-ISSUE-BASE-AMT   Signed 15.2                                 CB500
Base Currency        Required if the bank account currency
Issued Amount        is different from the company base
                     currency. The amount of the bank
                     transaction in the currency of the
                     company responsible for generating the

CVC-RECON-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)
Reconciliation or    Required if the Record Status field = 2
Void Date            (Reconciled) or 3 (Voided). The
                     reconciliation or void date of the bank

CVC-RECON-BNK-AMT    Signed 15.2
Acct Currency        Required if the Record Status field = 2
Reconciled Amt       (Reconciled). The amount of the bank
                     transaction recognized by the bank in
                     the currency of the bank account.

CVC-RECON-BASE-AMT   Signed 15.2
Base Currency        Required if the Record Status field = 2
Reconciled Amt       (Reconciled) and the bank account
                     currency is different from the company
                     base currency. The reconciled amount of
                     the bank transaction in the company base
                     currency. If the bank account currency
                     is the same as the company base
                     currency, this value equals the amount
                     in the Account Currency Reconciled
                     Amount field.

CVC-DESCRIPTION      Alpha 30  (Lower Case)
Description          The bank transaction description. The
                     field accepts both upper and lower case

CVC-REFERENCE        Alpha 10  (Lower Case)
Reference            The reference value assigned to the
                     transaction. Used for informational

Accounting Unit      Use this field ONLY if the bank
                     transaction has NOT been posted to the
                     general ledger and you want CB500 (Bank
                     Transaction Interface) to create general
                     ledger transaction distributions. The
                     Record Status field must = 1
                     (Open/Unreconciled) or 2 (Reconciled),
                     and the Source Code field must = CB.

                     The general ledger distribution
                     accounting unit used for posting the
                     bank transaction. Must be a valid record
                     in the General Ledger Names file. If
                     present, CB500 creates unposted
                     transaction distribution records in the
                     Transaction Distribution file for this
                     account and offset transaction
                     distribution records for the cash
                     account. These transaction distributions
                     are posted to the general ledger when
                     you run CB175 (Bank Transaction

                     Leave this field blank if the bank
                     transaction has already been posted to
                     the general ledger and you do NOT want a
                     general ledger distribution to be
                     created for the bank transaction.

CVC-DIS-ACCOUNT      Numeric 6
Account Number       Use this field ONLY if the bank
                     transaction has NOT been posted to the
                     general ledger and you want CB500 (Bank
                     Transaction Interface) to create general
                     ledger transaction distributions. The
                     Record Status field must = 1
                     (Open/Unreconciled) or 2 (Reconciled).

                     The general ledger distribution account
                     number used for posting the bank
                     transaction. Must be a valid record in
                     the General Ledger Account Master file.
                     If present, CB500 creates unposted
                     transaction distribution records in the
                     Transaction Distribution file for this
                     account and offset transaction
                     distribution records for the cash
                     account. These transaction distributions
                     are posted to the general ledger when
                     you run CB175 (Bank Transaction

                     Leave this field blank if the bank
                     transaction has already been posted to
                     the general ledger and you do NOT want a
                     general ledger distribution to be
                     created for the bank transaction.

CVC-DIS-SUB-ACCT     Numeric 4
Subaccount Number    Use this field ONLY if the bank
                     transaction has NOT been posted to the
                     general ledger and you want CB500 (Bank
                     Transaction Interface) to create general
                     ledger transaction distributions. The
                     Record Status field must = 1
                     (Open/Unreconciled) or 2 (Reconciled).

                     The general ledger distribution
                     subaccount number used for posting the
                     bank transaction. Must be a valid record
                     in the General Ledger Account Master
                     file. If present, CB500 creates unposted
                     transaction distribution records in the
                     Transaction Distribution file for this
                     account and offset transaction
                     distribution records for the cash
                     account. These transaction distributions
                     are posted to the general ledger when
                     you run CB175 (Bank Transaction

                     Leave this field blank if the bank
                     transaction has already been posted to
                     the general ledger and you do NOT want a
                     general ledger distribution to be
                     created for the bank transaction.

CVC-TAX-CODE         Alpha 10
Tax Code             Use this field ONLY if you want CB500
                     (Bank Transaction Interface) to create a
                     general ledger tax distribution for the
                     bank transaction.

                     The tax code associated with the bank
                     transaction. Used to calculate bank
                     transaction tax information. Must be a
                     valid record in the Tax Code file. If
                     present, CB500 creates an unposted tax
                     distribution record for the Tax Amount
                     in the Transaction Distribution file.
                     The difference between the Transaction
                     Amount and the Tax Amount will be posted
                     to the Distribution Account assigned to
                     the bank transaction.

                     Leave this field blank if the bank
                     transaction has already been posted to
                     the general ledger and you do NOT want a
                     general ledger tax distribution to be
                     created for the bank transaction.

CVC-TRAN-TAXABLE     Signed 15.2
Taxable Amount       Required if a Tax Code is present. The
                     taxable amount of the bank transaction.

CVC-TRAN-TAX-AMT     Signed 15.2                                 CB500
Tax Amount           Use this field ONLY if you want CB500
                     (Bank Transaction Interface) to create a
                     general ledger tax distribution for the
                     bank transaction.

                     The tax amount of the bank transaction.
                     If left blank and a Tax Code is present,
                     this amount will be calculated.
                     Represents the amount to be posted to
                     the general ledger for the tax
                     distribution. If present, CB500 creates
                     an unposted tax distribution record for
                     the Tax Amount in the Transaction
                     Distribution file. The difference
                     between the Transaction Amount and the
                     Tax Amount will be posted to the
                     Distribution Account assigned to the
                     bank transaction.

                     Leave this field blank if the bank
                     transaction has already been posted to
                     the general ledger and you do NOT want a
                     general ledger tax distribution to be
                     created for the bank transaction.

Journal Book         Use this field ONLY if you want CB500
                     (Bank Transaction Interface) to create a
                     general ledger journal book distribution
                     for the bank transaction.

                     The journal book associated with the
                     bank transaction. Must be a valid record
                     in the Journal Book Header file.

                     Leave this field blank if the bank
                     transaction has already been posted to
                     the general ledger and you do NOT want a
                     general ledger tax distribution to be
                     created for the bank transaction.

CVC-ISSUE-TRAN-AMT   Signed 15.2                                 CB500
Trans Currency       The amount of the transaction in the
Issued Amount        currency of the transaction.

CVC-BNK-CNV-RATE     Signed 12.6                                 CB500
Bank Currency        The exchange rate used to convert the
Exchange Rate        transaction currency to the bank account

CVC-CURRENCY-CODE    Alpha 5                                     CB500
Currency Code        The currency of the transaction. Must be
                     a valid record in the Lawson Currency

CVC-BANK-ND          Numeric 1                                   CB500
Bank Currency Nbr    The number of decimal positions defined
of Decimals          for the bank account currency.

CVC-TRAN-ND          Numeric 1                                   CB500
Transaction Number   The number of decimal positions defined
of Decimals          for the transaction currency.

CVC-STMT-STATUS      Numeric 1
Statement Status     The status of the bank statement
                     associated with the transaction.

CVC-PAY-GROUP        Alpha 4
Pay Group            The pay group assigned to the
                     transaction. This field is required if
                     the Source Code field is AP.

CVC-ORIG-CNV-RATE    Signed 12.6                                 CB500
Exchange Rate        Represents the currency exchange rate
                     the transaction was created with.

User Analysis        This field identifies the user analysis
                     values included in the transaction.

                     You can either type up to four values
                     or use Define (F6) to open the User
                     Analysis Entry subform. Use this subform
                     to select the user analysis values you
                     want to include in the transaction. If
                     you choose to type values, use commas to
                     separate them. For example:

                     There are three conditions that affect
                     how you can select user analysis values.
                     See the User Analysis Entry form help or
                     the Strategic Ledger procedures manual
                     for additional information.

                         CBCTRANS FILE INDEX


CVCSET1   CASH-CODE     This index is used to access bank        CB500
          BANK-INST-CODEtransaction conversion or interface
          TRANS-NBR     records from the bank transaction
                        conversion/interface file.