Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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AR115 - EFT Payment Creation

**Form Purpose
Run EFT Payment Creation (AR115) to create ACH or non-formatted payments, and
apply payments to eligible open items. Payments are created for each customer
at the customer group/EFT national account level.

IMPORTANT: Before you run EFT Payment Creation (AR115) for the first time,
you must creat directories for the payment files. The directories you create
depend on how you process EFT payments:

If you do EFT processing at the Company level, create the following
directories for each AR company that uses the EFT process (were XXXX is the AR
company number):
 - LAWDIR/productline/work/EFTACHXXXX
 - LAWDIR/productline/work/EFTBCSXXXX
 - LAWDIR/productline/work/EFTNONXXXX

If you do EFT processing at the Customer Group level, create the following
 - LAWDIR/productline/work/AR115ACHTAPE
 - LAWDIR/productline/work/AR115BACSTAPE
 - LAWDIR/prodcutline/work/AR115NONTAPE

Updated Files

    ACCOMMIT   -


    ARAPPLIED  - Application record created for open items.

    ARCOMP     - Updated with last payment batch number used.

    ARCUSTOMER - Used to validate customer.

    ARCUSTPER  - Used to validate customer transaction period record.

    ARDISTRIB  - Distribution record created for created memo processing.

    AROIHDR    - Open item header record created for created memo processing.

    AROITEMS   - Open item record created for created memo processing, and EFT
                 status updated.

    AROPIVOT   -

    ARPAYMENT  - Payment record created representing funds received and for
                 application to open items.

    ARPROCLEVL - Used flag updated.

    ARPYMNTHDR - Payment header record created for batch of payment records.

    ARSADJUST  - Temporary application adjustment record created.

    ARSAPPLIED - Temporary application record created.

    ARSUMMARY  - Part of process level validation.



    ARXIND     -

    CBBANKENT  - Used as part of cash ledger validation.

    CBBANKINST - Used as part of payment code validation.

    CBCASHCODE - Used as part of cash code validation.

    CBCPYCASH  - Used as part of cash ledger validation.

    CBDISTRIB  - Used as part of cash ledger validation.

    CBTRANS    - Creates cash ledger transaction record.

    CKPOINT    - Used for restart purposes.

    CUSTDESC   - Validates customer description record.

    DTCUSTBANK - Validates Bills of Exchange bank accounts.

    FTTRANS    - EFT transaction record created for open items.

    GLCOMMIT   -


    JBOOKHDR   - Used in journal book processing.

    NATBALANCE - National account balance updated for with payment amount.

    TERMS      - Used to validate terms code.

    TXCODEMAST - Validates tax code flag.

    TXCOMPANY  - Validates tax code company.

    TXTAXCODE  - Validates tax codes.

    TXTAXTABLE - Validates tax table transaction records.

    TXTAXTRAN  - Creates tax transaction records for distribution taxable
                 distribution lines.

Referenced Files


    ACACTGRP   -


    APACCRCODE - Used as part of vendor validation.

    APCOMPANY  - Used as part of vendor validation.

    APVENGROUP - Used as part of vendor validation.

    ARCODE     - Used to validate general ledger accounts receivable code.

    ARCUSTGRP  - Used to validate customer group.

    AROPTR     - Used to validate operator.

    ARREASON   - Validates reason code record.

    CBADJUST   - Used as part of cash ledger validation.

    CBBALANCE  - Used as part of cash ledger validation.



    CBUSER     - Used as part of cash ledger validation.

    CBUSRCLASS - Used as part of cash ledger validation.

    CRANALYST  - Validates credit analyst code.

    CUCONV     - Used as part of currency validation.

    CURELAT    -


    FTCUSTNOTE - Used to validate customer notification method.

    GLADDRESS  - Validates general ledger company information.

    GLCHART    - Used as part of general ledger account validation.

    GLCODES    - Used to validate system control.

    GLNAMES    -

    GLSYSTEM   - Used as part of general ledger account validation.

    JBKOPCODE  - Used in journal book processing.

    JBKSYSCODE - Used in journal book processing.

    NATACCT    - Used to validate national account customer relationship.



    TXTAXRATE  - Validates tax rate.

    WFSETUP    -

INVOKED Programs
