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GL130 - Chart Map Creation

**Form Purpose
Run Chart Map Creation (GL130) to create a chart map between two companies
that use different charts of accounts and need to produce merged financial

**More Information
To produce merged financial statements, you must create a company and chart
of accounts that will be used for reporting (To Company) and map, one company
at a time, the posting accounts of each company to be included in the report
(From Company) to the posting accounts of the reporting company. You can check
and fine-tune your chart map using GL35.1 (Chart Map Maintenance). (You can,
for example, assign a distinct account unit to each From Company in the chart
of Accounts of the To Company.)

To post balances from a From Company to the To Company, run GL199 (Period
Closing) on the From Company, then run GL135 (Intercompany Chart Map Posting).

After you have posted all the balances for all the companies for one period,
run GL190 (Journal Posting) on the To Company.

Use the Report Writer to generate financial reports from the "To Company."

$8 GL1341
**Form Purpose
Run Intracompany Chart Map Create (GL134) to create a chart map between a
company chart of accounts and a statutory chart of accounts for period and
annual financial reporting.

**More Information
Some countries require that company reporting practices conform to a
predescribed and statutory chart of accounts. The chart mapping process
provides intracompany chart mapping capability from a company chart detail
account to an account in a statutory chart.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - Maintains Checkpoint/Restart information.

    GLCHMAP    - Maintains and validates chart maps. Chart maps are identified
                 by the From Company and To Company numbers.

    GLCHMAPDTL - Maintains the actual chart map details at the account
                 unit/account/subaccount level.

Referenced Files

    GLMASTER   - Maintains chart of account information.

    GLSYSTEM   - Maintains GL company information.

    WFSETUP    -