Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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GL190 - Journal Posting

**Form Purpose
Run Journal Posting (GL190) to post journal entries. The program posts
released journal entries created in the General Ledger system, interfaced from
a non-Lawson application, or transferred from other Lawson applications. If
you use a ProcessFlow system for approving journal entries, the journal
entries that require approval must be approved before you can post them to the
general ledger.

**Processing Effect
The Journal Posting program

- posts released journal entries with a posting date less than or equal to
the Through Posting Date you define,

- updates automatic reversing journal entries if you set a transaction line
to auto reverse when you define your header information,

- creates balancing entries for interzone journal entries,

- creates auto-balancing entries for recurring journal entries that were
created in currencies other than the company base currency and posts them
either to the auto-balancing system account (if the company uses the
auto-balancing option) or the error suspense account (if the company does not
use auto-balancing),

- updates account balances,

- changes the journal entries to a posted status, and

- changes journal entry transaction lines to historical status.

- updates the Undistributed Retained Earnings account for Income Statement

Updated Files

    ACMXVAL    - This file is updated for error journal entry lines with

    ACTRANS    - This file is updated for error journal entry lines with an


    CKPOINT    - Used for restart capability.

    CUAMOUNT   - This file is updated with a posting account period balance.

    CUAMOUNTX  - This file is updated with report currency balances.

    CUCONTROL  - This file is used to store transaction currency amounts.

    GLAMOUNTS  - This file is updated with a posting account base currency

    GLAMOUNTSX - This file is updated with a posting account base currency
                 daily balance.

    GLCONSOL   - This file is updated with consolidated account base currency,
                 unit, and currency balances.

    GLCONTROL  - This file is updated with a journal entry processed status.
                 Error journal entry records are created.

    GLJELOG    - This file is updated with a journal entry posted log.  This
                 file will also be updated with any journal entry errors

    GLMASTER   - Used to validate a posting account.  This file is updated if
                 dynamic account generation is used.

    GLMONITOR  - This file is used to run jobs concurrently.

    GLSYSTEM   - This file is updated with a GL190 running flag.

    GLTRANS    - This file is updated with a processed status.  Records will be
                 created for error suspense and zone balancing.

    GLUNITS    - This file is updated with posting account unit balances.

    GLUNITSX   - This file is updated with posting account unit daily balances.

    GTMXVALUE  - Used to access journal entry transaction attribute values.

    JBKSEQNBR  - This file is updated with the last transaction posting
                 sequence number.

    JBOOKHDR   - This file is updated with a journal book used flag.

    MXOBJCAT   -



    SLTRANS    -



    ULPOST     - This file stores the last posting date and time.

Referenced Files


    CUCODES    - Used to validate currency codes.

    CUCONV     - Used to validate exchange rates.

    CURELAT    - Used to validate currency relationships.

    GLADDRESS  - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.

    GLCGCPY    - Used to access companies associated with a company group.

    GLCHART    - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.

    GLCHARTDTL - Used to validate  detail accounts.

    GLCHARTSUM - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.

    GLCODES    - Maintained by this program.

    GLCPYGRP   - Used to validate a company group.

    GLESACCT   - Used to access a system's error suspense account.

    GLINTCO    - Used to validate zone and intercompany relationships.

    GLNAMES    - Used to validate accounting units.

    GLZONE     - Used to validate zones.

    JBKOPCODE  - Used to validate a journal book/operator relationship.

    JBKSYSCODE - Used to validate a journal book/system code relationship.

    MXVALIDATE - Used to validate an attribute's value.

    WFSETUP    -

INVOKED Programs
