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FB141 - Remote Budget Consolidation

**Form Purpose
Run Remote Budget Consolidation (FB141) to transfer up to 10 budgets for the
Lawson environment to use in a non-Lawson environment, such as a spreadsheet.
The system creates a file in $LAWDIR/productline/work/FBBUDGETCSV (UNIX) or
LAWDIR/productline/work/FBBUDGETCSV (iSeries) Use winptxfr or ftp to transfer the file (FB141D) into the spreadsheet. This program consolidates all the budgets you select into one budget. Updated Files ADDRDATA - CKPOINT - Used for restart capability. RWFORMAT - This file is updated with a temporary format definition for the chart common routine. Referenced Files CMPUTE - Used to access compute statement criteria. CUCODES - Used to validate the company base currency. FBDETAIL - Used to access posting account balances. FBHEADER - GLADDRESS - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this program. This file is not used by this program. GLCGCPY - Used to access companies associated with a company group. GLCHART - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this program. This file is not used by this program. GLCHARTSUM - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this program. This file is not used by this program. GLCONSOL - Used to access consolidated account balances. GLNAMES - Used to validate the existence of an accounting unit. GLSYSTEM - Used to validate the existence of a company. INSTCTRYCD - MXCATDEF - MXELEMENT - MXLISTMBR - Used to access accounting units associated with an accounting unit list. MXOBJCAT - RWDICT - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this program. This file is not used by this program. RWGRPDET - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this program. This file is not used by this program. WFSETUP - INVOKED Programs GLBL IFUP GLCV GLAC GLRV IFOB IFSG MLRV