Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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PR127 - Year-End Parameters Copy/Delete

**Form Purpose
Use PR127 (Year End Parameters Copy/Delete) to copy or delete year end
parameters that were set up on PR27 (Year End Parameters).

**Processing Effect
This allows you to copy parameters from one year to the next, from one
company to another company or another process level, or from one process level
to another process level or company. You may also optionally delete ALL
company/process level parameters or copy them to another year.

Note You cannot copy all company/process level parameter records to a
different company because the process levels in one company may not
necessarily correspond to the process levels in another company.)

**More Information
A report will print showing clients what Year-End Parameters will be copied
or deleted. If existing records will be replaced, the replaced
values/descriptions will print also.

You should run this report in Report Only first to verify the results before
running in Update. If errors are encountered, the update will not take place
and errors will be printed to an error report.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    -


Referenced Files

    DCCLASS    -

    DEDCODE    -

    EMPLOYEE   -

    PAYCLASS   -




    PRSYSTEM   -