PERSACTION Report build

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    Has anyone attempted to build a report using the PERSACTION table that would list all employees in the table, that includes their current demographic information (e.g. current Process Level, Dept, Job Code, User Level, FTE, others...) and also display the same demograhpics of what they are transferring to (new Process Level, Dept, Job Code, User Level, FTE, others... ). The table appears to be built in a way that is not very conducive to easy reporting.

    The goal of this report is to replace a paper process used today that informs key customers of certain PA Actions that will be happening, that includes many current and new employee demograhpics so they can prepare materials, et,c in advance of the employee coming on board to their area (e.g. if employee is transferring from one nursing unit to another, perhaps they need to take a specific certification course). We are not looking to the PERSACTHST table for now because that would be too late for the customers we are targeting.

    Our employees can hold several position levels versus only one position. So I would need to make sure I reference the correct position level that is changing in the query. Any suggestions would be helpful.
    Dave Curtis
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 136
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      I have built a SQL query that pulls in the information you mentioned. It shows the current employee information and then the information for the pending change that is sitting in PERSACTION. It is used for various smart notes we have in place to notify people/teams of changes that are going to be occurring.

      The biggest challenge is the linking of the field numbers to the definition. Do you have a lot of actions that you would need to pull from or mostly a few specific ones?
      The other challenge can be the field values. Things like FTE and pay are formatted in a way that you have to do some altering of the field to get the actual value.
      Veteran Member
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        We are only looking to pull from 2 PA Actions at this time; EECHGLVL1 and EECHGLVL2P.
        I am not sure if the plan is to limit this further by focusing on specific reasons, but that's a possibility.
        Yes, I'd be open to linking the employee's current info to the data in PERSACTION as long as there's a way to tie the current position level to the position level that's changing.
        From there, I'd need to understand the best way to pull in what they are transferring "to".
        I see that data appears in several columns of the PERSACTION table, and appears to be the actual demographis (vs the Field Number), but need more clarity on that.

        Dave Curtis
        Veteran Member
        Posts: 136
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          Yes, with the SQL query you can absolutely connect the employee position level information to the pending action information.

          Having it for just a couple actions might make things easier because you only need to account for a limited set of fields. However - if you build it specific to the actions it will limit future changes and if you need to use if for other actions you would need to alter the SQL. So building it to pull in everything you need would probably be best long term.

          I have a few different SQL queries that are built for specific purposed. Do you use SQL or do you have someone in your organization that can build the SQL for you?

          It is not completely what you would need but I have uploaded a text file that shows a base SQL that I have that pulls from the tables you would need to start with. If you use SQL or have someone that works with SQL this might get things started for you.
          Veteran Member
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            Thank you. Yes, we do use SQL Developer as well as Crystal. I will take alook at this SQL and see if I can modify to suit and let you know if I have future questions. Thank you!
            Dave Curtis
            Veteran Member
            Posts: 136
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              I hope it helps.

              I do have more details queries but they are specific to actions we have so they are built around the logic of the actions, which, undoubtedly would be different than your actions and purposed.

              If you run into any "snags" feel free to email me at glad to help if I can.