Print to a network printer?

Lance Jurgensen
Advanced Member
Posts: 36
Advanced Member
    I have a request to print a scheduled report on a network printer and I am finding the "documentation" lacking on Infor Extreme...
    I have the device type setup and I can see the HelloWorld....pdf files getting created in the temp directory.
    Getting "Unable to retrieve content from "{0}". when running the delivery test.
    Lance Jurgensen
    Advanced Member
    Posts: 36
    Advanced Member
      I have the printer setup on the windows server, and I can print to it via acrobat on the command line:
      acrord32.exe /t "d:\LawsonBusinessIntelligence\FrameworkServices\conf\printTemp\somepdf.pdf" "1DCDISTL14002"

      But the test still fails...