Edit Report List under Maintain Reports

Veteran Member
Posts: 110
Veteran Member
    We are using the Maintain Reports All list because we have multiple LBI administrators who cannot see each other's reports but we need the report number that LBI assigns when you publish a report displayed in the list.

    We are looking for a way to add the report number to the list.
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 53
    Veteran Member
      I add the publishing number to the publish name to the end of the publish name (right after I do the initial publish of the file but before I add the datasource setting) and use a "(###)" format. I did a mass cleanup last year to add it to all of my published reports - as we have also have multiple LBI admins (HR, GL, SCM, etc).

      Then I go back and update the Crystal file with the "(###)" for reference.

      I also add the published number whenever I post a report on a LBI dashboard and I have a crystal report that searches for Keywords so I can see where I've posted a report on the various dashboards that I manage. We have educated our end users to report issues/questions/enhancement requests using the report number.

      This allows for a three-way "match" so I can easily know what report someone is using, where it is in LBI, what Crystal file to update and what to republish.

      Adding the number to the published name allows it to be viewed on the All List. I believe you can also add the published number as a column to the List if you go under "edit List". Is that what you're looking for?