REQLINE Detail in Email Notification

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    I'm currently testing IPA and I've set up the html code in the email notification to display some REQHEADER information: Requester Name, User ID, Req Location, Total Req Value. I'd like to display REQLINE information so that the approver will have the information they need to take action within the email. Similar to what we see in the portal inbasket (recsum.htm).  But I can only get the first line of the req to display.  How do I get all lines to display in the email?


    Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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    Posts: 18
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      This is something we did at our place also. I wanted to give the approver enough detail so they could approve. We used the standard flow that was delivered  with IPA. Near the beginning of the flow I placed a query loop for the file RECLINE. Inside that loop I have an Assign node that creates a string with all of the html code to create each line and the detail fields I want to present on the email. In the email I place the string I created and that is what the users sees in the email and they can approve from there.
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 1162
      Veteran Member
        That's what I need, the html code that creates multiple lines. My code seems to stop at the first line.
        Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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