Where do SQL Procs go???

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    IPD v11.0.1.43,  single tenant, cloud, SQL Server.

    A developer had created a SQL Procedure using the 'Create/Update SQL Procedure' option. 

    Now that proc is available to me in the 'Run SQL Procedure' option -> Select -> 'SQL Procedure Selector' window.

    Original developer then deleted that SQL node from his original flow.  The proc exists, but we don't have a copy of the original source.

    Is there any way for us to view the SQL behind that proc?

    Does it actually create a stored procedure on the SQL Server database?  If so, where? Which db/schema?  If not, is it in a delivered table/business class that I can query and see the SQL source code?


    Basic Member
    Posts: 13
    Basic Member
      I haven't created stored procs for processflow but,

      Since you know the name of the procedure you might be able to find it with:

      select *
      where ROUTINE_NAME like '%the_name%'
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      Posts: 14
      Basic Member

        I realized that since the 'Create/Update SQL Procedure' option was used in the IPD, the proc was essentially created by the user specified in the configuration's jdbc entry.  In this case 'jdbcuser'.

        Since I do not have the jdbcuser ID & PW, I cannot see those procs.  

        They exist under LMGHRDB - Programmability - Stored Procedures for that user

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