Design Studio - Button - Form Open

Veteran Member
Posts: 81
Veteran Member

    I have a custom MA64.1 form where I am trying to change the Cost “Dtl” button Action property, Form Open option to open a custom MA66.3 form using the following token value “MA66.3::MA66.3_MHS”.  When I preview the custom MA64.1 form and click the Dtl button the portal/browser displays the following Infor Lawson Message dialog box error message "Search Results: No programs or bookmarks were found. The following errors were logged: DEV MA66.3_MHS is not a valid token."


    If I change the Cost “Dtl” button Action property to Form Transfer and enter token value “MA66.3::MA66.3_MHS” the Dtl button opens the custom MA66.3 form. Except that custom MA66.3 form does not display a Back toolbar button/icon to take the user back to the custom MA64.1 form.


    Anyone know what I need to do in order the open the custom MA66.3 form using the button object Action property, Form Open option?

    David Williams
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 1127
    Veteran Member
      Set your custom MA66.3 as the default presentation and when you click to open the form, the custom form with open.
      David Williams
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 81
      Veteran Member
        Thanks David, That did the trick for when I click the custom MA64.1 Cost Dtl button when previewing from Design Studio. In DS I rebuilt the Forms Index. I just open the custom MA64.1 form through my DEV Lawson Portal, clicked the Cost Dtl button, the Infor MA66.3 form opened, not my custom MA66.3 form. Did I miss a step in order the custom MA66.3 form to be seen/displayed through the portal?