re-hire resource

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Srini Rao
Veteran Member
Posts: 148
Veteran Member

    I'm working on hire/rehire automation process.  As part of of the process we get the data from external applicant system and we load them to GHR using the process flow. Hire works fine. 


    But when i invoke the rehirehireresource action on employee BC, it fails with following error. 

    Exception: com.lawson.bpm.landmark.LandmarkApplicationException: Field Work Assignment Option is required: WorkAssignmentOption

    I did have the WorkAssignmentOption hardcoded in the landmark call.

    _dataArea="ltmdev" & _module="hr" & _objectName="Employee" & _actionName="RehireResource" & _actionOperator="NONE" & _actionType="SingleRecordQuery" & _pageSize="30" ..(all required fileds)....& WorkAssignmentOptions="1"


    I tried with different number 0 to 9, I still get same error.


    Any help is appreciated, 


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