Lawson not running (help) (2)

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Basic Member
Posts: 6
Basic Member

    Once before I couldn't start Lawson. The data center had a massive power failure (car wreck started it) and everything crashed. I have used my notes and command line history as a reference, but I still can't get Lawson started again. When I start DB2 I get an error starting LDAP. When I start LDAP first the database won't come up. What's going on.


    Kwane helped me before (and thank you again). I need more help, please.



    Kwane McNeal
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 479
    Veteran Member
      No worries, that's what this community is for. Can you send error messages? you can post them here publicly, or send them on the private message.
      I'll also send you a private message now.

      Basic Member
      Posts: 6
      Basic Member
        I'll boot the server so it's clean and then send messages.
        Thanks, Kwane.
        Basic Member
        Posts: 6
        Basic Member
          Here is the transcript of what I did:
          Script command is started on Tue Jun 9 11:26:11 2020.
          # c^H. cv lsfprod
          # cd $GENDIR
          # pwd
          # cd bin
          # ls
 dbcndusage jqsubmit metaloadtbl startpfbpm
          FileClient dbcopy jscluster metaloadwrk startpfem
          FourGLClient dbcreate kndef middd startpfrmi
          LoadPortalAttributes dbdef laclear middlvdb startpfsch
          LoadPortalBookmarks dbdesc lacobrts middlvlib startqueue
          LoadPortalGroups dbdoc lacobrts.o middlvmnu stgcmp
          LoadPortalMXMenus dbdump ladb middlvpgm stopclient
          MQSClient60_c dbfldusage ladeath mkhdr stopjobqueue
          MQSClient60_s dbgcontrol ladebug mkproddir stopladb
          ScanFileClient dbindusage ladirs mlarw stopladebug
          TestInstall.txt dbload laenv modjobqueue stoplase
 dbmode lafile mrgcfg stoplatm
 dbnode lajavarts msggen stoplaw
 dbrelusage lajs msgmnt stoppfbpm
          addenv dbreorg langdef msgrpt stoppfem
          addresourceutil dbrpt lapm nodedef stoppfrmi
          addversions dbupdate lapmmimic ocsdump stoppfsch
          analyze_stats dburf lapmmon ocsxltmap stopqueue
          app_create_delta_readme dbusers larw ora10du su_deljobhst
 delas4 lase ora11du su_execjob
          app_update_installed_tasks delckpoint laservipc ora12du su_getrptaccess
          appinstall delement lasetup oradb10 su_jobschd
          appinstallanalysis delfile lashow oradb11 su_jqcontrol
 deljobhst lashowio oradb12 su_ladb
          applibdiff delmid latm oralibs.10.1.0 su_ladebug
          applinstall delphrase laua patchcompile su_lajs
          apploadcsv delprod lawappinstall patches_installed_report su_latm
          appmetadiff delrpt lawappvmprune path su_lawsec
          appmetaload delsys lawbsh permsmaint su_ldarmcfg
          apprptchg deltc lawcmp pficcfg su_qcompile
          apprtnlst lawdir su_qcontrol
          appsec delusers lawosh su_qstatus
          appsetup delvallst lawsec pfserv su_queue
          appuninstall derfldrpt lctags su_startlase
          ascscr dmpappclmphr ldapbind pgftxt su_stopjobqueue
          astounix dmpappmsg ldappclmphr pgmdef su_stopladb
 dmpappphr ldappmsg pgmdef2 su_stoplase
          batchanim dmpappvallst ldappphr pgmdoc su_stoplatm
          bin dmpcluster ldappvallst pgmdump su_stopqueue
          bismark dmpdftxt ldarmcfg pgmload su_tcpexecjobd
          bldbpd dmpdict lddocphrases pgmtrndef su_tcpjsd
          bldckp dmpfldtxt lddoctxt phraserpt su_tcprmtfiled
          bldcluster dmpint ldeconphr pldbsetup su_tcptmd
          blddbdict dmplang ldifgen pmenu su_transgen
          blddbvers dmplapmerr ldjobqdflt populatedirectives su_unldarmcfg
          bldddpgm dmppgftxt ldlang prmdump swapdict
          bldexpfd dmppi ldprodmenus prmload sysdelfile
          bldibmddl dmpprodmenus ldtitle prmstrctgen sysdump
          bldibmsec dmpscrtxt lduniveng proddadi sysload
          bldiortns dmpsecdict ldunivlibs prtdef tcpexecjob
          bldlarpt dmptitle ldunivmenus prtdict tcpexecjobd
          bldlibloc dmpuniveng ldunivtkns prtgrpdef tcpjsd
          bldmicdict dmpunivlibs ldunvmsg prtgrprpt tcprmtfiled
          bldmsg dmpunivmenus ldunvphr prtmgr tcptm
          bldopd dmpunivtkns led prtpath tcptmd
          bldora10ddl dmpunvmsg libdef qcompile tdc
          bldora10sec dmpunvphr libdump qcontrol termtype
          bldora11ddl docname libload qstatus termutil
          bldora11sec dsprpt licsta queue testLibrary
          bldora12ddl dstlstgrpdef loadhelp rcvcntl testatt
          bldora12sec dstlstgrprpt loadrpts rdlarpt testchr
          bldpgm dumphelp loadusers rebuild testgra
          bldprtrs editda loadusers.hos rebuildatch testkbd
          bldrpt edittd loan recdef titlerpt
          bldsecdict elmgrpdef loccmp recrpt tknsecrpt
          bldsh envrelease locdef redefscr tmcontrol
          bldxffiles execjob lsconfig rmbasicsmoketest tmdump
          bsisetup expsysdb lsdelete rmldapbuildutil tmmon
          calc faxit lsdump rngdbdump tokendef
          caldef faxit.rem rngdump transgen
          checkibmplan fileinfo rpgdb tranxml
          chkdbstamp filepop rpgerrmsg truncfile
          chkrec fileuse rpghlp ujobdump
          cleanprt fix_stale_urp_records rpgio ujobload
          cmc fldrpt rpgmsgmnt univsec
          cmpdict flxelmdef rpgname univver
          cmpint fmtlarpt rpgxio unixtoas
          cmprts fpd rptdef unjs
          cmptfxcaibm fsutil rptgen unldarmcfg
          cmptfxcaora fws rptmap unpm
          cmptfxibm10 gen.cnt rtsldr unvmnurpt
          cmptfxibm9 gendbload rulerpt updatchfile
          cmptfxora10 genformap runrpt updatchorph
          cmptfxora9 getdictrundir runscr
          cndload getpwnam scclsrpt upgelmdef
          cndrpt getrptaccess scdatrpt upgelmstatus
          cntnode grpdef scrdef upgelmuse
          cnv70rpt hd scrgen upgenvgrps
          cnv70scr hlpgen lsinteg scrrpt upgmsgs
          cnvexp ibmdb lsload scusrrpt upgradeoravarchars
          cnvimp ibmdu lstinvk secdump usercndrpt
          cnvjobstep ileio lstprodatch secinteg userdoc
          cnvrecjobs impcsv lstver secload usergrpdef
          cnvrpgnames impexp lx secrptbtch usergrprpt
          cnvrpt importdb mach secupgdschema usersec
          cnvrpt76 instsh maketypetree setdbstamp vallstrpt
          cnvscr jbsubmit menudef setdbvers verifyibm
          cnvtape jobdef menurpt setgenloc verifyora10
          cobanim jobdump metadumpelm setnmr verifyora11
          cobcmp jobinq metadumplib setnotused verifyora12
          core jobinteg metadumpmnu setsfl vldbtchprms
          count jobload metadumpmsg skndef vwdblog
          createjobdef jobprmrpt metadumppgm source_versions_report
          createprodline jobqgrpdef metadumpskn sqldbcopy
          cse jobqgrprpt metadumpsys srgen
          csvdef jobrpt metadumptbl srxmlgen workdef
          ctmaint jobschd metadumpwrk ssoconfig workdump
          cv.env jobstatus metaloadelm ssosmoketest workload
          cvx.env jqaction metaloadlib startjobqueue wtsubmit
          cwf jqcontrol metaloadmnu startladb xferreq
          dbadmin jqdef metaloadmsg startladebug xlarw
          dbatables jqdflt metaloadpgm startlase xltrpt
          dbatables11 jqrpt metaloadskn startlatm xscrgen
          dbatables12 jqstatus metaloadsys startlaw
          # start ^Hd^Hladb
          ladb 2014-02-27 04:00:00 started, pid = 9306122
          # start^C
          # ls *ldap*
          ldapbind ldappmsg ldappvallst
          ldappclmphr ldappphr rmldapbuildutil
          Starting LDAP ......

          GLPSRV041I Server starting.
          GLPCTL113I Largest core file size creation limit for the process (in bytes): '-1'(Soft limit) and '-1'(Hard limit).
          GLPCTL119I Maximum Data Segment(Kbytes) soft ulimit for the process is -1 and the prescribed minimum is 262144.
          GLPCTL119I Maximum File Size(512 bytes block) soft ulimit for the process is -1 and the prescribed minimum is 2097151.
          GLPCTL119I Maximum Open Files soft ulimit for the process is -1 and the prescribed minimum is 500.
          GLPCTL119I Maximum Physical Memory(Kbytes) soft ulimit for the process is -1 and the prescribed minimum is 262144.
          GLPCTL122I Maximum Stack Size(Kbytes) soft ulimit for the process is 4194304 and the prescribed minimum is 65536.
          GLPCTL119I Maximum Virtual Memory(Kbytes) soft ulimit for the process is -1 and the prescribed minimum is 1048576.
          GLPCOM024I The extended Operation plugin is successfully loaded from libevent.a.
          GLPCOM024I The extended Operation plugin is successfully loaded from libtranext.a.
          GLPCOM024I The extended Operation plugin is successfully loaded from libldaprepl.a.
          GLPSRV155I The DIGEST-MD5 SASL Bind mechanism is enabled in the configuration file.
          GLPCOM021I The preoperation plugin is successfully loaded from libDigest.a.
          GLPCOM024I The extended Operation plugin is successfully loaded from libevent.a.
          GLPCOM024I The extended Operation plugin is successfully loaded from libtranext.a.
          GLPCOM023I The postoperation plugin is successfully loaded from libpsearch.a.
          GLPCOM024I The extended Operation plugin is successfully loaded from libpsearch.a.
          GLPCOM025I The audit plugin is successfully loaded from libldapaudit.a.
          GLPSCH046W EQUALITY Matching Rule for attribute lwsnSvcPropValueBinary is not compatible with its syntax
          GLPSCH046W EQUALITY Matching Rule for attribute lwsnssoPropBinValue is not compatible with its syntax
          GLPCOM024I The extended Operation plugin is successfully loaded from libevent.a.
          GLPCOM023I The postoperation plugin is successfully loaded from libpsearch.a.
          GLPCOM024I The extended Operation plugin is successfully loaded from libpsearch.a.
          GLPCOM022I The database plugin is successfully loaded from libback-config.a.
          GLPCOM024I The extended Operation plugin is successfully loaded from libevent.a.
          GLPCOM024I The extended Operation plugin is successfully loaded from libtranext.a.
          GLPCOM023I The postoperation plugin is successfully loaded from libpsearch.a.
          GLPCOM024I The extended Operation plugin is successfully loaded from libpsearch.a.
          GLPCOM022I The database plugin is successfully loaded from libback-rdbm.a.
          GLPCOM010I Replication plugin is successfully loaded from libldaprepl.a.
          GLPSRV189I Virtual list view support is enabled.
          GLPCOM021I The preoperation plugin is successfully loaded from libpta.a.
          GLPSRV194I The Record Deleted Entries feature is disabled. Deleted entries are immediately removed from the database.
          GLPSRV207I Group conflict resolution during replication is disabled.
          GLPSRV200I Initializing primary database and its connections.
          GLPRDB126I The directory server will not use DB2 selectivity.
          GLPCOM024I The extended Operation plugin is successfully loaded from libloga.a.
          GLPCOM024I The extended Operation plugin is successfully loaded from libidsfget.a.
          GLPSRV180I Pass-through authentication is disabled.
          GLPSRV221I Replication of security attributes feature is disabled.
          GLPCOM003I Non-SSL port initialized to 389.
          GLPCTL108E Unable to run the command on the directory server instance 'db2inst1' while the admin server is running.
          GLPSRV088E The server is unable to run because of initialization error.
          ***** ldap started ****

          ps -ef |grep ldap
          db2inst1 9502824 1 0 11:17:59 - 0:00 /opt/IBM/ldap/V6.3/sbin/64/ibmdiradm -I db2inst1
          root 9568354 10289256 0 11:29:36 pts/1 0:00 grep ldap
          root 10289256 9633842 0 11:29:06 pts/1 0:00 /bin/ksh /lawprd/lsf/gen/bin/
          db2inst1 10616910 1 0 11:29:31 pts/1 0:00 /opt/IBM/ldap/V6.3/sbin/64/ibmslapd -I db2inst1
          # lase
          Tue Jun 9 11:30:05 2020: Trying to test connection to Security server ''.
          Tue Jun 9 11:30:06 2020: Trying to test connection to Security server ''.
          Security environment not running.
          # startlase
          lase: security environment 2014-04-08 04:00:00 started.
          # lase
          Tue Jun 9 11:30:22 2020: Trying to test connection to Security server ''.
          Security environment running.
          # startlaw
          Security Environment already started.
          Waiting on security connection...
          ladb (main): Database server already running.
          latm: transaction manager 2014-02-27 04:00:00 started, pid = 6946944.
          lajs: job server 2014-08-06 04:00:00 started, pid = 7536820.
          queue: compile queue server 2014-02-27 04:00:00 started, pid = 7536822.
          File LOGAN/WFEVTSERV.
          OpenDBFile2 error is Unable to communicate with database driver process (99).
          Additional information is 1167.
          Nested exception:
          File LOGAN/WFEVTSERV.
          OpenDBFile2 error is Unable to communicate with database driver process (99).
          Additional information is 1167.
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBJni.jniTsOpenDBFile(Native Method)
          at Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBFileFactory.create(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.util.ObjectPool.internalCheckOut(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.util.ObjectPool.internalCheckOut(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBFileFactory.checkOut(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBDataAreaFactory$PooledDataArea.openFile(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBDataArea.openFile(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBDataArea.openFile(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBDataArea.openFile(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.bpm.db.model.impl.thindb.ThinDBImplBase.getRows(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.bpm.db.model.impl.thindb.ThinDBImplBase.getAllRecords(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.bpm.db.model.abstracts.DatabaseModelImpl.getAllEventServerRecord(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.bpm.eventmanager.EventMgr.isEventMgrRunning(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.bpm.eventmanager.EventMgr.main(Unknown Source)

          File LOGAN/WFEVTSERV.
          OpenDBFile2 error is Unable to communicate with database driver process (99).
          Additional information is 1167.
          Nested exception:
          File LOGAN/WFEVTSERV.
          OpenDBFile2 error is Unable to communicate with database driver process (99).
          Additional information is 1167.
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBJni.jniTsOpenDBFile(Native Method)
          at Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBFileFactory.create(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.util.ObjectPool.internalCheckOut(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.util.ObjectPool.internalCheckOut(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBFileFactory.checkOut(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBDataAreaFactory$PooledDataArea.openFile(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBDataArea.openFile(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBDataArea.openFile(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBDataArea.openFile(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.bpm.db.model.impl.thindb.ThinDBImplBase.getRows(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.bpm.db.model.impl.thindb.ThinDBImplBase.getAllRecords(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.bpm.db.model.abstracts.DatabaseModelImpl.getAllEventServerRecord(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.bpm.eventmanager.EventMgr.removeAllServerEntries(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.bpm.eventmanager.EventMgr.main(Unknown Source)

          File LOGAN/WFEVTSERV.
          OpenDBFile2 error is Unable to communicate with database driver process (99).
          Additional information is 1167.
          Nested exception:
          File LOGAN/WFEVTSERV.
          OpenDBFile2 error is Unable to communicate with database driver process (99).
          Additional information is 1167.
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBJni.jniTsOpenDBFile(Native Method)
          at Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBFileFactory.create(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.util.ObjectPool.internalCheckOut(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.util.ObjectPool.internalCheckOut(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBFileFactory.checkOut(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBDataAreaFactory$PooledDataArea.openFile(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBDataArea.openFile(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBDataArea.openFile(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBDataArea.openFile(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.bpm.db.model.impl.thindb.ThinDBImplBase.getRows(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.bpm.db.model.impl.thindb.ThinDBImplBase.getAllRecords(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.bpm.db.model.abstracts.DatabaseModelImpl.getAllEventServerRecord(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.bpm.eprocessserver.EProcessServer.isPflowServerRunning(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.bpm.eprocessserver.EProcessServer.main(Unknown Source)

          ProcessFlow RMI Server is running on
          File LOGAN/WFEVTSERV.
          OpenDBFile2 error is Unable to communicate with database driver process (99).
          Additional information is 1167.
          Nested exception:
          File LOGAN/WFEVTSERV.
          OpenDBFile2 error is Unable to communicate with database driver process (99).
          Additional information is 1167.
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBJni.jniTsOpenDBFile(Native Method)
          at Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBFileFactory.create(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.util.ObjectPool.internalCheckOut(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.util.ObjectPool.internalCheckOut(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBFileFactory.checkOut(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBDataAreaFactory$PooledDataArea.openFile(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBDataArea.openFile(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBDataArea.openFile(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBDataArea.openFile(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.bpm.db.model.impl.thindb.ThinDBImplBase.getRows(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.bpm.db.model.impl.thindb.ThinDBImplBase.getAllRecords(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.bpm.db.model.abstracts.DatabaseModelImpl.getAllEventServerRecord(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.bpm.eventmanager.EventMgr.isEventMgrRunning(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.bpm.eventmanager.EventMgr.main(Unknown Source)

          Event Manager is not running
          File LOGAN/WFEVTSERV.
          OpenDBFile2 error is Unable to communicate with database driver process (99).
          Additional information is 1167.
          Nested exception:
          File LOGAN/WFEVTSERV.
          OpenDBFile2 error is Unable to communicate with database driver process (99).
          Additional information is 1167.
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBJni.jniTsOpenDBFile(Native Method)
          at Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBFileFactory.create(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.util.ObjectPool.internalCheckOut(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.util.ObjectPool.internalCheckOut(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBFileFactory.checkOut(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBDataAreaFactory$PooledDataArea.openFile(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBDataArea.openFile(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBDataArea.openFile(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.rdtech.db.api.DBDataArea.openFile(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.bpm.db.model.impl.thindb.ThinDBImplBase.getRows(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.bpm.db.model.impl.thindb.ThinDBImplBase.getAllRecords(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.bpm.db.model.abstracts.DatabaseModelImpl.getAllEventServerRecord(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.bpm.eprocessserver.EProcessServer.isPflowServerRunning(Unknown Source)
          at com.lawson.bpm.eprocessserver.EProcessServer.main(Unknown Source)

          ProcessFlow Server is not running
          ProcessFlow Scheduler is not running
          # dbmode -p
          Multi user mode
          # exit

          Script command is complete on Tue Jun 9 11:31:56 2020.
          Kwane McNeal
          Veteran Member
          Posts: 479
          Veteran Member
            I recall this now. There’s something broken with that script

            Basic Member
            Posts: 6
            Basic Member
              Thank you, Kwane, for helping again! Lawson is up.
              Kwane McNeal
              Veteran Member
              Posts: 479
              Veteran Member
                No worries.
                You are not authorized to post a reply.