Req Approval Type in RQ04

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Posts: 84
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    Can someone tell me more information on  the Requisition Approval Type in RQ04 - Requester form?  Specifically, the values in the drop down list are as follows:

    - Default to Req Location

    0 - Header using Approval Codes

    1 - Header using Process Flow

    2 - Line using Process Flow

    3 - No approvals required

    If 3 is chosen, does this mean this Requester's Reqs will move through without approvals?  Or, does 3 mean requisitions will by pass this person - they do not need to approve - "No approvals required".  We have a situation in which we noticed all our RQ04's are set up with this value of a 1.  There are only a handful of people with a 3.  We now have a requisition that by passed this person with a Req Approval Type of a 3 and it moved on without getting this person's approval.  I suspect this value should be a 1 and this is the source of our issue.  I am looking for input because my experience is with HR, not Supply Chain.  I am backing up someone while they are on vacation.  I know process flow and have traced the activity log to the RQ04 as the potential problem but I do not know requisition approvals.


    Thank you for your assistance!  Let me know if you need additional information.

    Kat V
    Veteran Member
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      Yes - 3 means no approvals at all. Requisition will go directly to PO23/WH130 when it is released. RQ01 vs RQ04 rules are somewhere in the PO setups I believe
      Veteran Member
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        Just to clarify... If Joey and Susie are set up in RQ04 as Requesters. Susie is also an Approver.

        Joey kicks off a req that should go to Susie for approval. If Susie's RQ04 Req Approval Type is 3 - No approvals required, will the req bypass Susie for her approval?

        Thank you for your help and clarification!!!

        Kat V
        Veteran Member
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          What is Joey's RQ04 set to and what is the RQ01 flag for the department he submitted set to?
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            Joey's RQ04 is 1 - Header using Process Flow and RQ01 is 3 - No approvals required
            Kat V
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              It's the RQ01 that is "trumping" everything then. Anyone creating reqs for that location - no approvals needed so the location goes straight to PO23/WH130.
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              Posts: 84
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                Great, thank you for the additional insight!