Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ACTD.1 - Period Dimension Definition

Use Activity Period Dimension Definition (ACTD.1) to select whether
to use the Period to Date and to define the beginning balance member name
for the period dimension.

Period to Date: Select Y (Yes) if you want to create Year-To-Date (YTD)
members for each period.The beginning balance and inclusive periods roll up
into the YTD member. For example, if you have 12 periods (Jan - Dec), for
each period a YTD member will be created (Jan YTD, Feb YTD, and so on). Jan
YTD will contain the beginning balance member and the January period member.
Feb YTD will contain the beginning balance member and the january and February
period members, and so on. If you select N (No), YTD members will not be
Beginning Balance: Type the name of the beginning balance member.

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    ACIAMBR    -

ACTD.2 - Periods

    Use Periods (ACTD.2) to define the periods and member names for the
periods you want to include in the dimension.

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    ACIAMBR    -

Referenced Files


ACTD.3 - Year Dimension Definition

Use Activity Year Dimension Definition (ACTD.3) to define the options
for the year dimension.

Life to Date: Type a name for the member that years roll up into. If
you leave this field blank, years will roll up into the Years dimension.

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Referenced Files

    ACIAMBR    -

ACTD.4 - Years

    Use Years (ACTD.4) to define the years and member names of your year

Updated Files

    ACIAMBR    -

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ACTD.5 - Year Variances

Use Year Variances (ACTD.5) to add variance calculations for the year
Note: Variance amount = Year1-Year2;
Variance percent = Year1-Year2/Year2.

Amt Pct: Select A (Variance Amount) or P (Variance Percent) to determine
which type of calculation the member will contain.
Year 1: Type the beginning year to be included in the calculation.
Year 2: Type the ending year to be included in the calculation.

Updated Files

    ACIAMBR    -

Referenced Files


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