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LP51.1 - Employee Leave of Absence

Use Employee Leave of Absence (LP51.1) to track employee information
for a leave of absence.
 The data will enable on-line inquiries and reports to help you determine
eligibility for future leave time as well as identify on-going leave tracking
actions, such as notifications, end of paid time, and so on.

**Processing Effect

For continuous leaves of absences, the dates on the leave record determine
the length of the leave.
For intermittent leaves that qualify under FMLA or other governmental
leave programs, the Employee Service and Event file is used to determine how
much leave time has been taken.  Reason codes (grouped by Reason Class)
the records that qualify for a given leave of absence, and those
hours will be included when displaying or reporting the leave.

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    EMPLOYEE   -

    EMSTATUS   -

    HRSECLEV   -


    PCODES     -


    PRSTATE    -

    PRSYSTEM   -