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                             ACIFPRDTL FILE


BR70.1    BR70.2    BR570


AFD-CONTRACT           Alpha 15                                  BR70.1
Element: Contract      Activity Management contract.

AFD-PRODUCT            Alpha 15                                  BR70.1
Element: Product

AFD-PROD-VERSION       Alpha 10                                  BR70.1
Element: Prod Version

AFD-LINE-NBR           Numeric 12                                BR70.1
Element: Obj Id        This is the object identifier. It is
                       used to relate commitments or posted
                       transactions back to the originating
                       subsystems. Each subsystem record that
                       is updated as a commitment or posted
                       transaction is assigned an object
                       identifier. The object identifier is
                       maintained in the subsystem files and in
                       the Activity Commitments Detail and
                       Activity Transaction files. The object
                       identifier is a unique key used to drill
                       back from Activity Management to the

AFD-USERS              Numeric 12                                BR70.1
Element: Users

AFD-INCLUDE-BASE       Alpha 1                                   BR70.1
Element: Include Base  Y = Yes
                       N = No

AFD-DEFERRED-FL        Alpha 1                                   BR70.1
Element: Deferred Fl   Y = Yes
                       N = No

AFD-TOT-DEF-AMT        Signed 18.2                               BR70.1
Element: Adj Amt

AFD-REASON-CODE        Alpha 4                                   BR70.1
Element: Reason Code   This field contains the reason code,
                       which indicates the cause for credit

AFD-ACTUAL-PRICE       Signed 18.2                               BR70.1
Element: Adj Amt

AFD-LIST-PRICE         Signed 18.2                               BR70.1
Element: Adj Amt

AFD-DISCOUNT-PCT       Signed 8.5                                BR70.1
Element: Discount Pct

AFD-INV-NET-PRICE      Signed 18.2                               BR70.1
Element: Adj Amt

AFD-DELIV-METHOD       Alpha 1                                   BR70.1
Element: Deliv Method  S = Shipped
                       H = Hosted
                       E = Electronic
                       L = Loaded
                       1 = Method 1
                       2 = Method 2
                       3 = Method 3

AFD-SHIP-DATE          Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     BR70.1
Element: Ship Date     This field contains the ship date.  If
                       left blank, the system date defaults.

AFD-ANT-SHIP-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     BR70.1
Element: Ship Date     This field contains the ship date.  If
                       left blank, the system date defaults.

AFD-END-DATE           Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     BR70.1
Element: End Date      The end date for this effort period.

AFD-MAINT-PERCENT      Signed 7.3                                BR70.1
Element: Percent       The percentage determines how much
                       retention is held. It can either be a
                       percentage of each invoice, or it can be
                       a percentage of a total.

AFD-LIST-NET-FLAG      Alpha 1                                   BR70.1
Element: List Net Flag 1 = List
                       2 = Net

AFD-SUITE              Alpha 6                                   BR70.1
Element: Prod Suite

AFD-USER-FIELD1        Alpha 15  (Lower Case)                    BR70.1  BR70.2
Element: User Fld3

AFD-USER-FIELD2        Alpha 15  (Lower Case)                    BR70.1  BR70.2
Element: User Fld3

AFD-USER-FIELD3        Alpha 15  (Lower Case)                    BR70.1  BR70.2
Element: User Fld3

AFD-SITE-LOCATION      Numeric 2                                 BR70.1  BR70.2
Element: Site Location

AFD-REV-ACCT-CAT       Alpha 5                                   BR70.1
Element: Acct Category Account categories are groupings of
                       costs, revenues, or a combination of
                       both used for reporting and inquiries
                       for activities in the Activity
                       Management system. All transactions are
                       posted to an account category within an
                       activity. You can assign a specific
                       General Ledger account or range of
                       accounts (company, accounting unit,
                       account, and subaccount) that make up
                       the transactions posted to an account
                       category using AC07.1 (Account

                       Period-to-date, year-to-date, and
                       life-to-date balances are maintained by
                       account category for activities. Account
                       categories must be assigned to
                       activities before you do any budgeting
                       or transaction processing.

                       Valid account category types are:
                       pass thru

AFD-REV-ACCOUNT        Numeric 6                                 BR70.1
Element: Account       This field along with the accounting
                       unit and subaccount make up the location
                       (account) where amounts and other
                       account information is stored.

AFD-REV-SUB-ACCT       Numeric 4                                 BR70.1
Element: Sub Acct      This field contains the subaccount from
                       your general ledger chart of accounts
                       that was charged with the amount carried
                       on this record.

AFD-REV-GL-CD          Alpha 4                                   BR70.1
Element: Ac Gl Code

AFD-TOTAL-COST         Signed 18.2                               BR70.1  BR70.2
Element: Adj Amt

AFD-CGSX-ACCT-CAT      Alpha 5                                   BR70.1  BR70.2
Element: Acct Category Account categories are groupings of
                       costs, revenues, or a combination of
                       both used for reporting and inquiries
                       for activities in the Activity
                       Management system. All transactions are
                       posted to an account category within an
                       activity. You can assign a specific
                       General Ledger account or range of
                       accounts (company, accounting unit,
                       account, and subaccount) that make up
                       the transactions posted to an account
                       category using AC07.1 (Account

                       Period-to-date, year-to-date, and
                       life-to-date balances are maintained by
                       account category for activities. Account
                       categories must be assigned to
                       activities before you do any budgeting
                       or transaction processing.

                       Valid account category types are:
                       pass thru

AFD-CGSX-ACCOUNT       Numeric 6                                 BR70.1  BR70.2
Element: Account       This field along with the accounting
                       unit and subaccount make up the location
                       (account) where amounts and other
                       account information is stored.

AFD-CGSX-SUB-ACCT      Numeric 4                                 BR70.1  BR70.2
Element: Sub Acct      This field contains the subaccount from
                       your general ledger chart of accounts
                       that was charged with the amount carried
                       on this record.

AFD-CGSX-GL-CD         Alpha 4                                   BR70.1  BR70.2
Element: Ac Gl Code

AFD-CGSL-ACCT-CAT      Alpha 5                                   BR70.1  BR70.2
Element: Acct Category Account categories are groupings of
                       costs, revenues, or a combination of
                       both used for reporting and inquiries
                       for activities in the Activity
                       Management system. All transactions are
                       posted to an account category within an
                       activity. You can assign a specific
                       General Ledger account or range of
                       accounts (company, accounting unit,
                       account, and subaccount) that make up
                       the transactions posted to an account
                       category using AC07.1 (Account

                       Period-to-date, year-to-date, and
                       life-to-date balances are maintained by
                       account category for activities. Account
                       categories must be assigned to
                       activities before you do any budgeting
                       or transaction processing.

                       Valid account category types are:
                       pass thru

AFD-CGSL-ACCOUNT       Numeric 6                                 BR70.1  BR70.2
Element: Account       This field along with the accounting
                       unit and subaccount make up the location
                       (account) where amounts and other
                       account information is stored.

AFD-CGSL-SUB-ACCT      Numeric 4                                 BR70.1  BR70.2
Element: Sub Acct      This field contains the subaccount from
                       your general ledger chart of accounts
                       that was charged with the amount carried
                       on this record.

AFD-CGSL-GL-CD         Alpha 4                                   BR70.1  BR70.2
Element: Ac Gl Code

                         ACIFPRDTL FILE INDEX


AFDSET1   CONTRACT                                               BR570   BR70.1
          PRODUCT                                                BR70.2