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                              OEICUST FILE

                      Cust Order Process Interface

The Customer Order Processing Interface file is used to interface customer
records from an external source. Records in this file have been interfaced
from an external source and will be added or changed in the Accounts
Receivable system via AR550 (Customer Interface), and can be maintained in
AR96 Interface Customer.


AR550     AR96.1


AEI-COMPANY            Numeric 4                                 AR96.1
Element: Company       The number representing an AR company.

AEI-CUSTOMER           Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                AR96.1
Element: Customer NumbeThis field contains the number that
                       represents a customer.

AEI-FREIGHT-CODE       Alpha 2                                   AR96.1
Element: Freight Code  This field contains the freight code.
                       This is must be valid in the OE Freight
                       Code file. This determines whether
                       carrier and charge are allowed for the

AEI-FRGHT-CODE-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Freight Code CFreight code change indicator. Valid
                       values are

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

AEI-PK-PRIORITY        Numeric 2                                 AR96.1
Element: Picking PrioriPick priority assigned to this
                       customer. Used by batch inventory
                       allocation to determine which customers
                       get first option on available inventory.

AEI-PK-PRIRITY-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Picking Priority       Picking priority change indicator.
Change                 Valid values are

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

AEI-CARRIER            Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                AR96.1
Carrier Vendor         Carrier Vendor Number. Must be a valid
Number                 vendor number in the Lawson Accounts
                       Payable system.

AEI-CARRIER-CHG        Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Carrier Vendor         Carrier vendor number change indicator.
Number Change          Valid values are

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

AEI-CIA-FL             Alpha 1                                   AR96.1
Element: Cash In AdvancIndicates whether the customer must pay
                       cash in advance. Valid values are

                       N = Cash in advance not required
                       Y = Cash in advance required

AEI-CIA-PCT            Percent 8.5  (Percent)                    AR96.1
Cash In Advance        If cash in advance is required, this
Percent                field indicates the percentage of the
                       order amount required from the customer
                       before accepting the order.

AEI-CIA-PCT-CHG        Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Cash In Advance        Cash in advance percentage change
Percent Change         indicator. Valid values are

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

AEI-ORD-DISC-CODE      Alpha 4                                   AR96.1
Element: Order DiscountOrder discount code used to assess
                       discounts on customer orders. Must be a
                       valid order discount code in the Lawson
                       Order Entry system.

AEI-ORD-DS-CD-CHG      Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Order Discount Code    Order discount code change indicator.
Change                 Valid values are

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

AEI-COMM-SPLIT         Percent 5.3  (Percent)                    AR96.1
Commission Split       This field contains the commission
Percentage             split. This defaults from the Customer
                       Order Processing file.

AEI-COMM-SPLIT-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Commission Split       Commission split percentage change
Pct Change             indicator. Valid values are

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

AEI-SALESMAN-2         Numeric 4                                 AR96.1
Element: Sales Rep NumbThis field contains the code
                       representing the second salesrep. This
                       defaults from the order header.

AEI-SALESMAN-2-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Sales Rep Number 2     Sales rep 2 change indicator. Valid
Change                 values are

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

AEI-PRICE-LST          Alpha 14                                  AR96.1
Element: Price List    Used to automatically price orders.
                       Must be a valid price list in the Lawson
                       Order Entry system.

AEI-ACKNOW-FL          Alpha 1                                   AR96.1
Acknowledgment         Indicates whether the customer requires
Required Flag          printed acknowledgments. Valid values

                       N = Acknowledgments not required
                       Y = Acknowledgments required

AEI-BACK-ORD-FL        Alpha 1                                   AR96.1
Backorders Allowed     Indicates whether the customer accepts
Flag                   backorders. Valid values are

                       N = Backorders not accepted
                       Y = Backorders accepted

AEI-SHIP-COMP-FL       Alpha 1                                   AR96.1
Element: Ship Complete Indicates whether orders must be
                       complete for shipment. Valid values are

                       N = Accepts partial shipments
                       Y = Does not accept partial shipments

AEI-PO-REQ-FL          Alpha 1                                   AR96.1
Purchase Order         Indicates whether the customer's
Required Flag          purchase order number must be entered
                       before releasing an order. Valid values

                       N = PO number not required
                       Y = PO number required

Element: All Flag

AEI-DEF-SHIP-TO        Numeric 4                                 AR96.1
Default Ship-to For    Default ship-to location for the
Customer               customer.

AEI-DEF-SHP-TO-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Default Ship-to        Default ship-to change indicator. Valid
Change                 values are

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

AEI-DEF-LOCATION       Alpha 5                                   AR96.1
Default Location       Default ship-from or warehouse for the
For Operator           customer.

AEI-DEF-LOCTIN-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Default Location       Default location change indicator.
Change                 Valid values are

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

AEI-DEF-METHOD         Alpha 10                                  AR96.1
Default Ship-to        Default shipping method for the
Method                 customer.

AEI-DEF-METHOD-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Default Ship-to        Default shipping method change
Method Change          indicator. Valid values are

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

AEI-CUSTOMER-CODE      Alpha 4                                   AR96.1
Element: Customer Code Customer code. This is a code used to
                       classify customers for Sales Analysis.

AEI-POD-REQ-FL         Alpha 1                                   AR96.1
Element: POD Required FPOD required flag. Customer requires
                       that a Proof of Delivery form accompany
                       the shipment. The shipment will not be
                       billed until POD is returned or the POD
                       grace period expires. Valid values are:

                       N = POD not required
                       Y = POD required

AEI-GRACE-PER          Numeric 3                                 AR96.1
Element: Grace Period  The number of grace days added to the
                       POD creation date before the customer
                       will be billed.

AEI-GRACE-PER-CHG      Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Grace Period CGrace period change indicator. Valid
                       values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

AEI-SGL-HOLD-CODE      Alpha 4                                   AR96.1
Single Order Hold      Hold code applied to a non-COD order
Code                   when the order total amount exceeds
                       single order limit. If the single order
                       limit is greater than zero, then this
                       field is required. If single order limit
                       is equal to zero and a single order hold
                       code is entered, then every non-COD
                       order will be on hold.

AEI-SGL-HOLD-CHG       Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Single Order Hold      Single order hold code change
Code Change            indicator. Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

AEI-SGL-ORD-LIM        Signed 13.0                               AR96.1
Element: Single Order Limit

AEI-SGL-ORD-LM-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Single Order Limit     Single order limit change indicator.
Change                 Valid values are

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

AEI-COD-LIM            Signed 13.0                               AR96.1
Element: COD Limit     Total value limit for COD orders.

AEI-COM-LIM-CHG        Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: COD Limit ChanCOD limit change indicator. Valid
                       values are

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

AEI-COD-HOLD-CODE      Alpha 4                                   AR96.1
Element: COD Hold Code Hold code applied to an order if it
                       exceeds the COD order limit.

AEI-COD-HOLD-CHG       Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: COD Hold Code COD hold code change indicator. Valid
                       values are

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

AEI-ENT-CHECK-FL       Alpha 1                                   AR96.1
Element: Order Credit CIndicates whether credit checking is
                       performed when orders are entered. Valid
                       values are

                       N = No credit checking performed
                       Y = Credit checking performed

AEI-PRT-CHECK-FL       Alpha 1                                   AR96.1
Picking List Credit    Indicates whether credit checking is
Check                  performed prior to printing picking
                       lists. Valid values are

                       N = No credit checking performed
                       Y = Credit checking performed

AEI-AGE-CRED-PCT       Percent 5.2  (Percent) Occurs 5 Times     AR96.1
Age Credit             The percentage of the credit limit
Percentages            allowed for this period.

AEI-AGE-CRED-CHG       Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Age Credit             Aging credit percent change indicator.
Percentages Change     Valid values are

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

AEI-AGE-HOLD-CD        Alpha 4 Occurs 5 Times                    AR96.1
Element: Aging Hold CodThe hold code applied to an order if it
                       is added when the customer fails the
                       credit check because of the aging period

AEI-AGE-HOLD-CHG       Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Aging Hold Code        Aging hold code change indicator. Valid
Change                 values are

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

AEI-CR-HOLD-CODE       Alpha 4
Element: Credit Hold CoIndicates whether the customer was put
                       on credit hold. Valid values are:

AEI-CR-HOLD-CHG        Numeric 1
Credit Hold Code       Credit hold code change indicator.
Change                 Valid values are

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

AEI-BRKN-CS-CHRG       Alpha 1                                   AR96.1
Element: Broken Case ChDetermines if there is a charge if a
                       broken case is required to satisfy an
                       order in Order Entry. Valid values are

                       N = No broken case charge
                       Y = Broken case charge

AEI-CR-LIMIT-HOLD      Alpha 4                                   AR96.1
Credit Limit Hold      Indicates if a customer is on hold for
Code                   exceeding the credit limit.

AEI-CR-LIM-HLD-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Credit Limit Hold      Credit limit hold code change
Code Change            indicator. Valid values are

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

AEI-OR-LIMIT-HOLD      Alpha 4                                   AR96.1
Order Limit Hold       Indicates if a customer is on hold for
Code                   exceeding the order limit.

AEI-OR-LIM-HLD-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Order Limit Hold       Order limit hold code. Valid values are
Code Change
                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

AEI-LINE-ITEM-REQ      Alpha 1                                   AR96.1
Element: Line Items ReqIndicates if line items are to be
                       produced for an invoice. Valid values

                       N = Line items are not produced.
                       Y = Line items are produced.

AEI-TAX-PRINT-CD       Alpha 1
Element: Tax Print Cd  D = Calc by line - print detail
                       P = Price incl tax - print summary
                       S = Calc by line - print summary
                       T = Calc and print in summary
                       " " = Space

                         OEICUST FILE INDEX


AEISET1   COMPANY                                                AR550   AR96.1