Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Conditions Elements Libraries APIs Forms


                              POCLINE FILE


PO520     PO53.2    PO53.1


CAL-PROCURE-GROUP      Alpha 4                                   PO520   PO53.2
Element: Procure Group This field contains the identifier for a
                       group of companies that share a common
                       procurement effort. They buy items and
                       services together.

CAL-COMPANY            Numeric 4                                 PO520   PO53.2
Element: Company       Identifies the AP company if the
                       resource type = V.  Identifies the HR
                       company if the resource type = E.  It is
                       blank for type A, P or Q resources.

CAL-PO-NUMBER          Alpha 14  (Right Justified)               PO520   PO53.2
Element: Po Number     This field contains the number
                       representing the purchase order.

CAL-PO-RELEASE         Numeric 4                                 PO520   PO53.2
Element: Po Release    Used to identify a purchase order
                       release (created from a Blanket or
                       Standing order).

CAL-PO-CODE            Alpha 4                                   PO520   PO53.2
Element: Po Code       This is the purchase order code.

CAL-LINE-NBR           Numeric 6                                 PO520   PO53.2
Element: Line Nbr      This field contains the line number.

CAL-REC-TYP            Numeric 2                                 PO520   PO53.2
Element: Rec Typ

CAL-ITEM               Alpha 32                                  PO520   PO53.2
Element: Item          This field contains the item

CAL-ITEM-TYPE          Alpha 1                                   PO520   PO53.2
Element: Item Type     This field identifies the line item
                       I = Invnetoried
                       S = Service
                       X = Special
                       N = Non-Stock

CAL-SERVICE-CODE       Alpha 1                                   PO520   PO53.2
Element: Service Code

CAL-DESCRIPTION        Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    PO520   PO53.2
Element: Description   This field displays the description.

CAL-QUANTITY           Signed 13.4                               PO520   PO53.2
Element: Quantity      This field contains the desired

CAL-AGREEMENT-REF      Alpha 30                                  PO520   PO53.2
Element: Agreement Ref

CAL-ENT-UNIT-CST       Signed 18.5                               PO520   PO53.2
Element: Intl Cost

CAL-TAXBL-UNT-CST      Signed 18.5                               PO520   PO53.2
Element: Intl Cost

CAL-ENT-BUY-UOM        Alpha 4                                   PO520   PO53.2
Element: Uom           This field contains the valid stock
                       unit of measure for this item.

CAL-EARLY-DL-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     PO520   PO53.2
Element: Early Dl Date This field contains the early delivery

CAL-LATE-DL-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     PO520   PO53.2
Element: Late Dl Date  This field contains the late delivery

CAL-LOCATION           Alpha 5                                   PO520   PO53.2
Element: Location      This field contains a valid stocking
                       location within the company inventory.

CAL-VEN-ITEM           Alpha 32                                  PO520   PO53.2
Element: Item          This field contains the item

CAL-DIST-CODE          Alpha 9                                   PO520   PO53.2
Element: Dist Code     A user-defined code used to
                       automatically create expense
                       distributions or expense distribution
                       "shells" for invoices or to split an
                       invoice distribution into multiple

CAL-TAX-CODE           Alpha 10                                  PO520   PO53.2
Element: Tax Code      This field contains a code representing
                       specific tax information.  This must be
                       valid Tax Code.

CAL-WEIGHT             Signed 9.3                                PO520   PO53.2
Element: Weight        This field contains the unit weight of
                       the item based on the stocking UOM.

CAL-CUBIC-FEET         Signed 9.3                                PO520   PO53.2
Element: Cubic Feet    This field contains the unit cubic feet
                       of the item based on the stocking UOM.

CAL-COST-OPTION        Alpha 1                                   PO520   PO53.2
Element: Cost Option   1 = Cosr Required
                       2 = No Charge
                       3 = Vendor Determined

CAL-CERT-REQ-FL        Alpha 1                                   PO520   PO53.2
Element: Cert Req Fl   This flag indicates whether a
                       certification is required for this line
                       when it is purchased.  This field value
                       is passed to the PO when the PO line is
                       created.  Valid values are:
                           N = Certification not required.
                           Y = Certification required.

CAL-INSP-REQ-FL        Alpha 1                                   PO520   PO53.2
Element: All Flag      N = No
                       Y = Yes

CAL-MSDS-FLAG          Alpha 1                                   PO520   PO53.2
Element: All Flag

CAL-NO-LT-CALC-FL      Alpha 1                                   PO520   PO53.2
Element: All Flag      N = No
                       Y = Yes

CAL-TAXABLE-FLAG       Alpha 1                                   PO520   PO53.2
Element: Taxable Flag  Defines if Taxable.
                       N = No
                       Y = Yes

CAL-OSHIP-TOL-PCT      Percent 5.3  (Percent)                    PO520   PO53.2
Element: Oship Tol Pct Quantity overshipment tolerance

CAL-USHIP-TOL-PCT      Percent 6.3  (Percent)                    PO520   PO53.2
Element: Uship Tol Pct This is the quantity undership
                       percentage for automatic back order
                       cancellation. If a value of 10% is
                       entered here, for instance, and a
                       quantity of 91 is shipped against an
                       ordered quantity of 100, that would be
                       considered a 9% undershipment. Since
                       this is less than the 10% limit, the
                       backordered amount would be cancelled.

                       This process takes place at receiving
                       time. If a backorder is not cancelled
                       manually, the system checks, in order,
                       the PO line, the PO vendor purchase from
                       record, the PO vendor record, and the
                       company record. If an undershipment
                       percentage of a zero percent flag set to
                       Y is encountered at any level, that
                       value is used.
                       NOTE-The percentage can be set at 100%,
                       which would cancel all backorders.

CAL-USER-DATE-3        Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     PO520   PO53.2
Element: Date          This field displays the system date
                       when this was created.

CAL-USER-DATE-4        Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     PO520   PO53.2
Element: Date          This field displays the system date
                       when this was created.

CAL-PURCH-MAJCL        Alpha 4                                   PO520   PO53.2
Element: Major Class

CAL-PURCH-MINCL        Alpha 4                                   PO520   PO53.2
Element: Minor Class

CAL-MANUF-CODE         Alpha 4                                   PO520   PO53.2
Element: Manuf Code    This field contains a user defined code
                       that indicates the  manufacturer of an

CAL-MANUF-DIVISION     Alpha 4                                   PO520   PO53.2
Element: Manuf DivisionThis is a user defined code that
                       indicates which division of a
                       manufacturer is tied to an item.

CAL-MANUF-NBR          Alpha 15                                  PO520   PO53.2
Element: Manuf Nbr     This is the identifier that the
                       manufacturer has assigned to an item.

CAL-CLOSED-FL          Alpha 1                                   PO520   PO53.2
Element: Closed Fl     The Closed Flag.

CAL-ZERO-OSHIP-FL      Alpha 1                                   PO520   PO53.2
Element: All Flag

CAL-ZERO-USHIP-FL      Alpha 1                                   PO520   PO53.2
Element: All Flag

CAL-EXCL-AOC-SPRD      Alpha 1                                   PO520   PO53.2
Element: Excl Aoc Sprd Exclude this line item from the
                       Add On Cost Spread Methods.

CAL-PO-USER-FLD-2      Alpha 2                                   PO520   PO53.2
Element: Po User Fld 2 Purchase order line user defined field.

CAL-PO-USER-FLD-4      Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    PO520   PO53.2
Element: User Fld2

CAL-PO-USER-FLD-6      Alpha 15  (Lower Case)                    PO520   PO53.2
Element: User Fld3

CAL-ELEMENT-01         Alpha 32                                  PO520   PO53.2
Element: Element 01

CAL-ELEMENT-02         Alpha 32                                  PO520   PO53.2
Element: Element 01

CAL-ELEMENT-03         Alpha 32                                  PO520   PO53.2
Element: Element 01

CAL-ELEMENT-04         Alpha 32                                  PO520   PO53.2
Element: Element 01

CAL-ELEMENT-05         Alpha 32                                  PO520   PO53.2
Element: Element 01

CAL-ELEMENT-06         Alpha 32                                  PO520   PO53.2
Element: Element 01

CAL-ELEMENT-07         Alpha 32                                  PO520   PO53.2
Element: Element 01

CAL-ELEMENT-08         Alpha 32                                  PO520   PO53.2
Element: Element 01

CAL-ELEMENT-09         Alpha 32                                  PO520   PO53.2
Element: Element 01

CAL-ELEMENT-10         Alpha 32                                  PO520   PO53.2
Element: Element 01

CAL-PLI-USR-FLD-01     Alpha 20                                  PO520   PO53.2
Element: Pli Usr Fld 01

CAL-PLI-USR-FLD-02     Alpha 20                                  PO520   PO53.2
Element: Pli Usr Fld 02

CAL-PLI-USR-FLD-03     Alpha 20                                  PO520   PO53.2
Element: Pli Usr Fld 03

CAL-PLI-USR-FLD-04     Alpha 20                                  PO520   PO53.2
Element: Pli Usr Fld 04

CAL-PLI-USR-FLD-05     Alpha 20                                  PO520   PO53.2
Element: Pli Usr Fld 05

CAL-TAX-USAGE-CD       Alpha 10                                  PO520   PO53.2
Element: Tax Usage Cd  The tax usage coe for the vendor.  This
                       filed is required if the AP Company
                       inidcates that VAT reporting required.

CAL-ICN-CODE           Alpha 8                                   PO520   PO53.2
Element: Icn Code

CAL-SUPLMNTARY-QTY     Signed 13.4                               PO520   PO53.2
Element: Quantity      This field contains the desired

CAL-PLI-SEG-BLOCK      Alpha 103                                 PO520   PO53.2
Element: Segment Block This field identifies the user analysis
                       values included in the transaction.

                       You can either type up to four values
                       or use Define (F6) to open the User
                       Analysis Entry subform. Use this subform
                       to select the user analysis values you
                       want to include in the transaction. If
                       you choose to type values, use commas to
                       separate them. For example:

                       There are three conditions that affect
                       how you can select user analysis values.
                       See the User Analysis Entry form help or
                       the Strategic Ledger procedures manual
                       for additional information.

CAL-COMMODITY-CODE     Alpha 35                                  PO53.2
Element: Commodity Code

                         POCLINE FILE INDEX


CALSET1   PROCURE-GROUP                                          PO520   PO53.1
          COMPANY                                                PO53.2