Getting Vendor is not Active message in PO10 on an ACTIVE vendor

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Bev Edwards
Veteran Member
Posts: 366
Veteran Member

    When searching on a vendor in PO10, the name of the vendor displays when I Inquire, however I get a returned message saying that the Vendor is not Active.

    My AP department confirmed the vendor is active, so not sure why I'd be getting this message.

    Has anyone ever seen this before??

    Bev Edwards
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 366
    Veteran Member

      Skip it.

      Apparently, there is a lack of communication/process where our AP department is adding vendors, but the action is not being communicated back to the Purchasing manager responsible for adding the PO10 records.


      Is a PO10 record required for every vendor added in AP10??



      Veteran Member
      Posts: 165
      Veteran Member
        We have the same communication (or lack thereof) issue. We are going to try using a Process Flow that will generate an email to Purchasing when a vendor is added based
        on Vendor Class, but first, AP needs to do extensive cleanup of the Vendor Class assignments before we can proceed. I would think that every AP10 vendor that will
        generate a PO should have a PO10.
        Kat V
        Veteran Member
        Posts: 1020
        Veteran Member
          PO10/PO10.2 is required to set default PO issue method. We only add for A vendors - not D or I.
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