Inventory balance

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Posts: 5
    Is there a screen or an alternative to find prior months ending inventory balance for an Item at a company location.  
    Thanks in advance.
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 1162
    Veteran Member
      IC50 will show you running inventory balances. Just enter the month end date in the "Position To Date" field and inquire. The number in the After Quantity column will be the month end balance.
      Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
      Posts: 5
        Thank you for the information.  If we do not have a transaction on that date (which we enter in position to date on the IC50),  it will not display any transactions.

        My question is in the context of preparing a Trial Balance for all the items in a given company/location

        For example: The report should display beginning balance, followed by all the transactions for every item for a given company/location and a date range.

        One approach which i have in my mind is to develop report,  taking the To-Date  and going back till the From-date adding/subtracting all the transactions.   Finally prepare a statement showing the item balance for a given date followed by transactions.

        Any suggestions will greatly help in my analysis.  Thank you. 
        Veteran Member
        Posts: 1162
        Veteran Member
          If there are no transactions for the date entered you should still see any transactions before or after that date. If you see nothing displayed at all then the date your entered is prior to the date the item was added to stock.

          My suggestion was for looking at individual items quickly. If you want a report that shows you inventory balances for all items for a certain date try IC234. The report is called Period End Valuation but you can enter any date for the valuation. Make your Totals Only flag = N to get the item detail.

          One thing about this report though, at least it used to do this, if an item was discontinued and removed from inventory it won't be included in the report. So if you're looking for a total inventory valuation for a location on December 31, 2013 and one or more items have had their Inventory Tracked flag changed to N since then your valuation may not be truly accurate.
          Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
          Posts: 5
            Thank you for the information.
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