Lawson Users from Florida

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Massimo Emilione
Advanced Member
Posts: 29
Advanced Member
    Hi all.

    This topic is to gauge how many users work in Florida but have never been or heard of FLUG.

    The Florida Users Group (FLUG) is an organization, independent of Lawson Software, dedicated to maximizing the benefits of the use of all Lawson Software products.

    The purpose of the group is to: Provide a forum for effective communication of information between clients and Lawson; Provide networking opportunities and the exchange of ideas and strategies among users; Enhance user understanding of Lawson products, services, and related technologies, third party business partners, and future direction; Allow direct client feedback relative to Lawson's suite of offerings.

    As of the last few years membership has been FREE. The more members we are able to get the more vendors will want to come and help contribute to the costs of hosting our meetings. FLUG is very similar to CUE in regards of sharing ideas and topics within lawson with other users in the state. In the next few days we plan to send out a survey to get an idea of how often people want to have a meeting and where they would like it located.

    Please signup at as we want to send you the most updated info to events.
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