ACA BN27 and 1094-C MEC

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Molly S3 v10 Benefits
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    We ran our BN299 and submitted it in February, however we saw that a new patch was released and that the fields for FTE Count and Minimum Essential Coverage Provided were missing from the 1094-C XML file (only had total 1095C form count).

    Does anyone have a guide other than the PRYE User Guide for how to setup BN27? 

    Also, if we offered coverage to employees (Code 1K) and they did NOT enroll, it populates the Safe Harbor Code with 2H.  We also noticed that it was listing the months they enrolled in a WAIVE plan in Part III for Covered Individuals (which makes it look like they were covered - like others in code 2C).  Is there a trick to get around this, or is this ok since code 2C is not listed in Part II


    Thanks in advance.
