Delete PA03 records

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Mary Porter
Veteran Member
Posts: 337
Veteran Member

    Has anyone done this with add-ins? I'm trying to delete many records from PA03 via add-ins and I must be missing a field.

    I am using company, position, effective date, fc=D, field number and Change Only, and it says it ran but no message under results and the record has not been deleted.

    Appreciate any help I can get. Thanks!

    Margie Gyurisin
    Veteran Member
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      That is what works for me.

      Do you hve the field number as (H)_f10:0,PPC-FLD-NBR1?
      Karen Ploof
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 118
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        Hi Mary,

        I added the HK fiield to the spreadsheet and successfully deleted a record. The value in this column should be the concatenation of the 4-digit company, the 12-digit positon code, and the 8-digit date for a total of 24 characters. If the company code is not 4-digits, it needs to be left-padded with zeros, if the position code is not 12-characters, it should be padded with spaces on the right. The date should be in the fomrat yyyymmdd.

        Let me know how it goes. karen
        Karen Ploof
        Veteran Member
        Posts: 118
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          Hmm... I couldn't get the delete to work without the HK field, even with the field number as (H)_f10:0,PPC-FLD-NBR1.

          Like Mary, I got a "Change complete - continue" message, but the record was not deleted. Now I am really curious to see what ends up working.
          Mary Porter
          Veteran Member
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            Karen - are you using excel 2010? How did you pad the position code? we have varying position code lengths.
            Karen Ploof
            Veteran Member
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              Well.. I didn't have to pad for this particular situation so I will have to do a little research to refresh my memory. Unfortunately I am not at my computer right now. I will get back to you as soon as I can.
              Mary Porter
              Veteran Member
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                I figured out the pad for the position and, got the HK set up, now I'm getting Must inquire before using this function code (_f0) if I try change, and
                Value not in list: [I,N,P,C,+,-] if I try delete. I'll keep working on it, but if you have any other ideas I would appreciate it. Thank you!
                Mary Porter
                Veteran Member
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                  Wait - spoke too soon - used Fc=D, Company, Position, Fld-Nbr(f10), Effective Date and the HK and it is working now! Thank you Margie and Karen!
                  Karen Ploof
                  Veteran Member
                  Posts: 118
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                    Great, thanks for letting us know.
                    Mary Porter
                    Veteran Member
                    Posts: 337
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                      The concantenate looked like this:
                      =CONCATENATE("0100"&N3&REPT(" ",12-LEN(N3))&H3)
                      where 0100 was the company, and N3 was the position code.
                      H3 was the effective date which I had converted to text

                      Just so we all have it the next time we forget
                      Karen Ploof
                      Veteran Member
                      Posts: 118
                      Veteran Member
                        Hey Mary,

                        It was nice of you to take the time to post the formula. For those who are new to add-ins, the HK (I'm sure it stands for Hidden Key) field is often required to update or delete records and it is always a concatenation of a few fields, and it almost always requires padding zeros or spaces -- so keeping Mary's formula handy will be helpful for lots of different import projects in the future.


                        Margie Gyurisin
                        Veteran Member
                        Posts: 538
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                          I do not need to use teh HK for mine to work.

                          What version are you on? I fear another change in something that was working so well.

                          Mary Porter
                          Veteran Member
                          Posts: 337
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                            We are on
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