New Hire Self Service not working

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    I think I have this all set up correct (or maybe not, since it isn't working) but I may be missing a step.
    I set up a group for self service, I set BS01, BS03.3, BS05. I even set BN16 and added my group and used the same values I used on the BS screens. The employee is in the group I set up, but when I look at her in BS09 for the N type, there are no eligibility dates. Is there a job that needs to be run to update them?

    I also added the new hire enrollment bookmark on the portal.

    When I log in as the employee (this is on test) it states that I am not "unable to enroll in benefits at this time"

    We are using 60 days from the Adjusted Hire date.

    What am I missing?
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