Third party reporting for medicare surcharge

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    We use a third party for our tax filing and reporting. They are asking for a separate tax code and wages for the additional medicare surcharge of .9% for wage earners above $200,000. Has anyone else dealt with this? Could you share how you have it set up?
    Mary Porter
    Veteran Member
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      Lawson said they were going to be modifying the pr287 to have a separate line for the .9%
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        Does anyone know if this will be available before the end of the first quarter? Our user are asking for a seperate report so they can report it on the 941's for the 1st quarter wages.
        Advanced Member
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          Mary, thank you for the reply. I saw that Lawson has a patch for the PR287 and sleow, it is available now. We are loading that patch and we will see what it provides. Since we don't use the PR287 (the third party does that for us), I am not sure where we can get the information unless we use a custom program. (which I was hoping to avoid!)
          Basic Member
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          Basic Member
            Thank you for the CTP information. Maybe you could use the information on the new PR297 to provide the information to the 3rd party.
            Mary Porter
            Veteran Member
            Posts: 337
            Veteran Member
              We don't use the PR287 either but payroll does look at it to help with balancing - so the figures should be on there for the .9%, or at least that is what we are hoping.
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