ESS Benefits Enrollment - My DME and AGS calls Not Working

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    I added the following two functions and SRC references to the ESS Benefits Enrollment disp_ben_01.htm file to retrieve and update the HL_COV_PROOF field in the PAEMPLOYEE table. Both functions die at the DME and AGS call which causes Benefits Enrollment to display continuously a "Processing..." message. Does anyone know why I am experiencing this issue with my DME and AGS calls?

    <script src="/lawson/webappjs/data.js"></script><br /> <script src="/lawson/xhrnet/xml/xmldateroutines.js"></script><br /> <script src="/lawson/webappjs/transaction.js"></script><br />
    function getSpouseHealthCoverageHR11()
     var dmeObj = new DMEObject(authUser.prodline, "paemployee");
     dmeObj.out = "JAVASCRIPT"; = authUser.prodline;
     dmeObj.field = "hl-cov-proof"
     dmeObj.max = "1";
     dmeObj.otmmax = "1";
     dmeObj.key = parseInt(,10) +"="+ parseInt(authUser.employee,10);
     dmeObj.func = "";
     if (parent.jsreturn.record[0].hl-cov-proof == 'N')
      return 'checked';
      return '';

    function updateSpouseHealthCoverageHR11()
      var tmp='Y';
     if (self.document.getElementById("SpouseCoverage").checked == true)
     var obj = new parent.AGSObject(parent.prodline,"HR11.1")
      + "&EMP-COMPANY=" + escape(
      + "&EMP-EMPLOYEE=" + escape(parent.employee)
      + "&PEM-HL-COV-PROOF=" + tmp
      + "&EFFECT-DATE=" + ymdtoday

    Judy Consoli
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 43
    Veteran Member
      Do you have Fiddler installed on your desktop?  If not, get it.  It's free   .

      Install it and then cut and paste the DME and or AGS call into your url address and execute the command - this will give you a hint about what's not working.

      Judy Consoli
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 43
      Veteran Member
        Sorry - should have said cut and paste the URL from the fiddler detail for the DME or AGS call
        Veteran Member
        Posts: 81
        Veteran Member
          Hi Judy, I have Fiddler. The last URL listed in the fiddler traffic window is for the disp_ben_01.htm file. The are no URL's listed or details before or after the disp_ben_01.htm file showing the above DME or AGS call being called. When the disp_ben_01.htm file is loaded the DME call should have been called. If I comment out the parent.DME(dmeObj,"jsreturn") line of code the disp_ben_01.htm loads and display fine.
          Judy Consoli
          Veteran Member
          Posts: 43
          Veteran Member
            Then it sounds like that line is failing.

            Do you have an iframe at the bottom of your html for "jsreturn"

            Sounds like it's failing on the DME call because you are missing jsreturn

            Check out benannenroll.htm - you just can't insert the AGS DME calls without the "infrastructure" around it.

            Veteran Member
            Posts: 81
            Veteran Member
              Hi Judy,

              I want to thank you in advance for your help. Even after looking at benannenroll.htm and adding to my disp_ben_01.htm file anything infrastructure related to "jsreturn" the DME call is still falling. I have included in this replay every line of code that I added to disp_ben_01.htm related to the DME and AGS calls in hopes that may you will see something that I am missing. 

              <script src="/lawson/xhrnet/xml/xmlcommon.js"></script><br /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/lawson/xhrnet/ui/ui.js"></script><br /> <script src="/lawson/webappjs/javascript/objects/Sizer.js"></script><br /> <!-- A.Gersh 2014.07 Added -->
              <script src="/lawson/webappjs/data.js"></script><br /> <script src="/lawson/xhrnet/xml/xmldateroutines.js"></script><br /> <script src="/lawson/webappjs/transaction.js"></script><br /> <script src="/lawson/webappjs/user.js"></script><br /> <script src="/lawson/xhrnet/waitalert.js"></script><br /> <!-- A.Gersh 2014.07 -->
              <script><br /> function startProgram()
                  // A.Gersh 2014.07 Added
                  // A.Gersh 2014.07

                  html += '

                  // A.Gersh 2014.07 Added function to update Spouse Coverage - Health Coverage flag in HR11
                  //html += uiButton(getSeaPhrase("CONTINUE","BEN"),"parent.parseChoice(this.form);return false","margin-top:10px")
                  html += uiButton(getSeaPhrase("CONTINUE","BEN"),"parent.parseChoice(this.form);updateSpouseHealthCoverageHR11();return false","margin-top:10px")
                  // A.Gersh 2014.07
                  html += uiButton(getSeaPhrase("EXIT","BEN"),"parent.parent.quitEnroll(parent.location);return false","margin-right:0px;margin-top:10px")
                  html += '


                  // A.Gersh 2014.07 Added checkbox and link to additional text for Medical, Spouse Coverage Affidavit
                  if (parent.parent.EligPlans[parent.parent.CurrentEligPlan][2] == "MED") {
                     html += '

                     html +='<input id="SpouseCoverage" type="checkbox" onclick="openSpouseCoverage(this.checked);return false;"' + getSpouseHealthCoverageHR11() + '>&amp;nbsp;'+getSeaPhrase("BEN_CUSTOM_24","BEN")<br />        html += '

                 // A.Gersh 2014.07

                html += '</form>'

                html += ''


              / A.Gersh 2014.07 Spouse Coverage
              function getSpouseHealthCoverageHR11()
               var dmeObj = new DMEObject(authUser.prodline, "paemployee");
               dmeObj.out = "JAVASCRIPT";
      = authUser.prodline;
               dmeObj.field = "hl-cov-proof"
               dmeObj.max = "1";
               dmeObj.otmmax = "1";
               dmeObj.key = parseInt(,10) +"="+ parseInt(authUser.employee,10);
               dmeObj.func = "";
               if (parent.jsreturn.record[0].hl-cov-proof == 'N')
                return 'checked';
                return '';

              function updateSpouseHealthCoverageHR11()
               var tmp='Y';
               if (self.document.getElementById("SpouseCoverage").checked == true)
               var obj = new parent.AGSObject(parent.prodline,"HR11.1")
                + "&EMP-COMPANY=" + escape(
                + "&EMP-EMPLOYEE=" + escape(parent.employee)
                + "&PEM-HL-COV-PROOF=" + tmp
                + "&EFFECT-DATE=" + ymdtoday
              function openSpouseCoverage(checked)
               if (checked == true)
                var temp='http://'+window.location.hostname+'/lawson/xbnnet/spousal_coverage.htm'
                var,"DescWindow"," toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=700,height=500")
              // A.Gersh 2014.07


              <body onload="setLayerSizes();startProgram()" style="visibility:hidden"><br /> <!-- A.Gersh 2014.07 Added -->
              <!-- A.Gersh 2014.07 -->







              Judy Consoli
              Veteran Member
              Posts: 43
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                email me at
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                  Judy, I want to verify that you got the email I sent you earlier. My email address is...
                  Judy Consoli
                  Veteran Member
                  Posts: 43
                  Veteran Member
                    Yes -I have sent you seveal emails - did you not receive?


                    Judy Consoli
                    Veteran Member
                    Posts: 43
                    Veteran Member
                      Alan:  I am receiving your emails - not sure why you are not getting mine.

                      send me your phone number and I will call you.

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