Get Field Value Desciptions via Fetch

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    I have a table that includes a "status" field that has a value list with translations defined in dbdef (i.e 0=Entered, 1=Submitted, etc).  If I do a fetch against that table, are the field translations returned as well as the field value?

    For example, if my table is ZZTEST with prefix ZZZ, I can do an 840-FIND-ZZZSET1.  Once I do this, I will be able to do a "MOVE ZZZ-STATUS TO whatever".  Is there a way for me to move the translation value as well?

    I know I can do this on a screen using key numbers, but I want to be able to push the status into another field.  Any thoughts on how I can do this without re-defining the translations in my code?


    Kelly Meade
    J. R. Simplot Company
    Boise, ID
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 164
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      I don't think you can get to that info directly, Kelly... If you paint a new report that has translation values you can paint the translations into the report by simply repainting the field again. However all this will do is provide a translation field such as you see with your on-line forms. What this does is supply the db translation values in your .rpt. You could then grab the translation value from your report and move it elsewhere. This would not be a "dynamic" approach in the case if you added new translations, however.
      Veteran Member
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        Drat! Thanks Jim. I figured that was the case, but I though maybe there was a trick I didn't know about. I can manually add them to the code, but I was being lazy. It seemed reasonable that if they were defined in DBDEF, then a fetch should be able to return them as well. Oh well!

        Thanks for the reply!

        Kelly Meade
        J. R. Simplot Company
        Boise, ID
        Veteran Member
        Posts: 164
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          Have a great Thanksgiving Holiday, Kelly  
          Veteran Member
          Posts: 709
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            Thanks Jim - You too!
            Kelly Meade
            J. R. Simplot Company
            Boise, ID
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