Javascript/AGS: Code after AGS call executes too quickly before AGS is complete.

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Larry Chough
New Member
Posts: 2
New Member

    I'm a web developer, but a newbie to Lawson.  My company has a lot of custom web pages derived from ESS.

    Is there any convention to make sure the JavaScript code has completed an AGS call before continuing to execute?

    I've been running into instances where the code is trying to process data from AGS (or DME), but fails because the AGS call has not yet completed and thus no data to process yet.  I've been trying timeouts, but those aren't 100% reliable.

    Any help or insight would be most appreciated.

    Thank you very much.

    Robert Spurr
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 130
    Veteran Member
      While this is a sample from a design studio modification, it illustrates the steps. This has always worked for me and I've never had an issue of beating the DME or AGS to the punch.

      //DME call
      var s = "?PROD="+strPDL;
      s += "&FILE=ITEMLOC";
      s += "&INDEX=ITLSET1&KEY=" + vCompany + "=" + vLocation + "=" + vItem;
      s += "&MAX=1&OUT=XML";

      var sReturn = portalWnd.httpRequest(portalWnd.DMEPath + s);

      if (!sReturn || sReturn.status)
      var msg="Error calling DME ";

      msg += (sReturn
      ? "(status code): " + sReturn.status
      : "bad server response.");
      return true;
      Larry Chough
      New Member
      Posts: 2
      New Member
        Thanks so much Robert! Much appreciated.
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