Copy jobs and definitions from prod to test

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    I would like to copy a few users lawson jobs from our production server to test server.
    We refresh the database weekly, but the test users are requesting we move their current production jobs and definitions to the test server.
    What process do you suggest ?
    both servers are the same
    windows 2003, sql 2005
    Chad Dirst
    Advanced Member
    Posts: 25
    Advanced Member
      jobdump and jobload will work.

      If the product line name is changing you might have to account for a few extra items in the file and have a script change them. If this is true, you may want to review the jobdump output and search (in upper and lower case) for the product line name. You may end up finding the old product line name in certain tags (ie. Description and Params). Please let me know if you have additional questions, I have completed this several times and have a few scripts I could send you.
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 94
      Veteran Member
        Hi Andrew,
        Using jobload and jobdump commands you should be able to transfer the jobs across for individual users. I tend to create a batch file with multiple jobdumps (one jobdump line for one user, creating one .out file)
        This is transferred to the test server and then i have to manually change the following fields (open in Notepad)

        Server Name in the print file area

        You need to take care about not including any extra spaces especially when replacing the Productline and Project

        I manually run this proces in each of the .out files

        for Loading into new server - i have two batch file
        first which loads itin preview mode to check for errors (just joload -o...)
        once no error found , load with commit (jobload -c -o ...)

        Search for jobdump and jobload in the GSC knowledgebase and you will get couple of articles with the exact syntax

        Hope this helps
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