Multple LSF9 Environments

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    LSF9.0.0.5, WAS 6.1, W2003.  Currently we have one test LSF9 environment running under VMWare.  There is a need for at least one more test environment.  Knowing that there must be a unique ADAM instance to LSF9, is the best (and possibly only) practice to use a single Windows server for each LSF9 instance?

    Veteran Member
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      We have 2 test LSF9 enviroments running on the same windows 2003 box. One Lawson protal use the port 80, anotheris using port81. ADAM also have 2 different ports for different lawson environments.
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        As Lawson does not support Virtual Servers we have also setup 3 Test environments, (with own LSF and ADAM) on a Windows 2003 Server accessing the same SQL Server with 3 different Instances

        port 80 - DEV, port 81 - UAT and port 82 - PREPROD

        We also have MSCM and Process flow configured for each of these environments.

        i beleive all three environment share the Websphere though we have separate Servers for each environment

        This setup was done by Lawson PSG for us





        Veteran Member
        Posts: 94
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          Sorry forgot to mention we are on LSF and Apps 8.1 MSP5
          Jimmy Chiu
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            One ADAM install can host multiple unique LDAP directories for multiple lawson envrionments. Use different port numbers for each instance created within ADAM and point the LDAPBIND to the corresponding port/instance.

            @32bit LSF, you would want to seperate the servers, put up another VM to host your ADAM or use your existing ADAM to create another instance.

            @64 bit LSF, just throw everything in one single server since it's test server. (minus the DB server which you probably have it on a cluster/SAN configuration)



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