Report is Blank

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Srini Rao
Veteran Member
Posts: 148
Veteran Member
    When I open LARGE reports in IE, it opens the blank page. But other browsers like Firefox and google chrome open the report in pdf format.

    Any idea why IE is not supporting the large PDFs?

    Veteran Member
    Posts: 89
    Veteran Member
      IE doesn't support PDF files natively, you require a plugin (most commonly from Adobe) to open them. Chrome and Firefox have native renderers.

      These are the two possibilities that come to the top of my mind...

      1. The PDF is too large to load via the IE->Plugin path and is loading in Chrome or Firefox because of the lower resource requirements they require.

      2. The PDF is loading but is just so large that it's still loading by the time you give up, it looks blank because the plugin is attempting to load the entire file into memory before rendering any pages. Neither Chrome or Firefox require the entire PDF be loaded before they start rendering so it just seems faster.

      Srini Rao
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 148
      Veteran Member
        Hello, Finally I found the solution.. Report name we had a special char in report name.

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