reporting Services>Delivery Administration

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    When running a delivery test for a users' email setup, the text in the body of the test email says "Test email delivery successful!"
    Can that wording be changed?
    To something like--
    Please contact the LBI Administrator, Sally Soso, when you receive this test email.

    What happens when its a bad email address?
    I tested, and so far no bounce-back to the admin email inbox...

    Greg Moeller
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 1498
    Veteran Member
      Not aware of a way to change the wording on the email, but I can answer your OR question.
      When a bad email address is entered, you'll get a failure on your Test Delivery... Now, if it happens that you entered a valid email address, but not to the person that you intended....
      If you fail to do a Test Delivery, like I do most of the time... the ONLY way that bad email addresses show up is in the SystemOut.log file.
      I've written a perl script that will scan through that log file and email out any failures... we haven't had any for a very long time, so it makes me wonder if the format of the log file has changed, or if the LBI admins are just being more and more cautious when they enter in the delivery devices.

      I've attached the script I've written... it should work pretty well. You will have to edit it though to get it to your LBI administrators, your smtp server, and the path to the log file.

      Change it, modify it, schedule it, use it. I just ask that you leave my name in the comments section as original author.
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