IC330 screen Item Mass Change

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    We are changing our main supplier and I was going to us the Lawson Excel upload wizard to change out our Main Supplier in the IC12.2 screen, but I am wondering about using the IC330 form.  Has anyone done a large vendor change (going from vendor 'A' to vendor 'B') using this form? And any issues, etc.  ?

    Thanks for any feedback!  :)
    Kat V
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 1020
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      We used IC330 prior to having uploads - you'll need to go through the report to see if any did not change. But I don't remember or have any notes from my predecessors that IC330 has any "gotchas" on the vendor switches. We still use it if it's an absolute "kick out vendor a and move to vendor b" scenario. It's easier than having to query for vendor a in the first place.

      Switch Vendors job:
      Main tab: Report Group: DVP (our report group that has all IC02s listed) Report Only: N (Report and Update)
      Itemsrc tab: Fill in vendors and purch froms
      All other tabs and fields blank.
      Add or change job as indicated and submit.
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 163
      Veteran Member
        Thanks for the input, appreciate it ! :)

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