Capture what the state is (ie, page up/down)

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Roger L.
Basic Member
Posts: 8
Basic Member
    I need to capture if the function is page up or page down in Design studio but can't seem to be able to figure out how. I have never had training in design Studio and have only been working with it a short time. Any Help is welcome.
    Terry P
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 234
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      Look in the Objects Reference under tools. It's Under FORMS/Magic/Properties/FC

      Property Description
      Property: FC [String]

      Hold the last function code passed to the transact method.

      if (tranMagic.FC == "C" // then do something
      David Williams
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 1127
      Veteran Member
        if (tranMagic.FC=="+") for page up, "-" for page down
        David Williams
        Terry P
        Veteran Member
        Posts: 234
        Veteran Member
          *blush* - I should have said that David.
          David Williams
          Veteran Member
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            I didn't see your post when I put my comment out. I wasn't trying to correct you.
            David Williams
            Terry P
            Veteran Member
            Posts: 234
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              Oh I knew that David. I just felt bad I didn't catch that and include in my example. I just remember when I first started, I would have taken it literally and then wondered why it didn't work! I'm sure Roger is more on the ball than I am and would have noticed it.

              I'm curious to hear from you Roger what the "business reason" is for knowing whether they are doing a page up or page down. That's a new one on me.

              PS - and please DO correct me when I'm wrong.  
              Roger L.
              Basic Member
              Posts: 8
              Basic Member
                Thanks guys. I am capturing the page up and page down now. I have some other issues but they are just database stuff. You guys were great. Thank you.
                Roger L.
                Basic Member
                Posts: 8
                Basic Member
                  I am in IC50. They had me add the cost center and to_location from the ICtrans table. I need the page up and page down so that when there are more records to be seen they can page down and see the cost center and to_location for the next set of records. Thanks to you guys the code works perfectly to identify page down. I haven't tried page up yet. But my DME call must be wrong. When I page down I either get the same exact records or nothing depending on which string I use for the key. The code for the to_location is as follows: What do you think?

                  function getToLocation(company, location, item)
                   var to_location="";
                   var s = "";
                   var a = 0;
                   var sReturn = "";
                   var objhttp = null;
                   var date_field = "";
                   var time_field = 999999;
                   var tran_counter = 999999;
                   if (tranMagic.FC=="+")
                   // capture the date field(out9) and the time_field(out10) for the last detail line populated.
                    for (a=0;a<12;a++){
                    date_field = lawForm.getFormValue("out9", a);
                    if (date_field == ""){
                        date_field = lawForm.getFormValue("out9", a-1);
                        time_field = lawForm.getFormValue("out10", a-1);
                        date_field = lawForm.getFormValue("out9", a);
                        time_field = lawForm.getFormValue("out10", a);
                            alert("Loc date = " + date_field);
                            alert("Time date = " + time_field);
                                   date_field = lawForm.getFormValue("out9", 0);
                    time_field = lawForm.getFormValue("out10", 0);

                   if (company !== "")
                    if (location !== "")
                     if (item !== "")
                      s = portalWnd.DMEPath;
                      s += "?PROD="+strPDL;
                      s += "&FILE=ICTRANS";
                      s += "&FIELD=FROM-TO-LOC";
                      if (tranMagic.FC=="+"||tranMagic.FC=="-")
                           if (date_field !== "")
                              s += "&INDEX=ICTSET2&KEY=" + company + "=" + location + "=" + item + "=" + date_field + "=" + time_field + "=" + tran_counter;
                              s += "&INDEX=ICTSET2&KEY=" + company + "=" + location + "=" + item;
                       s += "&INDEX=ICTSET2&KEY=" + company + "=" + location + "=" + item;
                      s += "&OUT=CSV&MAX=12&DELIM=~&NOHEADER";
                      alert("Loc S1 = " + s);
                      objhttp = portalWnd.objFactory.createInstance("http");
                      // DME Error Checking
                      var msg="Error calling DME, ";
                      msg += (sReturn? "(status code): "+sReturn.status: "bad server response.");
                      return true;
                      var aData = new Array();
                      var aRecs = new Array();
                      var i=0;

                      if (sReturn !== "")
                          alert("Location = " + sReturn);
                       sReturn = sReturn.replace(/\r/g,"");
                          aRecs = sReturn.split("\n");
                          for (i=1;i      aFields = aRecs.split("~");
                       aData[aData.length] = new Array(aFields[0]);
                          for (x=0;x      //alert(aData[x]);
                       lawForm.setFormValue("text7", aData[x], x);



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