dme query problem on DS

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    I'm trying to run a query in the background when my form opens up and pass that value to a form later.  Here is what i have so far but I cant seem to acquire any data that the query would return.  getElements by name hasnt worked for me yet.  Can anyone help? 

    function portalpage_OnInit()
    var vProd = portalWnd.oUserProfile.getAttribute("productline");
    var vPlan = ""
    var vEmp = portalWnd.oUserProfile.getAttribute("employee");


    var vDMEInfo = portalWnd.httpRequest(top.DMEPath + vDmeString);



    Terry P
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 234
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      Try changing your OUT=XML to OUT=CSV. Here is an example I use:

      // Do a DME call to get the Buyer info
      function getBuyerInfo(sBuyerCode)
      var sDME = ""

      //Read Values from Form
      var sProcureGroup = lawForm.getDataValue("PCY-PROCURE-GROUP")

      //Construct DME for getting Buyer Name
      // sDME = "http://" + + "/servlet/Router/Data/Erp?PROD=" // version 9
      sDME = "http://" + + "/cgi-lawson/dme.exe?" // version 8
      sDME += "PROD=" + strPDL
      sDME += "&KEY=" + sProcureGroup + "=" + sBuyerCode

      //Return value from table
      var objhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
      objhttp.Open("GET", sDME, false)
      sReturn = objhttp.responseTEXT

      aRecs= sReturn.split("~")
      vBuyerEmail = aRecs[0]
      if (vBuyerEmail == "") // set to purchasing email if blank
      {vBuyerEmail = ""}
      vBuyerPOLimit = aRecs[1]
      vBuyerName = aRecs[2]
      vBuyerGroup = aRecs[3]
      if (vBuyerGroup == "") // set to Financial Services if blank
      {vBuyerGroup = "FINSV"}
      Veteran Member
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        I've formatted my query to work properly in portal with the csv now but i dont understand the "GET" process.  Specifically, this part: 

        Can you elaborate?

        //Return value from table

        var objhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")

        objhttp.Open("GET", sDME, false)


        sReturn = objhttp.responseTEXT

        Gary Davies
        Veteran Member
        Posts: 248
        Veteran Member
          Leave the OUT=XML as is and parse the returning XML: There will be a tag RECORD for each record returned and there will be COL tags for each field in the same sequence the fields are defined in your DME query, so EMPLOYEE is the first, PLAN-NAME for the second etc.

          var vProd = portalWnd.oUserProfile.getAttribute("productline");
          var vPlan = ""
          var vEmp = portalWnd.oUserProfile.getAttribute("employee");


          var vDMEInfo = portalWnd.httpRequest(portalWnd.DMEPath + vDmeString);

          if (!vDMEInfo || vDMEInfo.status) {
          return false;
          var vObjDMEXML = new portalWnd.DataStorage(vDMEInfo);
          var vRecords = vObjDMEXML.document.getElementsByTagName("RECORD");
          if (vRecords.length > 0) {
          // if only one record just reference vRecords[0]. if more than one do a do loop instead
          var vCols = vRecords[0].getElementsByTagName("COL");
          var vEmployee = vCols[0];
          var vPlan = vCols[1];

          Gary Davies
          Veteran Member
          Posts: 248
          Veteran Member
            Leave the OUT=XML as is and parse the returning XML: There will be a tag RECORD for each record returned and there will be COL tags for each field in the same sequence the fields are defined in your DME query, so EMPLOYEE is the first, PLAN-NAME for the second etc.

            var vProd = portalWnd.oUserProfile.getAttribute("productline");
            var vPlan = ""
            var vEmp = portalWnd.oUserProfile.getAttribute("employee");


            var vDMEInfo = portalWnd.httpRequest(portalWnd.DMEPath + vDmeString);

            if (!vDMEInfo || vDMEInfo.status) {
            return false;
            var vObjDMEXML = new portalWnd.DataStorage(vDMEInfo);
            var vRecords = vObjDMEXML.document.getElementsByTagName("RECORD");
            if (vRecords.length > 0) {
            // if only one record just reference vRecords[0]. if more than one do a do loop instead
            var vCols = vRecords[0].getElementsByTagName("COL");
            var vEmployee = vCols[0];
            var vPlan = vCols[1];

            Gary Davies
            Veteran Member
            Posts: 47
            Veteran Member

              Thanks Gary, i ended up getting your method to return values.  I need to order by date though the query results.  Is there a method to sort the results?  Then to pass the results via variable into a User Designed form that i've placed on the portal page the variable created in the portal page i'm trying to use:  function FORM_OnInit() but i dont think it's being referenced properly.  I need to put the data returned into a text3 box and then inquire on the form.

              Gary Davies
              Veteran Member
              Posts: 248
              Veteran Member
                Use either SORTASC or SORTDESC (Ascending or Descinding) in your DME call like such


                The result will return in DATE order most recent date first.

                Gary Davies
                Veteran Member
                Posts: 47
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                  Thanks!  That worked for the sort by date order.  Do you know how i pass on a variable to a form from the portal query?

                  Gary Davies
                  Veteran Member
                  Posts: 248
                  Veteran Member

                    map the varialbes from the properties of the portal page.

                    I have been asked to expand on the comment about parsing more than one record.  In the example I had the line var vCols = vRecords[0].getElementsByTagName("COL") which assumes only 1 record passed back.  If you have more than one you need to loop through the returned array of vRecords and parse the COL fields for each record like such:

                    for (var i=0;i

                         var vCols = vRecords[i].getElementsByTagName("COL")

                       .... parse each field the same way and process them for each record


                    The difference is you will need to set vCols for each record and then parse each occurance of vCols for the fields on the record within the loop when more than one record returned.

                    Gary Davies


                    Gary Davies
                    Veteran Member
                    Posts: 248
                    Veteran Member

                      OK for some reason the for loop did not get displayed properly

                      it should be

                      for (var i=0;i

                      so that it will loop through setting i to the record number until there are no more records

                      Gary Davies


                      Gary Davies
                      Veteran Member
                      Posts: 248
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                        The less than character is not letting this post to show properly, so one more time but I will substitue the less than character with the phrase "less than"

                        for (var i=0;i "less than" vRecords.length;i++)

                        Veteran Member
                        Posts: 87
                        Veteran Member
                          Gary, thanks for answering that question. I have been asking for an example for a while on here. Final it makes sense!
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