Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms

                             OECOMPREF FILE


AR42.2    AR42.7    AR560     BL121     BL123     BL200
BL201     BR11.1    PHI3.1


BL00.1    BL01.1    BLI1.1


OEL-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   BL00.1  BL01.1
Company              The company number represents an
                     established company and is entered on
                     all function codes.

OEL-PROCESS-LEVEL    Alpha 5                                     BL01.1
Process Level        This field contains the process level,
                     which is the reporting hierarchy below

OEL-LST-ORD-NBR      Numeric 8                                   BL00.1  BLI1.1
Lst Ord Nbr          Number of the last order placed
                     throughout the company.

OEL-LST-INVC-NBR     Numeric 8                                   BL00.1  BL01.1
Last Invoice Number  Number of last invoice created              BLI1.1
                     throughout the company.

OEL-LST-RECUR-INVC   Numeric 8                                   BL00.1  BL01.1
Lst Recur Invc       This field contains the number of the       BLI1.1
                     last recurring invoice created
                     throughout the company.

OEL-LST-CM-NBR       Numeric 8                                   BL00.1  BL01.1
Lst Cm Nbr           Number of the last credit memo created      BLI1.1
                     throughout the company.

OEL-LST-INVC-BTCH    Numeric 6                                   BL00.1  BLI1.1
Lst Invc Btch        The number of the last invoice batch
                     produced by the system for this company.

OEL-LST-AR-BATCH     Numeric 6                                   BL00.1  BLI1.1
Lst Ar Batch         The last Accounts Receivable batch of
                     invoices that was used by the system.

OEL-CM-PREFIX        Alpha 2                                     BL00.1  BL01.1
Cm Prefix            Credit memo prefix is assigned from
                     either the company or process level
                     depending on an invoicing option
                     established for the company.  This is
                     simply a unique two-character prefix
                     that will precede the credit memo number
                     for all credit memos created.

OEL-INVC-PREFIX      Alpha 2                                     BL00.1  BL01.1
Invoice Prefix       Invoice prefix that is assigned from
                     either the company or process level,
                     depending on the invoice-level option
                     chosen.  This is simply a unique
                     two-character prefix that will precede
                     the invoice number for all invoces
                     created by the system.

OEL-RECUR-PREFIX     Alpha 2                                     BL00.1  BL01.1
Recur Prefix         This field contains the recurring
                     invoice prefix that is assigned from
                     either the company or process level,
                     based on a company-level option.

OEL-LST-RET-NBR      Numeric 10                                  BLI1.1
Lst Ret Nbr

OEL-LST-AUTH-BATCH   Numeric 8                                   BLI1.1
Lst Auth Batch       Last credit card authorization batch
                     number. Credit card orders and resulting
                     authorization requests are assigned
                     these numbers upon order release.m

OEL-LST-TRANS-ID     Numeric 8                                   BLI1.1
Lst Trans Id

                         OECOMPREF FILE INDEX


OELSET1   COMPANY                                                AR42.2  AR42.7
          PROCESS-LEVEL                                          AR560   BL00.1
                                                                 BL01.1  BL121
                                                                 BL123   BL200
                                                                 BL201   BLI1.1
                                                                 BR11.1  PHI3.1