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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms

                              PROCLEV FILE

                         Matching Process Level

The Process Level file contains matching account information for a process
level. These accounts are assigned in MA01.2 (Process Level).


AP220     MA200     PO135     PO136     PO295


MAPL.1    MA01.1


MAZ-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   MAPL.1
Company              The company number represents an
                     established company and is entered on
                     all function codes.

MAZ-PROC-LEVEL       Alpha 5                                     MAPL.1
Process Level        The process level represents a
                     reporting level below company.

MAZ-NAME             Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      MAPL.1
Name                 Displays the company description.

MAZ-ACC-ACCT-UNIT    Alpha 15                                    MAPL.1
PO Accrual           PO accrual accounting unit.
Accounting Unit      Used as a suspense account for invoiced
                     items and as a posting account for
                     received not invoiced report.

MAZ-ACC-ACCOUNT      Numeric 6                                   MAPL.1
PO Accrual Account   PO accrual account number.

MAZ-ACC-SUB-ACCT     Numeric 4                                   MAPL.1
PO Accrual           PO accrual subaccount number.

MAZ-VAR-ACCT-UNIT    Alpha 15                                    MAPL.1
Inv Cost Var         The invoice cost variance account
Accounting Unit      accounting unit. Used as a posting
                     account for cost differences between the
                     PO and the receipt.

MAZ-VAR-ACCOUNT      Numeric 6                                   MAPL.1
Invoice Cost         The invoice cost variance account
Variance Account     number.

MAZ-VAR-SUB-ACCT     Numeric 4                                   MAPL.1
Invoice Cost Var     The invoice cost variance account
Subaccount           subaccount number.

MAZ-TOL-ACCT-UNIT    Alpha 15                                    MAPL.1
Tolerance            Tolerance offset accounting unit. The
Accounting Unit      tolerance account is used for posting
                     quantity and cost differences when
                     performing an invoice match.

MAZ-TOL-ACCOUNT      Numeric 6                                   MAPL.1
Tolerance Account    Tolerance offset account number.

MAZ-TOL-SUB-ACCT     Numeric 4                                   MAPL.1
Tolerance Subaccount Tolerance offset subaccount number.

MAZ-REC-ACCT-UNIT    Alpha 15                                    MAPL.1
Receipts Offset      The receipt write-off general ledger
Account Unit         accounting unit. This is the account
                     that will be posted to when archiving
                     receipts from the system.

MAZ-REC-ACCOUNT      Numeric 6                                   MAPL.1
Receipts Offset      The receipt write-off general ledger
Account Nbr          account number.

MAZ-REC-SUB-ACCT     Numeric 4                                   MAPL.1
Receipts Offset      The receipt write-off general ledger
Subaccount           subaccount number.

MAZ-MNR-ACCT-UNIT    Alpha 15                                    MAPL.1
Matched w/o Receipt  The accounting unit for invoices that
Acct Unit            match without receipts.

MAZ-MNR-ACCOUNT      Numeric 6                                   MAPL.1
Matched w/o Receipt  The account for invoices that match
Account              without receipts.

MAZ-MNR-SUB-ACCT     Numeric 4                                   MAPL.1
Matched w/o Receipt  The subaccount for invoices that match
Subaccount           without receipts.

MAZ-MWO-ACCT-UNIT    Alpha 15                                    MAPL.1
Mwo Acct Unit

MAZ-MWO-ACCOUNT      Numeric 6                                   MAPL.1
Mwo Account

MAZ-MWO-SUB-ACCT     Numeric 4                                   MAPL.1
Mwo Sub Acct

                         PROCLEV FILE INDEX


MAZSET1   COMPANY                                                AP220   MA01.1
          PROC-LEVEL                                             MA200   MAPL.1
                                                                 PO135   PO136