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                             ACACTGRP FILE

                             Activity Group

This file contains information from AC00.1 (Activity Group) about activity
group set up and definitions. The activity group is the highest reporting
level in the Activity  Management system. This file also includes information
about the activity processing and reporting structure (work breakdown
structure) and the appearance and function of the activity group in
the Activity Management system.


AC01.1    AC01.5    AC03.2    AC03.3    AC03.4    AC03.5
AC03.6    AC06.1    AC08.2    AC10.1    AC10.3    AC10.5
AC11.1    AC112     AC12.1    AC12.2    AC13.1    AC13.2
AC130     AC135     AC160     AC165     AC170     AC176
AC18.1    AC18.2    AC18.3    AC18.4    AC18.5    AC190
AC191     AC192     AC196     AC198     AC200     AC203
AC206     AC207     AC208     AC21.1    AC21.2    AC21.3
AC21.4    AC210     AC213     AC218     AC220     AC225
AC227     AC240     AC25.1    AC255     AC256     AC258
AC261     AC265     AC27.1    AC290     AC295     AC297
AC298     AC32.1    AC34.1    AC40.1    AC40.4    AC400
AC401     AC41.1    AC41.4    AC410     AC412     AC42.1
AC420     AC421     AC440     AC45.1    AC45.2    AC460
AC471     AC472     AC473     AC480     AC490     AC493
AC494     AC50.1    AC500     AC510     AC52.1    AC520
AC530     AC54.1    AC54.2    AC54.3    AC540     AC541
AC542     AC55.1    AC550     AC58.1    AC580     AC61.1
AC65.1    AC65.2    AC66.1    AC70.1    AC70.4    AC70.6
AC81.1    AC90.1    AC90.2    AC90.4    AC90.6    AC90.8
AC92.1    AC92.2    AC92.4    AC92.6    AC93.1    AC93.2
AC93.3    AC93.4    AC93.5    AC94.1    AC94.2    AC94.4
AC94.6    AC95.1    AC95.2    AC95.4    AC95.6    AC96.1
AC97.1    AC97.2    AC97.4    AC97.6    AC98.1    AC98.2
ACAC.1    ACBA.1    ACCL.1    ACDL.1    ACDM.2    ACDM.9
ACSR.1    ACVW.1    DA233     DA240     GR240     SE90.1
AP125     AP126     AP131     AP170     AP193     AP20.1
AP20.2    AP20.3    AP20.4    AP20.5    AP20.7    AP23.1
AP25.1    AP25.2    AP26.1    AP27.1    AP30.2    AP30.4
AP32.2    AP520     AP95.3    API1.1    API2.1    AR115
AR124     AR190     AR20.1    AR21.1    AR21.2    AR21.3
AR24.1    AR29.2    AR30.1    AR30.2    AR30.4    AR42.1
AR42.2    AR42.7    AR43.1    AR560     AR570     AR575
AR580     DA90.1    BN150     BN66.1    BR00.1    BR00.2
BR00.3    BR01.1    BR01.2    BR01.3    BR02.1    BR02.2
BR02.3    BR03.1    BR03.2    BR03.3    BR04.1    BR05.1
BR05.2    BR05.3    BR05.4    BR05.5    BR10.1    BR10.2
BR10.3    BR10.4    BR10.5    BR120     BR121     BR13.1
BR130     BR131     BR14.1    BR142     BR165     BR20.1
BR20.2    BR20.3    BR20.4    BR20.5    BR20.7    BR200
BR202     BR204     BR205     BR21.1    BR210     BR212
BR220     BR265     BR40.1    BR40.3    BR40.4    BR400
BR405     BR41.1    BR42.1    BR420     BR430     BR450
BR65.1    BR65.2    BRCC.1    BRIP.1    CB10.1    CB180
CB191     CB20.1    CB30.1    CB500     CB80.1    EE135
EE35.1    EE35.2    EE520     GL199     IC28.1    IFGT.1
MA180     MA41.2    MA43.2    MA43.9    MA530     MA531
MA60.2    MA60.3    MA60.5    MA61.1    MA66.3    MA67.1
MA67.2    MA70.1    MAI1.1    PO100     PO101     PO122
PO131     PO20.1    PO21.2    PO21.3    PO21.4    PO21.5
PO22.1    PO23.1    PO29.1    PO30.1    PO30.2    PO30.3
PO300     PO31.1    PO31.2    PO32.2    PO33.1    PO34.1
PO35.1    PO38.1    PO39.1    PO39.2    PO44.1    PO50.1
PO52.1    PO520     POI3.1    POIE.1    POIF.1    POII.1
POIJ.1    PR128     PR130     PR131     PR132     PR134
PR136     PR137     PR140     PR189     PR195     PR197
PR29.1    PR32.1    PR32.2    PR33.1    PR33.2    PR33.3
PR35.1    PR35.2    PR35.3    PR35.4    PR35.5    PR35.6
PR35.8    PR36.1    PR37.1    PR38.1    PR45.1    PR529
PR530     PR560     PR80.1    PR82.1    PR85.1    PR89.1
PRSA.1    UK102     UK330     RQ10.1    RQ10.2    RQIA.1
TA147     UK120     WH20.2    WH20.7


AC00.1    AC00.3    AC07.1    AC105     AC110     AC120
AC121     AC123     AC127     AC20.1    AC20.2    AC20.3
AC20.4    AC20.5    AC20.6    AC20.7    AC22.1    AC300
AC310     AC581     ACDR.1


AGP-ACTIVITY-GRP     Alpha 15                                    AC00.1  AC110
Activity Group       Required key. An activity group or          AC198
                     activity center is a group of activities
                     related by process or function. An
                     activity group is the highest entity for
                     which you can inquire and report on
                     costs, revenues, and budgets in the
                     Activity Management system.

                     An activity group is set up to budget
                     for, report on, process, and store
                     information common to one or more
                     activities. You must set up an activity
                     group before you can set up activities,
                     budgets, transactions, and inquiries. To
                     collect costs and revenues, at least one
                     activity must be linked to an activity

AGP-DESCRIPTION      Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      AC00.1  AC110
Activity Group       This is the activity group description.     AC198

AGP-CURRENCY-TABLE   Alpha 12                                    AC00.1
Currency Table       This is the currency table, a table of
                     currency relationships, currency
                     exchange rates, and translation rates.

AGP-CURRENCY-CODE    Alpha 5                                     AC00.1  AC198
Currency Code        This is the base currency code of the
                     activity group. You define the base
                     currency code in AC00.1 (Activity
                     Group). Consolidation amounts are
                     reported in activity group base

AGP-BEGIN-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       AC00.1
Begin Date           This is the beginning date for the
                     activity group. If you leave this field
                     blank, the activity group date range
                     defaults to the activity date range.
                     Activity dates cannot be outside the
                     activity group date range.

AGP-END-DATE         Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       AC00.1
End Date             This is the ending date for the
                     activity group. If you leave this field
                     blank, the activity group date range
                     defaults to the activity date range.

                     The activity date range cannot be
                     outside the activity group date range.

AGP-CALENDAR-NAME    Alpha 12                                    AC00.1
Calendar Name        Required. Enter the name of a calendar
                     that defines the fiscal periods for the
                     activity group. The calendar is defined
                     in AC00.3 (Calendar).

AGP-SECURITY-CD      Numeric 4                                   AC00.1
Security Code        You can define a security code for the
                     activity group. The security code is
                     used with the Lawson Security module.
                     Security in Activity Management is
                     established by security code and

AGP-LEVEL-DESC       Alpha 12  (Lower Case)                      AC00.1
Level Description    Occurs 5 Times
                     This is the level description. Levels
                     define an addressing system that
                     organizes activities into a reporting
                     hierarchy. Level names are defined for
                     an activity group and should be able to
                     be used across all activities in an
                     activity group. Levels facilitate rollup
                     or consolidation of budgets, costs, and
                     revenues from activities at lower levels
                     to macro activities at a higher level
                     within the hierarchy.

AGP-LEVEL-SIZE       Numeric 2 Occurs 5 Times                    AC00.1
Level Size           This is the level size. Variable levels
                     make up a hierarchical numbering scheme
                     that allows detail to be aggregated or
                     "rolled-up" in summarized form. Five
                     levels are available in the Activity
                     Management system. No one level can be
                     greater than 15; all of the levels taken
                     together cannot exceed 30.

AGP-ACTIVE-STATUS    Alpha 1                                     AC00.1  AC00.3
Active Status        The status of the activity group. If
                     the activity group is inactive, no
                     activities can be assigned to this
                     activity group.
                     O = Open
                     C = Closed
                     G = GL only

AGP-BASE-ND          Numeric 1                                   AC00.1  AC198
Base Number of       This is the number of decimal positions
Decimals             defined for the activity group base

AGP-ACTIVE-BUD       Numeric 3                                   AC110   AC127
Active Budget        This is the budget number for the           AC20.6
                     activity group's active budget. The
                     active budget is the default budget used
                     for inquiries and reporting. It is also
                     used for calculating percentage complete
                     in AC65.1 (Account Category Percent of
                     Completion). You can change the activity
                     group active budget in AC20.4 (New
                     Activity Group Budget).

AGP-TOTAL-BUDGET     Signed 15.2                                 AC00.1  AC110
Total Budget         This is the sum of the activity budgets     AC121   AC123
                     for the activity group. This field is       AC127   AC20.1
                     used in editing to determine if the sum     AC20.2  AC20.3
                     of the activity budgets exceeds the         AC20.4  AC20.5
                     budget cap.                                 AC20.7  AC22.1

AGP-BUDGET-CAP       Signed 15.2                                 AC00.1
Budget Cap           This is the budget cap or budget
                     maximum for the activity group. It is
                     used in editing budget programs and in
                     determining if the sum of the activity
                     budgets exceeds the budget cap. If the
                     sum of the activity budgets exceeds the
                     budget cap, a warning message displays.

Workflow Flag        This field will be used in implementing
                     Activity Management Workflow.
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

AGP-CHG-ORDER-FLAG   Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Change Order Flag    This is the change order flag.

                     Yes = Change order records are kept on
                     file to provide an audit trail of budget
                     change order revisions.

                     No = Change order detail records are
                     deleted after the change order is

AGP-CONSOL-FLAG      Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Consolidation Flag   This is the consolidation flag. Use Yes
                     to create consolidation files for
                     actuals and budgets at the activity
                     level within the activity group. Use No
                     if you do not want to create
                     consolidation files at the activity
                     level. Consolidation files keep
                     consolidated balances for summary level
                     activities and for reporting summary
                     balances. Consolidation records are
                     always kept at the activity group level.

                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

AGP-ACCT-EDIT-FLAG   Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Account Edit Flag    This field determines the type of
                     activity editing to be done in the
                     Lawson subsystems. 1 is valid only for
                     GL-only activity groups.

                     Valid values are

                     1 = Activity
                     2 = Activity and Account Category
                     3 = Activity, Account Category, and
                     Activity Account (Soft Errors)
                     4 = Activity, Account Category, and
                     Activity Account (Hard Errors)

AGP-BUDGET-EDIT      Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Budget Edit          This field determines whether to edit
                     budget amounts in the Purchase Order,
                     Requisitions, or Accounts Payable

                     The default is no editing of budget
                     1 = No Edit
                     2 = Period Edit
                     3 = Annual Edit
                     4 = Total Edit

AGP-BUDGET-LEVEL     Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Budget Level         This flag determines which level of the
                     budget to edit in Purchase Order,
                     Requisitions, or Accounts Payable: the
                     activity (posting) or the activity group
                     (summary) level.

                     This field is required if budgets are
                     1 = Activity-Acct Cat
                     2 = Activity Group
                     3 = Activity

AGP-BUD-TOLERANCE    Signed 5.2                                  AC00.1
Budget Tolerance     This field defines what percentage over
                     the budget, if any, is acceptable.
                     Budget Tolerance Percent is required if
                     budgets are edited.

AGP-EDIT-PR          Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Edit Payroll         This field indicates whether to edit
                     employee information in Payroll. Select
                     Yes if you want to edit employee
                     1 = Yes-Commitments
                     2 = Yes-No Commitments
                     3 = No-Commitments
                     4 = No-No Commitments

AGP-EDIT-AP-EE       Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Edit AP and EE       This field indicates whether to edit
                     vendor information in Accounts Payable
                     (AP) and Employee Expense (EE). Select
                     Yes if you want to edit vendor
                     information. The default is No.
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

AGP-EDIT-TRANSREL    Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Edit Transrel        Y = Yes
                     N = No

AGP-LAST-COMMENT     Numeric 6
Last Comment         This is the last sequence number used
                     for comments relating to the activity

AGP-FRINGE-PCT       Signed 5.2
Fringe Percentage    Enter a percentage by which to multiply
                     Payroll paywage amounts for commitment
                     reporting. Since fringe benefits are not
                     known at the time Payroll time records
                     (gross amounts) update commitments, you
                     can enter a fringe percentage to
                     multiple Payroll transactions by to get
                     a more accurate commitment amount.

AGP-LAST-AGA-SEQ     Numeric 6                                   AC07.1  AC105
Last Activity Grp    This is the last line added in AC07.1       AC110   AC120
Sequence Nbr         (Account Assignment). Account assignment
                     records are stored in the Activity GL
                     Accounts file.

AGP-RELEASED         Alpha 1
Released             This is the change order status for the
                     activity group. Only one change order
                     for the activity group can be
                     Y = Released
                     N = Not Released

AGP-INV-AUDIT        Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Inv Audit            Y = Yes
                     N = No

AGP-BEGIN-YR         Derived
Begin Year           This is the year in which activities in
                     the activity group begin.

AGP-END-YR           Derived
End Year             This is the year in which the
                     activities in the activity group end.

AGP-GL-CONSOL-FL     Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Accounting Unit      This flag indicates whether you want to
Consolidate          create summary-level activity
                     consolidation records in the Activity CL
                     Accounting Unit Consolidation header and
                     detail files.
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

AGP-RESOURCE-FL      Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Resource Fl          Y = Yes
                     N = No

AGP-LEVEL-1-DESC     Derived
Level 1 Description  This is the description for level 1.

AGP-LEVEL-2-DESC     Derived
Level 2 Description  This is the description for level 2.

AGP-LEVEL-3-DESC     Derived
Level 3 Description  This is the description for level 3.

AGP-LEVEL-4-DESC     Derived
Level 4 Description  This is the description for level 4.

AGP-LEVEL-5-DESC     Derived
Level 5 Description  This is the description for level 5.

AGP-PURGE-STATUS     Alpha 1                                     AC00.3  AC300
Purge Status         This field indicates the purge status
                     for the activity group. Use C for a
                     complete purge. Use B to purge balances

AGP-OUTPUT-MEASURE   Signed 15.2                                 AC00.1
Output Measure       This is the output measurement.

AGP-OUTPUT-DESC      Alpha 30                                    AC00.1
Output Desc          This is the output description.

AGP-CURR-NAME-1      Alpha 12                                    AC00.1  AC581
Report Currency 1    Type or select a name that identifies
Name                 the report currency. You must define
                     exchange rates (CU10.1) and currency
                     relationships (CU02.1) for the report
                     currency with the company base currency.

                     The report currencies are additional
                     non-base currencies that identify a
                     company operating currency. This report
                     currency is for reports and analysis

                     The report currencies are calculated in
                     the same manner as base currency.

                     Transaction amounts will always be
                     converted to the Base Currency. If you
                     also use a report currency, amounts will
                     convert to both the Base and Report

                     Note: The report currency cannot be the
                     same as the company base currency.

AGP-CURR-CODE-1      Alpha 5                                     AC00.1  AC198
Report Currency 1    Type the currency code you want to          AC581
Code                 associate with the report currency name.

                     The currency code must exist in CU01.1
                     (Currency Codes).

AGP-CURR-CODE-ND-1   Numeric 1                                   AC00.1  AC198
Curr Code Nd 1       The number of decimal positions defined     AC581
                     for Report Currency 1.

AGP-CURR-NAME-2      Alpha 12                                    AC00.1  AC581
Report Currency 2    Type or select a name that identifies
Name                 the report currency. You must define
                     exchange rates (CU10.1) and currency
                     relationships (CU02.1) for the report
                     currency with the company base currency.

                     The report currencies are additional
                     non-base currencies that identify a
                     company operating currency. This
                     report currency is for reports and
                     analysis only. The report currencies are
                     calculated in the same manner as base

                     Transaction amounts will always be
                     converted to the Base Currency. If you
                     also use a report currency, amounts will
                     convert to both the Base and Report

                     Note: The report currency cannot be the
                     same as the company base currency.

AGP-CURR-CODE-2      Alpha 5                                     AC00.1  AC198
Report Currency 2    Type the currency code you want to          AC581
Code                 associate with the report currency name.

                     The currency code must exist in CU01.1
                     (Currency Codes).

AGP-CURR-CODE-ND-2   Numeric 1                                   AC00.1  AC581
Curr Code Nd 2       The number of decimal positions defined
                     for Report Currency 2.

AGP-BURDEN-CALC-FL   Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Burden Calc Fl       Y = Yes
                     N = No

AGP-ACTIVITY-FLAG    Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Activity Flag        Y = Yes
                     N = No

AGP-ASSET-FLAG       Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Asset Flag           Y = Yes
                     N = No

AGP-RESC-ASSIGN-FL   Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Resc Assign Fl       Y = Yes
                     N = No

AGP-ATTRIBUTE-FLAG   Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Attribute Flag       Y = Yes
                     N = No

AGP-BILLING-FLAG     Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Billing Flag         Y = Yes
                     N = No

AGP-CONTRACT-FLAG    Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Contract Flag        Y = Yes
                     N = No

AGP-CEILING-FLAG     Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Ceiling Flag         Y = Yes
                     N = No

AGP-BILL-CONSOL-FL   Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Bill Consol Fl       Y = Yes
                     N = No

AGP-DATE-EDIT        Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Date Edit            Used with the ACAC Edit.  Valid values
                     are posting and transaction date.
                     P = Posting Date
                     T = Transaction Date

AGP-BILL-CALC-DATE   Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Bill Calc Date       Used with the activity billing
                     calculation logic. Valid values are
                     posting and transaction date.
                     P = Posting Date
                     T = Transaction Date

AGP-TE-ACCT-DF-FL    Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Te Acct Df Fl        A = Use Activity Expense Account
                     " " = Use PR Default Expense Account

AGP-TE-ACCT-CAT-DF   Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Te Acct Cat Df       " " = No Account Category Default
                     E = Use HR11 Default Acct Category

AGP-ACCOUNT          Numeric 6                                   AC00.1
Account              This field along with the accounting
                     unit and subaccount make up the location
                     (account) where amounts and other
                     account information is stored.

AGP-SUB-ACCOUNT      Numeric 4                                   AC00.1
Subaccount           This field along with the accounting
                     unit and subaccount make up the location
                     (account) where amounts and other
                     account information is stored.

AGP-GL-CODE          Alpha 4                                     AC00.1
Gl Code

AGP-EXPENSE-FL       Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Expense Fl

AGP-ASSET-EDIT       Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Asset Edit           Y = Yes
                     N = No

AGP-CNTRCT-MOD-FL    Alpha 1                                     AC00.1
Cntrct Mod Fl        Y = Yes
                     N = No

                         ACACTGRP FILE INDEX


AGPSET1   ACTIVITY-GRP                                           AC00.1  AC00.3
                                                                 AC01.1  AC01.5
                                                                 AC03.2  AC03.3
                                                                 AC03.4  AC03.5
                                                                 AC03.6  AC06.1
                                                                 AC07.1  AC08.2
                                                                 AC10.1  AC10.3
                                                                 AC10.5  AC105
                                                                 AC11.1  AC110
                                                                 AC112   AC12.1
                                                                 AC12.2  AC120
                                                                 AC121   AC123
                                                                 AC127   AC13.1
                                                                 AC13.2  AC130
                                                                 AC135   AC160

                         ACACTGRP FILE RELATIONS



Acbudhdr Actv  ACBUDHDR     Not Required

                            AGP-ACTIVITY-GRP      -> BDH-ACTIVITY-GRP
                            Spaces                -> BDH-ACTIVITY
                            AGP-ACTIVE-BUD        -> BDH-BUDGET-NBR

Cucodes        CUCODES      Required

                            AGP-CURRENCY-CODE     -> CUC-CURRENCY-CODE

Curr 1         CUCODES      Required

                            AGP-CURR-CODE-1       -> CUC-CURRENCY-CODE

Curr 2         CUCODES      Required

                            AGP-CURR-CODE-2       -> CUC-CURRENCY-CODE

Cutable        CUTABLE      Required

                            AGP-CURRENCY-TABLE    -> CTB-CURRENCY-TABLE

                         ACACTGRP FILE RELATIONS



Acacctcatx     ACACCTCATX

                            AGP-ACTIVITY-GRP      -> AXX-ACTIVITY-GRP

Acactivity     ACACTIVITY

                            AGP-ACTIVITY-GRP      -> ACV-ACTIVITY-GRP

Acactivity Lvl ACACTIVITY

                            AGP-ACTIVITY-GRP      -> ACV-ACTIVITY-GRP

Acaddlcntr     ACADDLCNTR

                            AGP-ACTIVITY-GRP      -> ADN-ACTIVITY-GRP

Acassign       ACASSIGN

                            AGP-ACTIVITY-GRP      -> AAN-ACTIVITY-GRP
                            Spaces                -> AAN-ACTIVITY

Acbuddtl Actv  ACBUDDTL

                            AGP-ACTIVITY-GRP      -> BDT-ACTIVITY-GRP
                            Spaces                -> BDT-ACTIVITY
                            AGP-ACTIVE-BUD        -> BDT-BUDGET-NBR

Acbudhdr       ACBUDHDR

                            AGP-ACTIVITY-GRP      -> BDH-ACTIVITY-GRP
                            Spaces                -> BDH-ACTIVITY

Accal          ACCAL

                            AGP-CALENDAR-NAME     -> CDH-CALENDAR-NAME

Acchgorder     ACCHGORDER

                            AGP-ACTIVITY-GRP      -> CHO-ACTIVITY-GRP
                            Spaces                -> CHO-ACTIVITY
                            AGP-ACTIVE-BUD        -> CHO-BUDGET-NBR

Accommit       ACCOMMIT

                            AGP-ACTIVITY-GRP      -> MIT-ACTIVITY-GRP

Acconsol       ACCONSOL

                            AGP-ACTIVITY-GRP      -> CSL-ACTIVITY-GRP
                            Spaces                -> CSL-ACTIVITY

Acconsol Bud   ACCONSOL

                            AGP-ACTIVITY-GRP      -> CSL-ACTIVITY-GRP
                            Spaces                -> CSL-ACTIVITY

Accontacts     ACCONTACTS

                            AGP-ACTIVITY-GRP      -> CTS-ACTIVITY-GRP

Acglacct       ACGLACCT

                            AGP-ACTIVITY-GRP      -> AGA-ACTIVITY-GRP
                            Spaces                -> AGA-ACTIVITY

Acglconsl      ACGLCONSL

                            AGP-ACTIVITY-GRP      -> GCO-ACTIVITY-GRP

Actotbal Base  ACTOTBAL

                            AGP-ACTIVITY-GRP      -> TOT-ACTIVITY-GRP
                            Spaces                -> TOT-ACTIVITY
                            AGP-CURRENCY-CODE     -> TOT-CURRENCY-CODE

Actotbal Cur1  ACTOTBAL

                            AGP-ACTIVITY-GRP      -> TOT-ACTIVITY-GRP
                            Spaces                -> TOT-ACTIVITY
                            AGP-CURR-CODE-1       -> TOT-CURRENCY-CODE

Actotbal Cur2  ACTOTBAL

                            AGP-ACTIVITY-GRP      -> TOT-ACTIVITY-GRP
                            Spaces                -> TOT-ACTIVITY
                            AGP-CURR-CODE-2       -> TOT-CURRENCY-CODE