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                            AMASTRPAIR FILE

                              Asset Repair

The Asset Repair file stores repair and maintenance cost records for assets.




AM118     AM135     AM154     AM18.1    AM18.2    AM20.6
AM20.1    AM20.2    AM20.3    AM20.4    AM20.5    AM21.6
AM21.1    AM21.2    AM21.3    AM21.4    AM21.5    AM30.1
AM30.2    AM300     AM115     AM15.1    AM15.2    AM15.3
AM15.4    AM170     AM500     AM551     AM96.1    AM98.1


ASR-SYSTEM           Alpha 2                                     AM118   AM18.1
System               This field stores a two-character code      AM18.2  AM20.6
                     that identifies the Lawson application      AM21.6
                     system where the asset repair record was
                     created. For example, GL = General
                     Ledger, AP = Accounts Payable, and so

ASR-ASSET            Numeric 10                                  AM118   AM135
Asset                The asset number of the asset that was      AM154   AM18.1
                     repaired.                                   AM18.2  AM20.6
                                                                 AM21.6  AM30.1
                     The asset number contains up to ten         AM30.2
                     numeric characters that uniquely
                     identify an asset. Assets are
                     automatically numbered system-wide. The
                     asset number does not change unless an
                     asset is partially transferred or
                     disposed of.

ASR-TAG-NBR          Alpha 12                                    AM118   AM18.1
Tag Number           The tag number of the asset that was        AM18.2  AM20.6
                     repaired. The tag number is a user          AM21.6
                     definable identifier assigned to an

ASR-SEQ-NUMBER       Numeric 6                                   AM118   AM18.1
Sequence Number      A unique sequence number assigned to        AM18.2  AM20.6
                     the repair record.                          AM21.6

ASR-VENDOR           Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                  AM118   AM18.1
Vendor               The vendor number associated with the       AM18.2  AM20.6
                     asset repair.                               AM21.6

ASR-INVOICE          Alpha 22                                    AM118   AM18.1
Invoice              The invoice number associated with the      AM18.2  AM20.6
                     asset repair.                               AM21.6

ASR-SUFFIX           Numeric 3                                   AM118   AM18.1
Suffix               The invoice suffix number associated        AM18.2  AM20.6
                     with the asset repair.                      AM21.6

ASR-DIST-SEQ-NBR     Numeric 4                                   AM118   AM18.1
Distribution         The distribution sequence number            AM18.2  AM20.6
Sequence Number      associated with the asset repair.           AM21.6

ASR-ACTIVITY         Alpha 15                                    AM118   AM18.1
Activity             The activity associated with the asset      AM18.2  AM20.6
                     repair.                                     AM21.6

ASR-ACCT-CATEGORY    Alpha 5                                     AM118   AM18.1
Account Category     The account category associated with        AM18.2  AM20.6
                     the asset repair.                           AM21.6

ASR-DESCRIPTION      Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      AM118   AM18.1
Description          A description of the asset repair.          AM18.2  AM20.6

ASR-REPAIR-TRAN      Signed 15.2                                 AM118   AM18.1
Repair Cost Tran     The cost of the asset repair in the         AM18.2  AM20.6
Currency             currency of the transaction.                AM21.6

ASR-REPAIR-TX-TRAN   Signed 15.2                                 AM118   AM18.1
Repair Tax Tran      The tax amount of the asset repair in       AM18.2  AM20.6
Currency             the currency of the transaction.            AM21.6

ASR-REPAIR-BASE      Signed 15.2                                 AM118   AM18.1
Repair Cost Base     The cost of the repair in the base          AM18.2  AM20.6
Currency             currency of the posting company.            AM21.6

ASR-REPAIR-TX-BASE   Signed 15.2                                 AM118   AM18.1
Repair Tax Base      The tax amount of the asset repair in       AM18.2  AM20.6
Currency             the base currency of the posting            AM21.6

ASR-CURRENCY-CODE    Alpha 5                                     AM118   AM18.1
Currency Code        The currency of the transaction.            AM18.2  AM20.6

ASR-TRAN-ND          Numeric 1                                   AM118   AM18.1
Transaction Number   The number of decimal positions defined     AM18.2  AM20.6
of Decimals          for the transaction currency.               AM21.6

ASR-BASE-ND          Numeric 1                                   AM118   AM18.1
Base Number of       The number of decimal positions defined     AM18.2  AM20.6
Decimals             for the company base currency.              AM21.6

ASR-REPAIR-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       AM118   AM18.1
Repair Date          The date the asset was repaired or          AM18.2  AM20.6
                     maintained.                                 AM21.6

ASR-PO-NBR           Alpha 14                                    AM118   AM18.1
PO Number            The purchase order number field is an       AM18.2  AM20.6
                     optional field for your reference. It is    AM21.6
                     assumed to contain the original purchase
                     order number on which this asset was

ASR-PO-RELEASE       Numeric 4                                   AM118   AM18.1
PO Release           Used to identify a purchase order           AM18.2  AM20.6
                     release (created from a Blanket or          AM21.6
                     Standing order).

ASR-PO-CODE          Alpha 4                                     AM118   AM18.1
PO Code              This is the purchase order code.            AM18.2  AM20.6

ASR-CREATION-DATE    Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       AM118   AM18.1
Creation Date        The date the asset repair record was        AM18.2  AM20.6
                     created.                                    AM21.6

ASR-CREATION-TIME    Numeric 6  (hhmmss)                         AM118   AM18.1
Creation Time        The time the asset repair record was        AM18.2  AM20.6
                     created.                                    AM21.6

ASR-CREATOR-ID       Alpha 10                                    AM118   AM18.1
Creator ID           This field identifies the operator that     AM18.2  AM20.6
                     created the asset repair record.            AM21.6

                         AMASTRPAIR FILE INDEX


ASRSET1   ASSET                                                  AM115   AM118
          REPAIR-DATE                                            AM135   AM15.1
          SEQ-NUMBER                                             AM15.2  AM15.3
                                                                 AM15.4  AM154
                                                                 AM170   AM18.1
                                                                 AM18.2  AM20.1
                                                                 AM20.2  AM20.3
                                                                 AM20.4  AM20.5
                                                                 AM20.6  AM21.1
                                                                 AM21.2  AM21.3
                                                                 AM21.4  AM21.5
                                                                 AM21.6  AM224
                                                                 AM30.1  AM30.2
                                                                 AM300   AM500
                                                                 AM551   AM96.1