Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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AR36.1 - Adjustments Exceeded Review

**Form Purpose
Use Adjustments Exceeded Review (AR36.1) to view and approve adjustments that
require review before posting to the general ledger. Adjustments may require
review based on the review limits defined for the associated adjustment reason
code in AR15.1 (Adjustment Reasons). This is the first of two forms used for
adjustment review. Adjustments display by transaction type and number within
each process level.

Updated Files

    ARADJUST   - Updates status when adjustment is reviewed.

Referenced Files

    ACACTGRP   -


    ACLEVEL    -


    ARCOMP     - Validates company.

    AROIHDR    - Used to validate open item header record.

    AROITEMS   - Displays transaction open amount.


    ARPROCLEVL - Validates process level.


    ARREASON   - Displays reason code description.

    CUCONV     -

    CURELAT    -

    GLSYSTEM   -

AR36.2 - Adjustments Exceeded Review Expanded

**Form Purpose
Use Adjustments Exceeded Review Expanded (AR36.2) to view and approve
transaction adjustments that require review before posting to the general
ledger. Adjustments may require review based on the review limits defined for
the associated adjustment reason code in AR15.1 (Adjustment Reasons). All
adjustments for a transaction, whether they require review or not, display on
this form. Adjustments display in the order they were entered.

Updated Files

    ARADJUST   - Updates status when adjustment is reviewed.

Referenced Files

    ARAPPLIED  - Displays application data.

    ARCOMMENT  - Indicates if comments exists.

    ARCOMP     - Validates company.

    AROIHDR    - Displays open item header information.

    AROITEMS   - Displays transaction data.


    CUSTDESC   - Validates customer group.

INVOKED Programs
