Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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PO220 - PO Status Report

**Form Purpose
Run PO Status Report (PO220) to print a report of purchare order statuses.
You are required to enter the company number only, but you can also use this
selection criteria to determine what information is printed:

- location

- buyer or buyer group

- purchase order number

- early expected delivery date range

- status

- sequence option

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - Used to determine if restart information exists.

    TERMS      - Used to determine terms description.

    TXCODEMAST - Used to validate the tax code and display information.

    TXCOMPANY  - Used to validate the tax company record.

    TXTAXCODE  - Used to obtain tax code information.

    TXTAXTABLE - Used to obtain tax information from the tax table for display
                 and updating.

Referenced Files

    APACCRCODE - Used to validate an Accounts Payable accrual code.

    APCOMPANY  - Used to validate the Accounts Payable company.

    APVENGROUP - Used when editing.

    BUYCLASS   -


    BUYER      - Used to validate a buyer code and to display the buyer name.

    BUYERGRP   - Used to validate the buyer group.

    BUYVENPF   -

    CUCONV     - Used to access general ledger and currency information.

    CURELAT    -

    FOBCODE    - Used to obtain ship terms.

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to validate the General Ledger company.

    ICCATEGORY - Used to obtain General Ledger category account information for
                 inventory items.

    ICCOMPANY  - Used to validate the Inventory Control company.

    ICLOCATION - Used to validate the Inventory Control inventory location and
                 to get location address information.

    ITCOMMENT  - Used to obtain item comment information.

    ITEMGROUP  - Used when editing.

    ITEMLOC    - Used to obtain item location information.

    ITEMMAST   - Used to obtain item information.

    MMDIST     - Referenced or updated by purchase order common routines and
                 creates account distribution records for noninventory type

    POAOCDTL   - Used to obtain add-on cost information for display.

    POAOCMAST  - Used to obtain add-on-cost master information.

    POCOMPANY  - Used to validate the purchase order company information.

    POFRTTERM  - Used to obtain freight term description.

    POITEMVEN  - Used to obtain vendor item information.

    POLINE     - Used to obtain purchase order line item information.


    POVENDOR   - Used to obtain purchase order vendor default information.


    PURCHORDER - Used to validate the purchase order.

    TXTAXRATE  - Used to validate and default tax rate information.

INVOKED Programs
