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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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TR22.1 - Session Completion

Use TR22.1 (Session Completion) to record employee participation and
completion information after a session is finished.

If a session is not on-going, select a completion status for the session in
TR04.1 (Session) before you enter a completion status and date on TR22.1.

To enter a status of complete for all of the employees with a confirmed
status, select the form function Complete. To enter a status of complete for
individual employees, change the status for each employee.

Before the session is complete, TR22.1 displays all employees registered for
the session. After you enter completion information, TR22.1 displays employees
with the following statuses:
 - Wait Listed
 - Incomplete
 - Canceled
 - Absent

The system removes employees with the following statuses and places them in
TR21.1 (Employee Training History):
 - Fully Completed
 - Completed, no Competencies
 - Partially Completed with Competencies
 - Partially Completed, no Competencies

In addition, when you select Fully Completed or Partially Completed with
Competencies, the competencies on PA21.1 (Competencies) update. If the course
completes a track, certificates on PA22.1 (Certifications) also update. In
addition, if the competencies or certificate affect group membership, the
group updates.

Updated Files

    BNCHANGE   - The Benefit Audit file is updated with benefit changes.

    BNGRPCHG   - The Benefit Group Change file is updated with group changes
                 that affect
                 benefits, for example, when a track is completed and a
                 certificate awarded.

    CKPOINT    - The Checkpoint file is the environment file used for recovery.

    EMPCODES   - The Emp/App Personnel Codes file is updated with skill and
                 certification information.

    PAEMPLOYEE - The Employee Personnel Information file is updated after
                 session completion information is entered.

    PAEMPTRACK - The Required Training file is updated with session completion

    PAREGISTER - The Registration file is updated after session completion
                 information is entered. Employee names are removed from the
                 Registration file and moved into the Training History file.

    PATRNHIST  - The Training History file is updated by this program after
                 session completion information is entered.


    PERSGROUP  - The Employee Group Header file is used to find employee groups.

    PGEMPLOYEE - The Employee Group Employees file is updated if skills and
                 certificates are a condition for group membership.

Referenced Files


    BENEFIT    - The Employee Benefits file is accessed to determine if an
                 employee has benefits.

    DEPTCODE   - The Department file is referenced by the employee edit routine.

    EMPLOYEE   - The Employee file is accessed to verify the employee.

    EMSTATUS   - The Employee/Applicant Status file is used to verify employee


    HREMPUSF   - The Employee/Applicant User Fields file is referenced as part
                 of the employee edit routine.

    HRSECLEV   -

    HRSUPER    - The Supervisors file is referenced as part of the employee
                 edit routine.


    JOBAUTH    -

    JOBCODE    - The Job Code Parameters file is referenced as part of the
                 employee edit routine.


    PAATTRIB   - The Attributes file is accessed for skills earned upon course


    PACOURSE   - The Courses file is accessed for course information.

    PADICT     - The HR Systems Data Dictionary is referenced in the employee
                 edit routine.

    PAEMPAPP   -

    PAEMPPOS   - The Employee Position file is referenced in the employee edit




    PASESSION  - The Sessions file is accessed to retrieve session information.

    PATHFIND   - The Employee Report Writer Paths file is referenced in the
                 employee edit routine.

    PATRACK    - The Track file is accessed to retrieve certificate information.

    PATRACKDTL - The Track Detail file is accessed to determine if this the
                 last completed course in a track.

    PCODES     - The Human Resources Codes file is accessed to verify the

    PGSELECT   - The Employee Group Plan Selection Criteria file is referenced
                 to determine if a skill or certificate is a condition for group

    PRSAGDTL   - The Step and Grade Schedule Detail is referenced in the
                 employee edit routine.


    PRSTATE    - The States file is referenced in the employee edit routine.

    PRSYSTEM   - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify the

    PRTAXAUTH  - The Tax Authority file is referenced in the employee edit

INVOKED Programs
