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                             ACALLOCX FILE

                       Activity Allocation Detail

This file contains detailed information about allocations, as defined in
AC30.1 (Allocation) and AC30.2 (Multiple Pool Allocation).




AC130     AC131     AC30.1    AC30.2    AC30.3    AC30.4


AOX-ALLOC-NAME       Alpha 12                                    AC30.1  AC30.2
Allocation           Required key. This is the allocation to     AC30.3
                     which this line belongs.

AOX-LINE-NBR         Numeric 6                                   AC30.1  AC30.2
Line Number          Required key. This field contains the       AC30.3
                     line number.

AOX-PT-ACTIVITY      Alpha 15                                    AC130   AC30.1
Post-to Activity     This is the activity to which the           AC30.2  AC30.3
                     allocation is posted.

AOX-PT-ACTIVITY-ND   Numeric 1                                   AC130   AC30.1
Activity Nbr of      This is the number of decimals for the      AC30.2  AC30.3
Decimals             allocation to be posted to the activity.

AOX-ACTIVITY-GRP     Alpha 15                                    AC130   AC30.1
Activity Group       This is the activity group to which the     AC30.2  AC30.3
                     post-to activity belongs.

AOX-PT-ACCT-CAT      Alpha 5                                     AC30.1  AC30.2
Post-to Account      This is the account category to which       AC30.3
Category             the allocation is posted.

AOX-POOL-NAME        Alpha 12                                    AC30.1  AC30.2
Allocation Pool      This is the name of the allocation          AC30.3
                     pool, the collection of amounts or units
                     to be allocated according to the rules
                     on the allocation line.

AOX-PT-POST-OPTION   Alpha 1                                     AC30.1  AC30.2
Post-to Posting      The post-to posting option determines       AC30.3
Option               the kind of detail produced by the

                     C = Consolidate. Create a single
                     transaction for the allocation.

                     P = Pool. Create a separate transaction
                     for each account category, to be posted
                     to the corresponding account category in
                     the post-to activity.

                     D = Detail. Create a separate
                     transaction for each account category
                     and General Ledger account, to be posted
                     to the post-to activity and account

AOX-TRANS-TYPE       Alpha 1                                     AC30.1  AC30.2
Transaction Type     This field identifies the type of           AC30.3
                     values for the transaction. The
                     transaction type is determined by the
                     type of the pool assigned to the
                     allocation line.
                     A = Amount
                     U = Units

AOX-UNIT-MEASURE     Alpha 12                                    AC30.1  AC30.2
Unit Measure                                                     AC30.3

AOX-AUTO-REV         Alpha 1                                     AC30.1  AC30.2
Auto Reversal        When the Auto Reversal field is set to      AC30.3
                     Yes (Y), AC131 (Allocation Update)
                     creates a reversing entry for this
                     transaction in the run following the run
                     that creates the original entry. The
                     default is No.
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

AOX-LAST-PER-ALLOC   Numeric 2                                   AC131
Last Period          This is the period most recently
Allocated            allocated.

AOX-REV-OBJ-ID       Numeric 12
Reversing Object     This field contains identifying
Identifier           information for the creation of an
                     auto-reversing entry.

AOX-PTD-ALLOCATED    Signed 15.2                                 AC131
Period-to-Date       This is the period-to-date allocated
Allocated Amt        amount.

AOX-DESCRIPTION      Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      AC30.1  AC30.2
Transaction          This is the transaction description for     AC30.3
Description          the entries created for the allocation

AOX-PF-ACTIVITY      Alpha 15                                    AC30.1  AC30.2
Post-from Activity   Optional. This the activity to which an     AC30.3
                     offsetting entry is made.

AOX-PF-ACCT-CAT      Alpha 5                                     AC30.1  AC30.2
Post-from Account    Optional. This is the account category      AC30.3
Category             to which an offsetting entry is made.

AOX-ALLOC-PERCENT    Signed 7.4                                  AC131   AC30.1
Allocation Percent   This is the percent of the allocation       AC30.2  AC30.3
                     pool to be allocated to the post-to

AOX-WEIGHT-VAL       Signed 15.2                                 AC130   AC30.1
Weighted Value       This value is used to weight the            AC30.2  AC30.3
                     activity's allocation percent relative
                     to activities on other allocation lines.

AOX-WGT-ACTIVITY     Alpha 15                                    AC30.1
Wgt Activity         This is the activity for the weighting

AOX-FR-ACCT-CAT      Alpha 5                                     AC30.1
From Account         This is the beginning account category
Category             of the account category range for the

AOX-TH-ACCT-CAT      Alpha 5                                     AC30.1
Through Account      This is the ending account category of
Category             the account category range for the

AOX-GROUP            Alpha 15                                    AC30.1
Group                This is the allocation group for the

AOX-ACCT-CAT-CLASS   Alpha 5                                     AC30.1
Account Category     This is the allocation class for the
Class                allocation.

AOX-WGT-TRANS-TYPE   Alpha 1                                     AC30.1  AC30.2
Weighted             This is the transaction type for the        AC30.3
Transaction Type     weighting factor, identifying the type
                     for the transaction: amount or units.
                     A = Amount
                     U = Units

AOX-WGT-BUDGET-NBR   Numeric 3                                   AC30.1  AC30.2
Weighted Budget      This is the budget number for the           AC30.3
Number               weighting factor.

AOX-WGT-CUM-BASIS    Alpha 1                                     AC30.1  AC30.2
Weighted Cumulative  This field indicates the time period        AC30.3
Basis                over which the weighting factor is
                     accumulated: period, year-to-date, or
                     P = Period to Date
                     Y = Year to Date
                     L = Life to Date

AOX-COMPUTE-NAME     Alpha 12                                    AC30.1  AC30.2
Compute Statement    A compute statement is an arithmetic        AC30.3
Name                 equation created in RW50.1 (Compute
                     Statement). The result of the equation
                     is used to determine the amount of the
                     pool to allocate to the post-to

AOX-PARAM-NAME       Alpha 12                                    AC30.1  AC30.2
Param Name                                                       AC30.3

AOX-PT-COMPANY       Numeric 4                                   AC30.1  AC30.2
Post-to Company      Type or select the company number you       AC30.3
                     are allocating to. If you leave this
                     field blank, the post-from company

                     If you select a post-to company and
                     accounting unit, leave the Allocation
                     Code field blank.

AOX-PT-ACCT-UNIT     Alpha 15                                    AC30.1  AC30.2
Post-to Accounting   Type or select the accounting unit you      AC30.3
Unit                 are allocating to.

                     If you select a post-to company and
                     accounting  unit, leave the Allocation
                     Code field  blank.

AOX-PT-ACCOUNT       Numeric 6                                   AC30.1  AC30.2
Post-to Account      Type or select the detail account you       AC30.3
                     are allocating to.

                     If you select an override account range
                     and an error occurs when you run CA110
                     (Allocation Calculation), this account
                     defaults. If this account is invalid,
                     the system uses the company error
                     suspense account.

AOX-PT-SUB-ACCT      Numeric 4                                   AC30.1  AC30.2
Post-to Subaccount   You can type or select the detail           AC30.3
                     subaccount you are allocating to.

                     If you select an override subaccount
                     range and an error occurs when you run
                     CA110 (Allocation Calculation), this
                     subaccount defaults. If this subaccount
                     is invalid, the system uses the company
                     error suspense account.

AOX-PT-LIST          Alpha 12                                    AC30.3
Post-to List         This is the post-to list of activities
                     you are posting the allocation to.

AOX-PF-COMPANY       Numeric 4                                   AC30.1  AC30.2
Post-from Company    Type or select the company you are          AC30.3
                     allocating  from.

                     If you select to override company
                     information, the program overrides this
                     field when determining the allocated

AOX-PF-ACCT-UNIT     Alpha 15                                    AC30.1  AC30.2
From Accounting Unit Type or select the accounting unit you      AC30.3
                     are allocating from.

                     If you select override accounting unit
                     information, the program overrides this
                     field when determining the allocated

AOX-PF-ACCOUNT       Numeric 6                                   AC30.1  AC30.2
Post-from Account    Type or select the detail account you       AC30.3
                     are allocating from.

                     If you select override account
                     information, the program overrides this
                     field when determining the allocated

AOX-PF-SUB-ACCT      Numeric 4                                   AC30.1  AC30.2
Post-from Subaccount You can type or select a detail             AC30.3
                     subaccount you are allocating from.

                     If you select override subaccounts or a
                     subaccount group, the program overrides
                     this subaccount when determining the
                     allocated amount.

AOX-POOL-LIST        Alpha 1                                     AC30.3
Pool List            This is the list of pools you are
                     allocating from.

                         ACALLOCX FILE INDEX


AOXSET1   ALLOC-NAME                                             AC130   AC131
          LINE-NBR                                               AC230   AC30.1
                                                                 AC30.2  AC30.3

                         ACALLOCX FILE RELATIONS



Acacctcat      ACACCTCAT    Not Required

                            AOX-PT-ACCT-CAT       -> AAX-ACCT-CATEGORY

Acacctcat Pf   ACACCTCAT    Not Required

                            AOX-PF-ACCT-CAT       -> AAX-ACCT-CATEGORY

Acacctclss     ACACCTCLSS   Not Required

                            AOX-ACCT-CAT-CLASS    -> AXA-ACCT-CAT-CLASS

Acactgrp       ACACTGRP     Not Required

                            AOX-ACTIVITY-GRP      -> AGP-ACTIVITY-GRP

Acactivity     ACACTIVITY   Required

                            AOX-PT-ACTIVITY       -> ACV-ACTIVITY

Acactivity Pf  ACACTIVITY   Not Required

                            AOX-PF-ACTIVITY       -> ACV-ACTIVITY

Acalloc        ACALLOC      Required

                            AOX-ALLOC-NAME        -> AOC-ALLOC-NAME

Accmpparam     ACCMPPARAM   Required

                            AOX-PARAM-NAME        -> CPM-PARAM-NAME

Acpoolhdr      ACPOOLHDR    Required

                            AOX-POOL-NAME         -> POL-POOL-NAME

Cmpute         CMPUTE       Required

                            AOX-COMPUTE-NAME      -> CMP-COMPUTE-NAME