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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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                            WHSHIPMENT FILE


The Shipment file carries a record for every shipment created for every


BL80.1    WH225     WH140     WH131     POIF.1


RQ300     WH126     WH130     WH224     WH33.5    WH33.7
WH33.1    WH33.2    WH33.3    WH33.4    WH33.6    WH33.8
WH33.9    WH34.1    WH34.2    WH34.3    WH34.4


WHS-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   WH130   WH33.5
Company              This field contains the company number.     WH34.1  WH34.2
                                                                 WH34.3  WH34.4

WHS-SYSTEM-CD        Alpha 2                                     WH130   WH33.5
System Code          This field indicates on which Lawson        WH34.1  WH34.2
                     system the document originated.             WH34.3  WH34.4
                     OE = Customer Order
                     RQ = Requisitions
                     CX = Case Cart

WHS-DOC-NBR          Alpha 10  (Right Justified)                 WH130   WH33.5
Doc Nbr              This field contains the document number     WH34.1  WH34.2
                     within the shipment.                        WH34.3  WH34.4

WHS-SHIPMENT-NBR     Numeric 10                                  WH130   WH33.5
Shipment Number      This field contains the shipment            WH34.1  WH34.2
                     number. One document can have several       WH34.3  WH34.4
                     shipment numbers if the items were not
                     shipped at the same time.

WHS-DOC-TYPE         Alpha 2
Document Type        This field contains the type of
                     document.  For warehouse purposes, this
                     is the shipping document.
                     SH = Shipment

WHS-CUST-SHIP-TO     Numeric 4                                   WH130   WH33.5
Customer Ship-To     This field contains the ship-to             WH34.1  WH34.2
Number               customer number.                            WH34.3  WH34.4

WHS-REQ-LOCATION     Alpha 5                                     WH130   WH33.5
Requesting Location  This field contains the requesting          WH34.1  WH34.2
                     location.  This location can be an          WH34.3  WH34.4
                     inventory or nonstock location.

WHS-DESTINATION      Alpha 15                                    WH130   WH33.5
Destination          This field represents the destination       WH34.1  WH34.2
                     to which shipments are being sent.          WH34.3  WH34.4

WHS-PROCESS-LEVEL    Alpha 5                                     WH130   WH33.5
Process Level        This field contains the process level       WH34.1  WH34.2
                     assigned to the document.                   WH34.3  WH34.4

WHS-LOCATION         Alpha 5                                     WH130   WH33.5
Location Code        This field contains a valid stock           WH34.1  WH34.2
                     location within the company inventory.      WH34.3  WH34.4

WHS-BATCH-NBR        Numeric 6                                   WH130   WH33.5
Batch Number         This identifies the batch number            WH34.1  WH34.2
                     assigned to the shipment when you ran       WH34.3  WH34.4
                     WH130 (Pick List Print).

WHS-STATUS           Numeric 1                                   WH130   WH33.5
Status               This field contains the status of the       WH34.1  WH34.2
                     shipment.                                   WH34.3  WH34.4
                     0 = Printed
                     1 = Picked
                     2 = Packed
                     3 = Shipped
                     4 = Released
                     5 = Closed

WHS-OPR-CODE         Alpha 10  (Lower Case)                      WH130   WH33.5
Operator Code        This field contains the operator code       WH34.1  WH34.2
                     or the user ID of the person who last       WH34.3  WH34.4
                     updated this record.

WHS-PICKING-REQ      Alpha 1                                     WH130   WH33.5
Picking Required     This field indicates whether or not         WH34.1  WH34.2
                     picking feedback is required based on       WH34.3  WH34.4
                     the process type.
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

WHS-PACKING-REQ      Alpha 1                                     WH130   WH33.5
Packing Required     This field indicates whether or not         WH34.1  WH34.2
                     packing feedback is required based on       WH34.3  WH34.4
                     the process type.
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

WHS-PRINT-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       WH130   WH33.5
Print Date           This field contains the date when the       WH34.1  WH34.2
                     pick list was printed.                      WH34.3  WH34.4

WHS-PICK-DATE        Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       WH130   WH33.5
Pick Date            This field contains the date that           WH34.1  WH34.2
                     picking feedback was performed.  The        WH34.3  WH34.4
                     system date defaults.

WHS-PACK-DATE        Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       WH130   WH33.5
Pack Date            This field contains the pack date.  The     WH34.1  WH34.2
                     system date defaults but can be             WH34.3  WH34.4
                     overridden if you are using the WH20
                     form series.

WHS-SHIP-DATE        Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       WH130   WH33.5
Ship Date            This field contains the ship date.  If      WH34.1  WH34.2
                     left blank, the system date defaults.       WH34.3  WH34.4

WHS-GL-DATE          Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       WH130   WH33.5
General Ledger Date  This field contains the general ledger      WH34.1  WH34.2
                     posting date.                               WH34.3  WH34.4

WHS-EST-DEL-DATE     Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       WH130   WH33.5
Expected Ship Date   This field contains the expected ship       WH34.1  WH34.2
                     date.  If you leave the field blank and     WH34.3  WH34.4
                     no ship days are defined on the
                     document's process level, the document
                     date defaults.  If ship days exist on
                     the process level, ship days are added
                     to the document date to calculate the
                     expected ship date.

WHS-VENDOR           Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                  WH130   WH33.5
Vendor ID            The vendor's identification code.           WH34.1  WH34.2
                                                                 WH34.3  WH34.4

WHS-PO-FLAG          Alpha 1
PO Flag              This field indicates whether or not
                     shipment lines that create purchase
                     orders are based on purchase order
                     Y = Based on PO Receipt
                     N = Not Related to PO

WHS-ROUTE            Numeric 4                                   WH130   WH33.5
Route                This field contains the route number.       WH34.1  WH34.2
                     The route assigned to the ship-to           WH34.3  WH34.4
                     customer defaults from the Route file.

WHS-STOP             Numeric 4                                   WH130   WH33.5
Stop                 This field contains the stop within the     WH34.1  WH34.2
                     route.  If left blank, the stop             WH34.3  WH34.4
                     associated with the ship-to customer
                     defaults from the Route file.

WHS-BOL-NBR          Alpha 22                                    WH130   WH33.5
Bill of Lading       This field contains the Bill of Lading      WH34.1  WH34.2
Number               number for the shipment.                    WH34.3  WH34.4

WHS-CARRIER          Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                  BL80.1  WH130
Carrier Number       This field contains the carrier             WH33.5  WH34.1
                     number.  The carrier must be valid in       WH34.2  WH34.3
                     the Lawson Accounts Payable system.         WH34.4

WHS-METHOD           Alpha 10                                    BL80.1  WH130
Method Code          This field contains the shipping method     WH33.5  WH34.1
                     that you defined using WH11.1 (Shipping     WH34.2  WH34.3
                     Method).                                    WH34.4

WHS-TRANS-ID         Alpha 20                                    BL80.1  WH130
Transportation ID    This field contains the transportation      WH33.5  WH34.1
                     identification, which prints on the         WH34.2  WH34.3
                     invoice and Bill of Lading.                 WH34.4

WHS-FREIGHT-CODE     Alpha 2                                     WH130   WH33.5
Freight Code         This field contains the freight code.       WH34.1  WH34.2
                     This must be valid in the Order Entry       WH34.3  WH34.4
                     Freight Code file.  This determines
                     whether carrier and charge are allowed
                     for the shipment.

WHS-FREIGHT-REQ      Alpha 1                                     WH130   WH33.5
Freight Required     This field indicates whether or not         WH34.1  WH34.2
                     freight charges are required on this        WH34.3  WH34.4
                     shipment.  Freight codes are defined in
                     the Lawson Billing system.

WHS-FRT-CHG-CURR     Signed 15.2                                 WH130   WH33.5
Freight Charge       This field contains the freight charge      WH33.7  WH34.1
Currency             amount in billing currency.                 WH34.2  WH34.3

WHS-CARTONS          Numeric 6                                   WH130   WH33.5
Number of Cartons    This field contains the total number of     WH34.1  WH34.2
                     cartons in the shipment.                    WH34.3  WH34.4

WHS-CUBIC-FEET       Signed 9.3                                  WH130   WH33.5
Cubic Feet           This field contains the total of all        WH34.1  WH34.2
                     the shipment line's calculated cubic        WH34.3  WH34.4
                     measurements based on the item master
                     stock cubic values.

WHS-CUBIC-ADJ        Signed 9.3
Cubic Adj            This field contains a shipment level
                     adjustment to the total of all the
                     shipment line's calculated cubic

WHS-CUBIC-TOTAL      Signed 9.3
Cubic Total          This field contains the shipment's
                     total cubic measurement which is the sum
                     of the shipment line's calculated totals
                     and the shipment level adjustment.

WHS-WEIGHT           Signed 9.3                                  WH130   WH33.5
Unit Weight          This field contains the total of all        WH34.1  WH34.2
                     the shipment line's calculated weight       WH34.3  WH34.4
                     based on the item master stock weight

WHS-WEIGHT-ADJ       Signed 9.3
Weight Adj           This field contains a shipment level
                     adjustment to the total of all the
                     shipment line's calculated weight.

WHS-WEIGHT-TOTAL     Signed 9.3
Weight Total         This field contains the shipment's
                     total weight which is the sum of the
                     shipment line's calculated totals and
                     the shipment level adjustment.

WHS-PACK-LIST-FL     Alpha 1                                     WH130   WH224
Pack List Flag       This field indicates if the packing         WH33.5  WH34.1
                     list has been printed.                      WH34.2  WH34.3
                     Y = Yes                                     WH34.4
                     N = No

WHS-POD-PRT-FL       Alpha 1                                     WH126   WH130
POD Print Flag       This field represents the Proof of          WH33.5  WH34.1
                     Delivery (POD) Print flag.  WH126 (POD      WH34.2  WH34.3
                     Print) sets this flag to Yes after          WH34.4
                     printing a POD.
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

WHS-POD-RETRN-DT     Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       WH130   WH33.5
POD Return Date      This field contains the date the Proof      WH34.1  WH34.2
                     of Delivery (POD) form is returned with     WH34.3  WH34.4
                     an acknowledgment.

WHS-INVC-PREFIX      Alpha 2                                     WH130   WH33.5
Invoice Prefix       This field contains the invoice prefix      WH34.1  WH34.2
                     that is assigned from either the billing    WH34.3  WH34.4
                     company or process level, depending on
                     the invoice-level option chosen.

WHS-INVC-NUMBER      Numeric 8                                   WH130   WH33.5
Invoice Number       This field contains the invoice number      WH34.1  WH34.2
                     assigned by the system.                     WH34.3  WH34.4

WHS-REQ-COMPANY      Numeric 4
Req Company          This field contains the requesting

WHS-DOC-NBR-NUM      Numeric 10
Doc Nbr Num          This field contains the numeric version
                     of the document number.

WHS-ORIGIN           Derived
Origin               This literal helps to indicate in which
                     Lawson system the document originated.

WHS-DAYS-LATE        Derived
Days Late            This field contains the number of days
                     after the requested date that you sent a

Days Late Condition  This flag helps to indicate whether or
                     not a shipment was late.

Days Late Counter    This flag will be either zero or one,
                     indicating if the shipment was late or

WHS-LAST-DATE        Derived
Last Activity Date   This field contains the last activity
                     date for the shipment.  In other words,
                     when the last activity such as picking
                     or packing feedback was performed.

Ready To Status      This field indicates the shipment
                     status the shipment is about to go to,
                     based on the process type.

Ready To Literal     This literal is used to help display
                     the status a shipment is about to go to.

WHS-INTRASTAT-NBR    Numeric 12                                  WH130   WH33.5
Intrastat Nbr        The number assigned by the Intrastat        WH34.1  WH34.2
                     system to a transaction that involves       WH34.3  WH34.4
                     Intrastat reporting after it has been

WHS-FOB-CODE         Alpha 3                                     WH130   WH33.5
Shipping Term Code   The user defined Free On Board Code.        WH34.1  WH34.2
                                                                 WH34.3  WH34.4

WHS-PORT-CD          Alpha 5                                     WH130   WH33.5
Port Cd              The Intrastat port code.  Must be           WH34.1  WH34.2
                     define                                      WH34.3  WH34.4
                     in IN04.1 (Port Maintenance)

WHS-NOTC             Alpha 2                                     WH130   WH33.5
Notc                 The Nature of Transaction code.  Must       WH34.1  WH34.2
                     be a valid code defined in IN07.1 (NOTC     WH34.3  WH34.4

WHS-STAT-PROC        Alpha 6                                     WH130   WH33.5
Stat Proc            The statistical procedure code applied      WH34.1  WH34.2
                     to the data.  The code must be defined      WH34.3  WH34.4
                     in IN06.1. (Statistical Procedure

WHS-VAT-REG-NBR      Alpha 12                                    WH130   WH33.5
Vat Reg Nbr          The number component of the VAT             WH34.1  WH34.2
                     Registration Number. This field together    WH34.3  WH34.4
                     with the Registration Country field make
                     up the VAT Registration Number.

                         WHSHIPMENT FILE INDEX


WHSSET1   COMPANY       Primary index used for accessing and     BL80.1  WH126
          LOCATION      updating the table.                      WH130   WH224
          SHIPMENT-NBR                                           WH225   WH33.1
                                                                 WH33.2  WH33.3
                                                                 WH33.4  WH33.5
                                                                 WH33.6  WH33.7
                                                                 WH33.8  WH33.9
                                                                 WH34.1  WH34.2
                                                                 WH34.3  WH34.4

WHSSET2   COMPANY       Used to find shipments for Bills of      WH140
          LOCATION      Lading.
          BOL-NBR       KeyChange, Subset
          SHIPMENT-NBR  Where (BOL-NBR != Spaces )

WHSSET3   COMPANY       Used to find all the shipments for a
          LOCATION      specific carrier.
          CARRIER       KeyChange

WHSSET4   COMPANY       Used to find shipments that are shipped
          LOCATION      but not released.
          BATCH-NBR     Subset
          SHIPMENT-NBR  Where (STATUS = 3 )

WHSSET5   COMPANY       Used to find batch sequence numbers.     WH130   WH131

WHSSET6   COMPANY       Used to find shipments that are shipped
          LOCATION      but not invoiced.
          DOC-NBR       Subset
          SHIPMENT-NBR  Where (SYSTEM-CD = "OE" )
                        And   (STATUS    = 4 )

WHSSET7   COMPANY       Used to find the originating system.     POIF.1  RQ300
          SYSTEM-CD                                              WH130   WH33.1
          DOC-NBR                                                WH33.2  WH33.3
          SHIPMENT-NBR                                           WH33.4  WH33.5
          LOCATION                                               WH33.6  WH33.7
                                                                 WH33.8  WH33.9
                                                                 WH34.1  WH34.2
                                                                 WH34.3  WH34.4


WHSSET9   COMPANY       This index was created as a solution to  WH130   WH33.5
          SHIPMENT-NBR  the Find Next/Prev Flag error. It is     WH34.1  WH34.2
          LOCATION      only used where a modify must be done    WH34.3  WH34.4
                        within a 850-FIND-NLT or 850-FIND-BEGRNG

                         WHSHIPMENT FILE RELATIONS



Apcompany      APCOMPANY    Required
                            When WHS-CARRIER != Spaces

                            WHS-COMPANY         -> CPY-COMPANY

Apvenmast      APVENMAST    Required
                            When WHS-CARRIER != Spaces

                            CPY-VENDOR-GROUP    -> VEN-VENDOR-GROUP
                            WHS-CARRIER         -> VEN-VENDOR

Caseheader     CXCASEHEAD   Required
                            When WHS-SYSTEM-CD = "CX"

                            WHS-COMPANY         -> CXH-COMPANY
                            WHS-REQ-LOCATION    -> CXH-REQ-LOCATION
                            WHS-DOC-NBR         -> CXH-CASE

Custorder      CUSTORDER    Required
                            When WHS-SYSTEM-CD = "OE"

                            WHS-COMPANY         -> COR-COMPANY
                            WDH-DOC-NBR-NUM     -> COR-ORDER-NBR

Iccompany      ICCOMPANY    Required

                            WHS-COMPANY         -> ICC-COMPANY

Iclocation     ICLOCATION   Required

                            WHS-COMPANY         -> ICL-COMPANY
                            WHS-LOCATION        -> ICL-LOCATION

Oemethod       OEMETHOD     Not Required
                            Valid When WHS-METHOD != Spaces

                            WHS-COMPANY         -> OMT-COMPANY
                            WHS-METHOD          -> OMT-METHOD

Reqheader      REQHEADER    Required
                            When WHS-SYSTEM-CD = "RQ"

                            WHS-REQ-COMPANY     -> RQH-COMPANY
                            WDH-DOC-NBR-NUM     -> RQH-REQ-NUMBER

Shipto         SHIPTO       Not Required

                            WHS-COMPANY         -> SHP-COMPANY
                            COR-CUSTOMER        -> SHP-CUSTOMER
                            WHS-CUST-SHIP-TO    -> SHP-SHIP-TO

Whdemndhdr     WHDEMNDHDR   Required

                            WHS-COMPANY         -> WDH-COMPANY
                            WHS-SYSTEM-CD       -> WDH-SYSTEM-CD
                            WHS-DOC-NBR         -> WDH-DOC-NBR

Whwhsuf        WHWHSUF      Not Required

                            WHS-COMPANY         -> WSU-COMPANY
                            WHS-LOCATION        -> WSU-LOCATION
                            WHS-SHIPMENT-NBR    -> WSU-SHIPMENT-NBR

                         WHSHIPMENT FILE RELATIONS



No Details     WHSHIPLINE

                            WHS-COMPANY         -> WHL-COMPANY
                            WHS-LOCATION        -> WHL-LOCATION
                            WHS-SHIPMENT-NBR    -> WHL-SHIPMENT-NBR

Shipline       WHSHIPLINE

                            WHS-COMPANY         -> WHL-COMPANY
                            WHS-LOCATION        -> WHL-LOCATION
                            WHS-SHIPMENT-NBR    -> WHL-SHIPMENT-NBR

Shiplnedtl     WHSHLDTL

                            WHS-COMPANY         -> WHD-COMPANY
                            WHS-LOCATION        -> WHD-LOCATION
                            WHS-SHIPMENT-NBR    -> WHD-SHIPMENT-NBR