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PR196 - Period Closing

Run Period Closing (PR196) after all transactions have been posted to close a
payroll period in General Ledger and update the period and year in GL System
Control (GL01).  PR196 is required if GL01 Closing Control is used for the PR
system.  Once a period is closed by PR196, PR197 will not allow posting to
that period.

PR197 does not check for unposted GL transactions. Before you run PR197, be
sure all payrolls are closed and that General Ledger Posting (PR198) has been
run for the period.  Once the period is closed, transactions cannot be posted
in GL for this period.

In addition, PR196 does not check cycle flags to check whether all other cycle
programs are complete.  Ensure that all other cycle programs (i.e. PR198) have
completed successfully before running PR196.

Process at a Glance:
Here is the business process flow for clients wishing to use system control to
edit valid G/L dates for posting of PR GL transactions:

1. Set up system control on GL01 for the PR system code. Set Control to Yes;
and establish the current valid entry dates against which PR197 should edit.
These dates should correspond to an open GL period.  Enter the number of Open
Periods if the valid entry dates should be advanced when the PR period close
program is run.  This is optional, but recommended.

2. Run payroll cycle programs (PR140, PR197).  PR197 will now edit to ensure
the GL dates on PR197 fall within the valid entry date range on GL01 for the
PR system code.

3. Run PR198 at the end of the period to post GL transactions created by

4. After all PR transactions have been posted for the period (PR198), run the
payroll period close program (PR196) to close the period in GL and advance the
valid entry dates, if Open Periods was specified on GL01.

Updated Files

    ADDRDATA   -

    CKPOINT    -

    GLCODES    -

Referenced Files


    GLCHART    -

    GLSYSTEM   -


    PRSYSTEM   -

INVOKED Programs
