AP out of balance due to data error.

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    Our AP has been out of balance with GL since 2013. I was able to identify old invoices back from 2013 that are matched , paid and journalized however they are not being picked up by AP reconciliation report. The problem is caused by mismatch between APINVOICE and APDISTRIB table.
    OBJ_id in AP Invoice table does not equal to api_obj_id in APDISTRIBUTION. All other tables ( match, gl etc) are correct ( they match Ap distribution table). I am assuming user somehow was able to delete invoice header but line items remained in apdistrib ( or data was manipulated via sql). New invoice ( without associated line items have been matched to PO, paid, and journalized.) I would like to correct this error with a script but I don't think there is a way to change obj_id to match to ap_obj_id . I am new to oracle but remember that in SQL there was an option to set identity column on and off.
    Has anyone ever experience this issue? What was the resolution? Do you have any suggestion on how to fix that via script?
    I was thinking about deleting invoice lines in ap distribution and enter new lines via application and flag them as posted without journalzing.
    Of course I am going to have issues with primary keys in the rest of the tables.
    Another idea is to set base amount to 0 in AP distribution. This way invoice will be in balance. I am not able to test any of this scenarios because our hosting company and IT department does not want to give full rights to the test database ( company policy, etc).
    I would appreciate any comments and suggestions. I am sure someone had to experience similar issue in the past.

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      We used quick paint to change the API_OBJ_ID in the APDistrib table to match the OBJ_ID in APInvoice.
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        Thank you very much for your help. I was finally granted access to quick pain, corrected the api_obj_id in apdistrib table and it work like a charm.