add one-time vendor

Russell Spreeman
Veteran Member
Posts: 61
Veteran Member
    We have a person who keys in patient refunds to our Lawson system. She needs to be able to create one-time vendors for this (as the patient becomes a vendor). However we don't want the person to have the ability to go into the Vendor screens and just add new vendors. Is there a way to allow for adding one-time vendors only? We are on Applications v and LAUA security at this point.
    Basic Member
    Posts: 13
    Basic Member
      There was a process improvement for patient refunds. You should consider using the CB module for processing patient refunds. This allows for one vendor number and more importantly duplicate invoice checking. Look into CBPMTLOAD and you can avoid having to key, set up security and change it once you move to Lawson security. Check out screens CB54 and CB55 (which is where CBPMTLOAD goes).
      Russell Spreeman
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 61
      Veteran Member
        Thanks very much - I'll check that out. I don't think we'll be moving to Lawson security (it's complicated) but this might still be helpful.
        Basic Member
        Posts: 13
        Basic Member
          Can still do that process with LAUA....To answer your original question; you could create a vendor group for patient refunds and restrict security to that.

          The problem you might run into is that whatever you use as a unique invoice number will not be checked for duplicates as every refund would be to a unique one-time vendor.